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Everything posted by SteveXFR

  1. I saw them in 2016 at London O2 arena. Absolutely mind blowing show. I have no idea how they can stand so close to those huge flames, it's bloody hot 10 metres away. Combichrist opened for them and also put on an excellent show.
  2. I'm watching Rammstein live in Paris. No one puts on a live show like Rammstein. It's as much a theatre show as a heavy metal concert. It's amazing that no one on stage ever gets burnt. If it wasn't for ticket master jacking up ticket prices to four times face value, I'd definitely see them again.
  3. Wynona's got a big brown beaver - Primus
  4. Violent pornograhy - System Of A Down
  5. How many bands keep the original line up for their whole career? I'm sure most don't. If they did they'd probably get a bit sterile. Sometimes bands improve with new members, I've never heard anyone say Faith No More were better with Courtney Love. I once said online somewhere that I thought Paz was a better bassist than Kim Deal in the Pixies. I was actually murdered for that comment.
  6. They're called Mangled Wurzles. The tribute band that most surprised me is a Kid Rock tribute in America.
  7. Ive seen a few bands with none of the original members. There was a time when there was a Wurzles tribute band with more original Wurzles members than the actual band.
  8. I think a lot of new American rock bands in the early 90's kind of ended up with the grunge label whether they wanted it or not. I don't think STP, Pearl Jam or Soundgarden were really grunge bands. They were excellent rock bands from America with a bit of an alternative sound. I always think of grunge as bands like Melvins, Mudhoney, Tad and early, pre Nevermind Nirvana. Disclaimer: This is just my opinion and not scientifically proven fact. I accept that it may be wrong.
  9. Excellent that they're making music. Shame it took such a terrible event to get them back together.
  10. I can't enjoy gentleman's art pamphlets from before I was born. Those ladies, lovely as they were back then are in their late 60's now and probably someone's sweet old grandmother.
  11. I had to look this one up. It seems that the lady on the cover of that particular edition is missing an upper body. Just a head floating above some legs. Maybe she's wearinga top the same colour as the background but that seems unlikely. I won't post the image here, I'm not sure of the rules around images of attractive women's behinds.
  12. The bass lines are interesting rather than difficult.
  13. I think it's likely Dave will continue in music but maybe in smaller projects similar to Probot and Them Crooked Vultures, maybe even with Foo Fighters members. We've certainly not seen the last of any of them.
  14. His vocals were a big part of their sound but it's understandable why they fired him. Hi did a solo tour playing STP songs and using the bands name instead of going on tour with the band
  15. STP are a band I've always kind of liked but never really taken much time to really listen to them. Yesterday I put on Core, I'd never realised before just how interesting their bass lines are. I spent most of yesterday evening working out Plush. It's always great to suddenly discover something I already knew was so much more interesting than I ever realised.
  16. People get too hung up on classic line ups of bands and quite often that classic line up wasn't as good as later line ups. I'm a big Faith No More fan and people still go on about Jim Martin but each guitarist after him was better.
  17. Yes I did, at Glastonbury. The best set I've ever seen at the festival. I also saw them on the Rated R tour supporting Foo Fighter with Motorhead at Hyde Park then on the Era Vulgaris tour at Bristol O2 and Reading Festival and then in 2011 at Bournemouth O2. They were amazing live each time but I wouldn't see them again unless they make another heavy record. Songs for the deaf was their peak for me.
  18. Back when they were great. That era of QOTSA was their peak. My daughter is called Flo because we saw QOTSA a month before she was born and they opened with Go with the flow. Lucky they didn't open with Regular John.
  19. Why on earth did you have Take That tickets??? I remember walking past the pyramid stage while Robbie was on and wondering why on earth his drummer had a huge double bass kit and he had two bassists. Didn't seem justified for the music.
  20. Very true although maybe Sunn o))) could play more than a note a minute.
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