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Nail Soup

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Everything posted by Nail Soup

  1. Exactly. However good they are, they can't do something they wouldn't do. it's about having a diversity of minds involved.
  2. So, @NoRhino can I assume that your username is a Quo/Lancaster reference, and maybe your band is a Quo tribute?
  3. So you’ve been in some where they didn’t 😃?!
  4. Just saw this in today’s Mirror
  5. No, but the guitarist might be. I don't see this as good reason to down-tune. Down-tuning should be done for musical reasons, not to work around gear issues.
  6. Luckily not, I'm not a great musician but I've always been in bands with similar level musicians... and normally each was the expert on their own thing. If it did happen I guess I'd find a way to suck it up or rationalise it....... ...... like, it's being right for the job...... for example there was a doc about the Boomtown Rats. They said that the drummer was a much better singer than Bob Geldof, but Bob was the right guy to front the band. Geldof said that was why the Rat's songs were 'laden with backing vocals'!
  7. No grounds for complaint then.... If I did leave something low-value like that for the bands benefit I would mentally 'write off' some of the 'debt' at the beginning anyway - stuff deteriorates over time etc. So no excuse for a social media rant either way.
  8. Wow, was a difficult read... I struggle to follow the plot of the average TV drama! Seems a bit silly for bassist 1 to complain about stuff like this, but I'll ask a follow up question anyway..... was the combo left with the band for the band's benefit (i.e. so they can use it) or the bassists benefit (so he didn't have to store it?)
  9. I'm not a big fan of the medium of cinema and don't know who Ryan Gosling is. If nobody ever made another movie it wouldn't bother me. (OK, I'm probably letting the mainstream Hollywood taint a lot of good work)
  10. Obscure 80's alternative band - The Dog Faced Hermans - Sample song Mary Houdini
  11. Well, with a name like Alan's it's not surprising that it costs a bomb(er)
  12. Good version.... I like the Thunders-esque pose she is pulling in the pic too!
  13. I couldn't afford that price, and I'm not a big enough Quo fan to seriously go for that.......... however, if someone offered to buy me a bass and said you can have "whatever you want"..... i'm sorry too.
  14. I can that somebody might want to sell a totally unnecessary product at a ridiculously high price......... but why target the audiophile market?
  15. Interesting test but.............. you've got a piano at work!?!
  16. Sounds like having the bass feel like it is 'yours' is the most important thing to you. You might not get that feeling from a 'kit' bass. I have not built a proper guitar or bass, but have done a few cigar box guitar builds. I definately would not have had the same pleasure from it if I'd used kits of parts. Much of the fun (and sense of ownership) came from sourcing the parts. However in cigar box world you can use 'found' and re-purposed materials - which is probably not the case for a regular style bass bass. As others have said, try ebay or similar for bits of guitar. Or search ebay for 'project' guitars - a whole guitar which doesn't work but is good for spares, repairs and 'franken-bassing'. On Edit - I composed this before you decided to do it from scrap. then somehow took over 4 hours to press "Submit"! I reckon scrap is the right way for you.
  17. I'd never really heard of Rocco before... seen a few references to Tower of Power (mainly on Basschat), but never heard the music. I guess I had mentally compartmentalized them as not my bag. But just a heard a track on 6 music and thought "that a great bassline"... song was pretty good too. Looked at the digital display and..........Yes it was TOP! Nice one Rocco!
  18. That makes sense, but I guess my point is why use the term 'relative pitch"' for someone hitting the correct key/note when they have no reference point. My understanding of the term 'relative' be it in music or anything else is some kind of distance from a reference point.
  19. Pedant mode: on Wouldn't that be called absolute pitch (rather than relative) or something like that? Pedant mode: off
  20. Interesting response! I mentioned 'piece of music' in the original comment, and the reply was centred around 'the song'. I think that illustrates the point about being tune-centric (or not) pretty well. It's pretty unconscious.
  21. While I'm thinking about pitch perception, I think the extent to which we prioritise pitch against the other elements of music varies between individuals. And also between cultures. Some people listen to music and have a strong connection to the pitch and melody. Others are connected more to the rhythm and feel. It often amazes me on TV documentories when analysing a piece of music someone sits at a piano saying they used such and such a scale and don't even mention the rhythm section or guitar sounds and all the other stuff.
  22. I'd like to have a HIFI, but my domestic arrangements means I don't..........I basically listen to music through non-hifi.. Radio on the TV, portable DAB radio MP3 player etc. In the 80's I worked with a couple of guys who used to talk HIFI all the time.... I never wanted to get seriously into it, buti t did inspire me to buy some entry level stuff. So one of them lent me a hi-fi mag which had an some entry level suggestions.... That was good for a few years untill I moved house 25 yerr ago now it's in the loft..... see pics (will upload in a minute)
  23. I think (at least part of ) the theory behind the loud music thing is that if the music is loud, then people will shout to be heard... thus pumping out more CV. In my world though music and talking at pubs are mutually exclusive. When the music is on I listen only to that. When I want to talk there shouldn't be any music.
  24. That kind of thing would probably rule me out of a number of occupations. Don't know how people in some jobs manage to be honest.
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