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Everything posted by Munurmunuh

  1. Here's another James Brown one for you @Maude
  2. Dead Or Alive / Nirvana, I'm genuinely fond of this
  3. You know how, after a show, amateur players love to tell the performers what they ought to be doing?
  4. I don't know if I've merely gone too far the other way, but I had a go at deyellowing
  5. Having figured that out, I enjoyed proving to myself that on a bass like an L-2000 with two humbuckers you could have • a neck/both/bridge toggle • a switch for choosing whether the humbuckers are wired in series / parallel • an inner single coils / outer single coils / humbuckers selector
  6. Now that I've got used to having the Squier P + Di Marzio Model P I bought this year, I would be very miffed to lose them .... but had I not bought them I would have been content with just the BB I already had. The Hotone Ampero, though, instantly transformed everything, and if anything happened to it, I would be replacing it immediately. Mostly useful for the amp / cab / mic sims, but glad to have compressors and a tuner too. PS forgot to say: it's the quality of the user interface that makes it so good. I'm sure plenty of similar boxes can produce exactly the same sounds, but this is such a breeze to program
  7. Are you accusing the saintly Leo of using cheap mid brown wood as a substitute for nice dark rosewood? Small specks of lemon Hubba Bubba could be a delicious solution
  8. Here's an old advert for one Lefty 8 string Rickenbacker
  9. At the mention of the Blazer, I had readied a space in the temple next to the Super P for it.
  10. What do we (ie you) know about the S-2000 pickup?
  11. I love the Model P in my P but it still sounds very much like a P: same contours, greater intensity.
  12. Presumably it's worth a lot more than its worth? Edit: hang about, I think I've got that the wrong way round, presumably it's worth a lot less than its worth
  13. He didn't so much: "The Fender Precision is my instrument, my beloved Precisions," sighs Harris. ''I've tried lots of different guitars, including some Lados, and they felt great and were really well made, but the sound just seemed to lack richness in the bottom end."
  14. The Fender website doesn't give the thicknesses for the Player neck, but it does say... Player – 1⅝" nut, 9½" radius, Modern C profile Vintera – 1¾" nut, 7¼" radius, Vintage C profile (20.8mm / 23.4mm at 1st / 12th frets) Another MIM Modern C neck is given as 20.8mm / 22.1mm
  15. Keeping an eye on QC is much easier when production is on your doorstep
  16. Yeah, I didn't imagine *you* needed showing that. And, yes, he does quickly demonstrate that all styles are possible on it, even with the SH flats. I've just amused myself by comparing the tensions of Rotosound's Funkmaster set with their Steve Harris set: 107 lbs vs 252 lbs.
  17. The specs of the MIJ blue sparkle does sound a bit more likely for a 1972 P than the MIM Hammers bass .... seems weird to slim down the neck at the same time as putting in the backbreaking maple body. Here's a review from 10 years ago of the MIJ bass. It has a couple of entertaining moments
  18. I've just realised something about that photo.... ....that's Blue Steel.... 😳
  19. And elsewhere: You're right, Rotobass and Roto 66 nickels are NOT the same (and I got this info directly from Rotosound). They told me the Roto 66 nickels use differently spec'ed wire for the wrapping (but other than that they didn't give any details). I suspect several of the comments in this thread about Roto nickels being dull, muffled and indistinguishable from other cheap NPS strings must be about the cheaper Rotobass sets..... After a couple of weeks the Rotobass set will be muffled/dead and the Roto 66 nickels will still sound reasonably fresh. The Roto 66 nickels are VERY different to Rotobass and MUCH better quality IMO. They have more uniquely voiced mids, somewhat more aggressive. edgy and metallic sounding than the Rotobass sets (or D'Addario, etc). The Roto 66 nickels also last considerably longer. Whether you like them or not will depend on personal taste of course but to sum it up: -Rotosound Rotobass: Very middle of the road "cheap" NPS sound, don't last very long, comparable to D'Addario XLs. -Rotosound 66 nickels: Very much on the aggressive/edgy/metallic sounding side of the spectrum for NPS and last considerably longer. Kinda rough sound/feel for NPS. Very unique sounding, nothing else out there like them. And so on 🙃
  20. Maybe, to go alongside the sparkly blue signature Precision, some black and white checked signature trousers?
  21. When I was searching around for the answer to this, I found some people saying they are night and day, and others saying they are exactly the same string, just with/without the silk 🤷 (iirc I found the former slightly more persuasive)
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