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Everything posted by Adee

  1. I sing on about 50% of our songs with all 4 members contributing to backing vocals We always try and reproduce the harmonies on each cover song. Great fun, but can be a bit like rubbing your tummy and patting your head !
  2. I'd expect to pay around £350 for a used 210HF I got a used 410HF for £450 Ade
  3. All appear to be metal boxed, probably plastic though in an Electro Harmonix stylee Amazing prices might just give the Vintage Tube OD a try ! VINTAGE TUBE OVERDRIVE - £33 VINTAGE TUBE MONSTER - £45 VINTAGE DISTORTION - £23 Still not sure how they get away with it !
  4. Also check out [url="http://www.bluearan.co.uk"]BLUE ARAN[/url] they often have some good deals
  5. Why bother buying a new 'Duff' model when you can get a real deal 80's Jazz Special for about £300 ! even better stick a pair of Seymour Duncan 1/4lbr's in and you've got a cracking bass ! I'm sure Zoe will tell you about her's
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  7. Get the Bass Trainer ! Very useful for practice and learning new songs Look in for sale there is one for £30 ! GET IT ! !
  8. Yip doing much the same Got a support band doing 9.30 til 10 and the we'll play 10.30 till Midnight !
  9. [quote name='andy67' post='74686' date='Oct 15 2007, 05:40 PM']ditto.... I put it up here in order to a, stop me wanting to buy and b buying it!!!! its like a fix! and I'm craving it!![/quote] You've got one don't be GREEDY !
  10. Yep I'd bet that someone has offered him something like £350 cash possibly collected within the last 24hrs Similar thing happend to me once. Request his address and you'll probably get his phone number too ! I'd make the little winker squirm for as long as you can
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  12. Adee

    behringer bdi 21

    They pop up now and again for about £10-15 used I've done a side by side with the Behringer and a MXR M-80 and thought it stood the test very well ! Still got both
  13. [quote name='cetera' post='69113' date='Oct 3 2007, 04:03 PM']it could increase demand for the originals? Thoughts?[/quote] I think the latter Gary, the old originals ones are always going to sought after especially with the new ones costing £700 ! The new Duff Sig model dosent even have Seymour Duncans fitted
  14. Don't bother with the AKG Bug system it is Poo Very flimsy all plastic construction and not that good with range or quality. I've now got an Audio Technica 1400 series system that is superb You get what you pay for in this case, try and buy a good used system.
  15. Adee

    Which cab?

    Deffo look at the Markbass 102HF i've got the 4x10" version and it superb, but big the 2x10" will suit most fo your needs in a fairly light weight package
  16. Just received my replacement Hipshot Ric Bridge and it is superb I never liked the original Ric bridge, I play with a pick and you can't palm mute, it alway felt a bit 'wooly' to play especially acoustically, the intonation was horrible, the action was ish ! The Hipshot (I've got the Aluminium one) is superb, its a direct fit, Intonation is spot on, action is actually lower as you can adjust each string, sustain and feel is solid as a rock All in all its expensive, but well worth it Anyone else got one or pondering getting one ?
  17. Got the all Black version of this bass with a Black Badass II and Seymour Duncan 1/4'lbrs it is amazing ! Sound and playbility is spot on.
  18. Right ! Try - [url="http://www.ricsrus.com/"]RICS'R'US[/url] Know known as Rickysounds. They have spares and good advice Heres what your looking for - [url="http://www.ricsrus.com/ricky%20fittings.html"]NUTS ![/url] Good luck !
  19. Try one of your nearest Sound Controls they seem to stock a lot of Schecter Basses
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