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Everything posted by SteveXFR

  1. I don't find you offensive.
  2. Jeremy Clarkson is a big prog fan. The man knows cars but if you have the same taste as him in music and fashion you need help.
  3. Ghost of Tom Joad - Rage Against The Machine
  4. The two you mentioned, Melvins and Napalm Death don't actually tune all that low. Some of the heaviest music is in E or drop D. Black metal is nearly Al in standard tuning. Lower tunings are great for getting that sludgy sound that bands like Eyehategod and Crowbar use. Quite often where low tunings are used in doom and stoner metal, the lowest notes are used sparingly as a doomy accent. For me, the sweet spot is tuning down to C and some disgusting fuzz on top. I think this is a perfect example of what low tunings can do. He's tuned to B but doesn't often drop below C#
  5. Obviously they were the new wave of post prog
  6. I don't think there's been an argument about who was or wasn't punk for a while. The Clash and Stranglers weren't punk.
  7. Nah that's fine. Radiohead were just a jazz band pretending to be an indie band anyway. I never did like them.
  8. As a Sabbath fan I am deeply upset by that abomination
  9. No one actually likes jazz do they?
  10. I guess A Perfect Circle and Puscifer could be included as well.
  11. If I was in your position I'd be demanding reparations for the crimes of prog rock. Let us never forget the atrocities of artists such as Focus with their yodelling and Yes with their half hour keyboard solos. The only good prog band was Tool.
  12. I'd rather listen to Entwistle but only because I find Yes (and most prog) a bit too serious and dull. For great pick playing, I'd rather listen to Matt Freeman of Rancid. Much more interesting bass lines than anything by Yes.
  13. Super glue worked a treat. Three hours paying with no troubles
  14. I'm guessing it's not uncommon based on both my amps having PAT testing stickers on them when I bought them used.
  15. The closest I get to gigs is a local jam session. It's never my favourite style of music but it's still a lot of fun.
  16. I'd love to have te chance to hate gigs. I'm currently bandless and can't find any local bands recruiting a bass player except teenage pop punk bands, I could really hate gigging with them straight away but I'd rather a nice grunge or metal band to gradually build a healthy dislike for gigging.
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