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Everything posted by Munurmunuh

  1. If that's a 24 fret neck, then presumably both those pickups are a bit closer to the bridge than traditional? The Rex Brown has a regular 2+2 headstock though
  2. Its a Warwick Adam Clayton Signature Reverso. Looking at videos it seems to hang nicely
  3. I know nothing but I hope the answer looks like this
  4. As with all L2000 demos, I wonder why anyone would ever want to make half the noises, and love the other half
  5. If I had a bass that sounded like this, you wouldn't catch me selling it
  6. Wish I had known all this back when I was a teenager. I just thought basses were physically beyond me 😡
  7. On my P the strings are 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9 and I'm not getting clank — but I've relatively stiff hexcore, nickel-plated strings, 45–105. If I fitted, say, a 40–95 set of something more flexible like DR, would I find myself having to raise the action much? At first I had the action at 1.9, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 and the combination of that, stiff strings and knackered fingers was not a happy one. So if my ears are going to insist on these strings, my fingers will insist on the low action.
  8. Before I sent my TRBX off to sit in a shop awaiting a more appreciative owner, I sometimes wondered about replacing the alnico humbuckers with a pair of fat singles like these, in the hope of getting a sound more suitable for me. And I still wonder how it would have turned out. The humbuckers were in the P spot and the 60s J bridge spot. The 3 band EQ seemed to be very .... ah what's the right word? There didn't seem to be any tone profile baked in. The mids control was relatively low-set.
  9. 1.9mm on my Squier's E string, said my tech after I bullied him into getting it as low as possible.
  10. In the official Yamaha video introducing the BBPH, Hooky says that he has seven BB1200s ... so where are the other three ... and what's wrong with the trio he did flog?
  11. I was passing this door today, so I took the opportunity to tell it that its bassy cousin has finally made it back to the dealer in Virginia in one piece.
  12. A month later, and Pharaoh Gold Firemist plus Tort is occupying my every waking thought
  13. John Entwistle, fresh rounds every gig. Steve Harris, fresh flats every few gigs.
  14. "If your bass is going to have one pickup, this should be the one" 🖤
  15. Mention of light gauges has prompted me to wonder if heavier strings, being at a higher tension, have more brand-new sizzle to lose?
  16. With new Elixirs, do you miss out on the insanely zingy first few days of regular strings, or does the coating not take away any of that?
  17. I know a bit about this, but it seems rude to pick the low hanging fruit and leave the details to Bassassin to fill in. Would be even ruderer if I got them wrong, so I'll just wait nicely and let him tell us alllll about it. So I'm glad it's natural, as that's keeping my jealousy at bay
  18. @Bassassin You should enjoy this ping a bit more than some of the junk we cast before your eyes
  19. And nothing can go wrong like this went wrong
  20. Preferably some knackered old dog
  21. Is this a safe place place to admit that I saw New Order at Reading in 1989 and enjoyed The Mission two nights later much more?
  22. Better than having 1 of 5 would be having him write Peter Hook: One of One and it's easy to imagine him getting on board with that sentiment.
  23. Go and find Hooky with yr BBPH and a sharpie and I'm sure he'll gladly give the back of it a defacing it'll never forget
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