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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. Would normally have a proper PA these days if a vocal PA would not cover it. You could add a sub to bump up the kick and your regular amps will suffice for a party of 300. Don't forget your earplugs. You don't need hifi most of the time. A racket is what most people want. A drummer blazing away with a healthy right foot is freakin' loud in any enclosed space you would call a bar with a band as opposed to an entertainment venue with a bar. By the time you add vocals over that, and some bass and guitars that are not determined to be the loudest thing by 10dB, you are not short of volume. Fidelity not great, but to get into the hifi realm you need the drummer to wind it all right back and everyone to play weenie amps on stands pointed at their own heads, all mic'd up, or go IEM. It only takes one deaf prick needing to play loud on stage to cascade into bedlam. Or a drummer that can't do 'energetic' without smashing stuff. Where is your mileage at?
  2. You might want to try picking up a V4 before getting too invested in that idea.
  3. Looks like a chick on the bass in the vid, named Hagar????
  4. And here's me with pedal board top down illumination so my lousy night vision can make out what the hell is going on down there.
  5. There is something that does exactly what you ask. Sorry I can't recall the name. On a different tack. The sfx Red Dragon pretty much leaves your lows alone while doing a nice overdrive. You might have to make a special order as almost nobody ever sells theirs. Beats me why it got discontinued. There's demos on youtube.
  6. It's why if you look up the phone book for an electrician you won't find any named Murphy.
  7. I'd be very surprised if you haven't just volunteered and been appointed convenor of your very own bass bash. Have at it. They usually get arranged several months ahead by my casual observation.
  8. 15's have such poor dispersion characteristics. Not nearly as bad as 410 in a square box, with the glorious exception of Barefaced 410 etc.
  9. I think you may have over interpreted "manhandled"
  10. No need to get burned again. Fix the faulty wiring for starters then do the homework on the actual battery state that could let you down. And then you can stop buying the cheapo batteries for each gig.
  11. Start with it at minimum every time until you learn where it needs to be. Then start with it at the minimum every time because if it ever accidentally got bumped up to 20v in transit it's going to do damage.
  12. A hum that goes away when you ground the bass sounds like the first pedal and the basses have different grounds. No ground on your basses?
  13. If you had lead with that you would have saved the man thinking a sale was happening right until the end!
  14. Hell wasteful to be junking barely used batteries like that, or do you use rechargeable ones? The hungriest active I had would do a dozen gigs on a battery. That hungry bass gave up with juice left and the other could keep that battery for months. I am sure you could save a packet and whole lot of waste if you put in some research on what volts it really needs to maintain sound. I got a 4 pack of cheapie 3v buttons for scales. Expensive enough. Checked the 1st one. 2.5 v out of the packet. No more of those!
  15. Two stories from the stables of AgedHorse come to mind that bury class distinction. When he was a more junior engineer he got fired for fooling all the audiophiles that they were blind auditioning a bunch of amps when it was the same amp the whole time. Later he was involved in developing the GenzBenz class D lined up to replace the class A/B. Iirc it was the same old preamp with both amp sections. Nobody could tell which was which no matter how hard they tried. Some amps have more heft than others but it's not the class of the amp doing the hefting.
  16. Examples of hot XLR outs I am aware of: Quilter bass amps The Polish ones I can't remember the name of off the top of my head. The GK combos with self powered extension cabs.
  17. Yeah, but how hot is your DI output? Not many are anything like Line Out which is meant to drive another power amp.
  18. Hopefully it works out. XLR is not all same thing. The 'DI' is labeled as line out which is way far hotter than a mic. The interface unit is expecting a mic so I wouldn't be surprised if it is distorted to hell.
  19. A handy trick with 900w Streamliners is to wire up your cabs to get a 16ohm load. Then you can push it and get the full output sag overdrive thing that was painstakingly engineered in without blowing anything up, including the patrons' hearing.
  20. TB has a photo of the back of the prototype. No pre / post on the LINE XLR out. I guess it will still be hell hot for the average mixer. Needs a pad as well as the pre / post.
  21. I do wonder if my Trace would sound better for adding some damping. It sure would suffer for the extra pounds when I can only just hoist it as it sits.
  22. Even you would give a pass to a HPF equipped preamp. Nobody called me a guitard for having a raft of pedals as it made things more interesting, mostly in a good way too I will have you know!
  23. Some Markbass 112 combo with matching 112 extension cab. Not strictly a "rehearsal room" as it was a rehearsal in a room that had a bunch of theatre seating. I'd say it gets used far more for rehearsals by the poyltech music dept than concerts, so I am claiming it.
  24. Throw a blanket over it. If that's not enough throw two blankets over it.
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