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Everything posted by Shaggy

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  3. [quote name='henry norton' post='593312' date='Sep 8 2009, 09:26 PM']Used to be a Fender & MM man (MusicManMan!) All bolt on maple necks, but now getting into set neck Gibson inspired instruments - especially hollow bodied short scale and non reverse long(er than a fender) scale Thunderbirds. Don't know why, I suppose 23 years of the same old thing can end up pushing you the other way. (I hope my wife doesn't read this thread....)[/quote] That's damn spooky - I could have written that. You're not me are you? And I used to have an old Triumph ('66 650 Trophy)
  4. Would have done just as well for Smashie & Nicie’s “theme anthem” as Bachman Turner Overdrives’s “Ain’t seen nothing yet” was. And none the worse for that. Class.
  5. [quote name='jmsjabb' post='585850' date='Aug 31 2009, 04:49 PM']I was thinking about the old ones. Shaggy, do you think it is still there?[/quote] Almost certainly went last Spring, but I'll check. It was one of the old ones, in a nice honeyburst. The main plus would be having something a bit out of the ordinary, but TBH if you're looking for a handbuilt UK bass I think there are better choices out there.
  6. There was one for sale near me recently (Bridgend Music) for £400 odd - it was OK in a worthy generic-MM kind of a way; nicely made, good fittings, and very well finished, but sounded a bit bland to me. Probably the shop amp and dud strings didn't do it justice though.
  7. I was watching it, and frantically trying to work out how I could fit in a drive to Grimsby this weekend whilst hoping it would go realistically high so I could stop agonising. Shoulda, coulda.......didn't.
  8. Yup! Lookin' for a decent 18" cab for some serious trouser flapping........ :brow: Awesome basses Have to say though, the GS Galaxy (p1 on this thread) a more useful all-rounder, and always gets a "WTF is that?"
  9. [quote name='retroman' post='584953' date='Aug 30 2009, 09:27 AM']I too own a Gordon Smith, but not a bass though. It's a Graduate 60 Les Paul Copy. The build and finish of it is sublime. It really does play fantastically, although the pickups are perhaps a little too hot for my liking, though they can't be that bad, as I haven't bothered to change them yet! If GS started building basses again, I would most definately look at buying one, as they're guitars offer serious value for money, IMHO [/quote] That's one seriously nice EB-2 on the right!
  10. Couldn't believe this went so cheap (£205) - if it hadn't been the other side of the country I'd have had it in a heartbeat Mind you, got enough valve amps in various states of decrepitude.....
  11. One for cetera? [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/KISS-Gene-Simmons-owned-Gibson-Bass-Stage-Used-1975_W0QQitemZ120462586373QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item1c0c213205&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14"]http://cgi.ebay.com/KISS-Gene-Simmons-owne...id=p3286.c0.m14[/url]
  12. Pull the volume control and an inflatable “autopilot” pops out of the back of the bass – just like in “Airplane” , it carries on with the interminable dull riffing during “Mustang Sally” or “Knockin’ on Heavens Door” whilst you go the bar for a swift one. Also the matching inflatable “groupie” ………no wait, that’s been done….… (waits for Smut Police )
  13. [quote name='SS73' post='581589' date='Aug 26 2009, 04:35 PM']Could never understand what Jack Bruce's sound was, other than just a dull bass, Andy Fraser of Free, now his sound is just awesome with the EB3 and the reason I bought the Gibson.[/quote] +1 Likewise Jim Lea of Slade - great driving rock sound
  14. Haven't trawled through all 30 pages, but off the top of my head: Simpsons / cartoon straps – keep it for pants & socks Gold hardware – for that B&Q luxury bathroom suite look String winders – real bassists have titanium-hard calluses on their fingers. Bass vibratos – get a fretless Double-necks – pose rating beyond acceptable limits Nylon-coated strings – maybe I tried the wrong ones (picato) but had the tone and feel of a limp washing-line Fluorescent paint jobs – bah humbug
  15. Shaggy

    Valve bass!

    That's immensely cool umph, I actually prefer your more discrete design to the Sanberg's. My other big interest is vintage motorbikes; an occasional OTT custom project is to shoe-horn a V8 car engine into a bike - just wondering if you could do the same with a Mesa 400+ into a bass.......
  16. [quote name='evilLordJuju' post='574750' date='Aug 19 2009, 09:15 PM']Did I mention I snapped my 60s non-rev bird. Well it was a resnap, so i'm not losing sleep over it.[/quote] Goddam shame, that's otherwise a [b]fabulous[/b] looking bass.....tell you what, just as a favour to you, I'll take it off your hands for parts value..... [quote name='BigRedX' post='575339' date='Aug 20 2009, 11:53 AM']If you are going to be changing the pick ups what you want is [url="http://www.mikelull.com/Test_web/store_new/store_home.htm"]a pair of these[/url].[/quote] Or these, a bit cheaper and allegedly Gibson: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Gibson-Thunderbird-Bass-Guitar-Pickup-Set-Chrome_W0QQitemZ260465540954QQcmdZViewItemQQptZGuitar_Accessories?hash=item3ca4f4bf5a&_trksid=p3911.c0.m14"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Gibson-Thunderbird-B...id=p3911.c0.m14[/url]
  17. A bit new and shiny for you ELJJ? (oh all right...new and matt / satin......) Looks lovely though, like something Gibson should have made in the '80's instead of the Explorer - tell us how you rate it!
  18. Sorry - forgot to check this! OK a few bad snaps literally just taken in the Carmarthenshire twilight. Leaving the sticker on until I know it's going as my son likes it, being a bit of a Goth - but it's definitely nor hiding anything! Neck is nice birds-eye maple - tried to show - and controls are vol / pup pan / passive tone Strings a bit manky so I'd chuck in a new wrapped set of Hartke rounds. Bass plus £100 - how's that sound?
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