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Everything posted by Munurmunuh

  1. Someone else added this: "I played it a lot last week. Yea, something is definitely up with the pickguard, and the tone pot does not work. It also has a poorly repaired ding on the lower bout visible from the back. It's definitely had some knocks, but I will tell you that bass plays brilliantly. Every note on the neck rings true and clear, the action is perfect, no weird resonances, and despite the defunct tone pot, it sounds great! I own a new BBP34 and I think this bass plays just as good, if not better."
  2. I've been using that exact thing to calculate whether or not to mark the first anniversary of my joining BC by purchasing a superfluous Supporting Membership.
  3. I felt the need to check I knew how to do a Parallel / Coil split / OMG switch too and now I can see for myself just how easy turning the OMG into a regular series is, ditto the K mod that adds a single coil option.
  4. Nice little rotary switch where the pickup selector is, no? 😁
  5. I was just so embarrassed with myself for not knowing how a pickup selector switch actually works, I had to work it out 😳
  6. Working out how you wire a three pickup selector and a series/parallel switch, on the other hand, took me so 🤐 long, that by the end I wasn't satisfied, just relieved that the mortification at not being able to fathom it out was finally over 🥵
  7. Having listened to far too many L2000 demos, I've decided that on my nonexistent L2000 I only want each pickup available either in series or inner single coil. Just 4 sounds. But I bet the two inners in series would be worthwhile. So 5 sounds. Since I like my daydreams to be realistic, I've just worked out how to wire a 5-way selector to give Bridge in series / Bridge inner / inners in series / Neck inner / Neck in series. Which was very satisfying. Wouldn't know what to do with the other two switches though....
  8. Look at 0'40" for a very, er, fluent bit of neck dive
  9. I know it makes no sense, but the mispositioning of the tone knob on the home-made pg makes me nervous
  10. Online, I bought a multieffects unit from them. It was dead on arrival. Their online customer service moves very slowly, so I returned it in person and zero attempt was made to exchange rather than refund.
  11. It's on sale in the US, and was brought up on TB's BB thread. It looked like an educational moment, so I came in search of education
  12. Searching for that model suggests that the body has been refinished too. The funny angle the pickup is at makes me wonder what is under that terrible pg. The engraved bridge is correct though – which other models had that? An old Reverb ad for this actual instrument: BB800
  13. Is the pg the only thing wrong with this BB800 Another 800, for comparison
  14. Was it Rob Ellis or Steve Vaughan who attempted to leave PJ Harvey during the Rid Of Me tour and discovered that wasn't happening?
  15. Do you mean to say that if I acquire a Stingray, then my rendition of bassline on this.... ....will not equal Bernard Edwards? Oh. Balls. Well, that saves me some money, I suppose
  16. Would it be possible to take a humbucker, say an MFD from a G&L L-2000, take it apart, separate the two coils and then fit them in a pair of large single coil shells?
  17. Do you have an opinion on how the Bartolini Singularity compares in style to them?
  18. The satisfaction of performing well and making an audience happy is indelible, a song you don't like is over in 4 minutes
  19. That 2 band one currently on sale here is persecuting my imagination too, especially at that price. Good luck!
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