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Everything posted by Munurmunuh

  1. All trace of it was deleted from their website a few months ago, so surely you're right. All a bit odd.
  2. The distribution was bizarre, I think Canada got as many as the US
  3. I think I remember reading 370-ish, but that could easily just have been a bs number that TB turned into a known fact. I still can't get over how few there were, how soon it was all over. Seems scarcely worth his while.
  4. The usual YouTube rabbit hole led me from that to this, which you really do need in your life, no kidding
  5. I can't remember the details now but I was watching at that stage – was it that the Peavey was used on the recording of certain tracks and the Thunderbird wasn't? I noticed that the Blue Monday commemorative anvil went for more than the main BB1200. People are weird, and have money.
  6. There's a PJ BBvii and a two humbucker(?) BBvii-A
  7. Do the medium scale versions eg BB-VIs want mentioning?
  8. The non-BBPH's Reverse P is a custom DIY reversal and placement done by @Maude .....
  9. Nice little difference between the placings of the two Reverse Ps The more neckward one has a bridge pickup to balance it. Perfect
  10. Something that cost less than 15 grand plus 28%?
  11. LOTS of enthusiasm on this thread: https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/324061-the-peavey-zodiac-bxp-an-overlooked-classic-hbd-pending/
  12. 60% of Andertons price, not that they've any stock 👌 Worth pointing out that the CLF models have a slightly slimmer neck profile than is usual for their USA models (if you notice that kind of thing)
  13. I've lost count of the number of times I've seen you speaking scornfully or dismissively about what people choose to find interesting or enjoyable. I appreciate that forums are generally populated by men beyond our first wave of youthful enthusiasm, but seeing regal disdain for choices of topics of discussion from a mod has been a first for me.
  14. I recently walked 4 miles with my bass on my back on have the action lowered 0.3mm, and my arthritis thought the difference vast.
  15. Why the incessant compulsion to micturate on what other people choose to discuss?
  16. I apologise for polluting your forum with content, constable. I'll be on my way.
  17. What a fantastically clear explanation, thank you very much. You definitely deserve to see where that was screengrabbed from. He explains the layers of EQ from 0'45" to 3'00"
  18. I feel reassured by this: Q. When it comes to guitar soloing, do you have a music theory element? CHRIS POLAND: No, I have no idea what I'm playing. [Laughs] Not a clue. My fingers seem to have started the process of learning to move instinctively to where the wanted note is. Which is how we sing: we hear where we need to be and a bunch of muscles we've only very vague control over take our voices there. So it feels like some crossroads: learn the notes, and play the bass like playing the piano, the eyes reading the pitch, and the fingers converting that info? Or skip bothering to acquire that layer of consciousness, and just let the fingers follow the ears? The first is probably a lot more useful, but the second sounds a lot more fun.
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