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Eldon Tyrell

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Everything posted by Eldon Tyrell

  1. Man, I really thought Nirvana came up with that song. Turns out it is just a cover song 😞
  2. Yeah, I still cannot really picture him with a short scale bass. Instead of that, EBMM should have released two HH models, like for example the honeyburst and natural ones in this Premier Guitar rig rundown video from 2016 when the re-joined the EBMM family. I especially like the HH with the natural finish and black hardware. That would have been my fav sig bass (see picture below and from 07:00):
  3. Nope. I thought it was an original song from 1066AD but obviously sung by someone contemporary. No?
  4. I was thinking more of Nigel Tufnel πŸ˜‰
  5. Thanks, @TheGreek. BTW, I can see that you are a "grand master" (14/14) in the new badge system. That's cool but where do you go from here? BC should introduce a 15th rank. Well, it's one higher, isn't it? It's not 14. You see, most people, you know, will make it to 14. You're on 14 here, all the way up, all the way up, all the way up, you're on 14 on BC. Where can you go from there? Where? Nowhere. Exactly. What we do is, if we need that extra push over the cliff, you know what we do? - Put it up to 15. 15. Exactly. One higher πŸ˜‰
  6. Wow. That was surprisingly good. Nice melody and the pretty traditional verse-chorus-verse-chorus-bridge (instrumental)-chorus structure. πŸ‘
  7. I still the like the idea of this being a social experiment (or part of a series of experiments) more than the idea of her spending too much time, energy and money on writing songs and shooting videos without, politely said, being a good singer.
  8. Good taste. That's the same I ordered πŸ™‚ Yours will probably also be shipped either today or early next week as one of EBMM's sales managers informed me earlier today that "We have a handful ready to ship right away and more coming with production staggered throughout the next few months". Cannot wait πŸ₯°
  9. Got confirmation from EBMM. Order went through and will be shipped either today or early next week. Cool stuff 😍
  10. Selling a Spector is always a traumatic experience, almost like giving away one of your kids πŸ˜₯
  11. Agree, maybe someone should ask Rick Beato to analyse the song as part of a new series: "What makes this song awful?" πŸ˜‰
  12. I apologize already in advance but I just could not resist, "cause I'm broken when I'm open" 😎 Ok, I am out of here 😁
  13. yes, and most end up in the well known destination called nowhere 😎
  14. Ok, talked to the credit card department of my bank and they have now approved the transaction πŸ‘ It also means that I now have to sell one of my beloved Spector basses to fund the purchase 😞
  15. the full scale and passive one (natural finish and black hardware)
  16. ..and immediately declined by my bank, even after confirming the transaction via my banking app 😱 I now have to convince them that it was a genuine transaction. I also wrote to EBMM confirming the order and asking them whether or not I have to put in my card details again. Maybe my wife asked my bank to block purchases from EBMM πŸ˜‰
  17. and ordered 😍 XXX Thank you for your order from Ernie Ball Music Man. Once your package ships we will send an email with a link to track your order. If you have questions about your order, you can email us at [email protected]. Your Order #400000XXXX Placed on Jul 29, 2021, 3:38:24 AM
  18. Wow. Wow. Wow 🀩 Man, I have been waiting for years for a Timmy C EBMM signature bass. It seemed to never happen and now they release four. FOUR!!! Cannot believe it. It is a bit like waiting for a bus. You wait for ages and then suddenly several show up at the same time. So, he will have 2 active and long scale and 2 passive ones and short scale ones. Here's Tim with some more info and also showing how the finger ramp can be adjusted to make it level with the pickguard. Cool stuff. Tim Commerford | Basses | Ernie Ball Music Man (music-man.com) I always wanted his signature bass to be one with a natural finish and black hardware and so they did! Wish it had been the active model but I will probably still buy it πŸ˜‰ Oh yes, the best news is that they are available via the vault and can be shipped to the UK!
  19. Man, you must really hate Nickelback, you even spelt their name wrongly πŸ˜‰
  20. To be saved like The Beatles? or To be destroyed like Nickelback and Coldplay?
  21. Looks like I have to be that guy: Does anyone really think that there will be anyone left here in 1000 years to listen to any music?
  22. Could be that her MSc dissertation supervisor got funding for it from a research council (e.g., ESRC or AHRC).
  23. From my own experience, I can tell you that you will exit the shop with at least one more bass and much less money in your bank account. You've been warned πŸ˜‰
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