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Paul S

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Everything posted by Paul S

  1. Easy - my Fender Power Jazz Bass Special. Mid 80s MIJ heaven that makes me smile every time I play it. If I get to grab something with the other hand it would be the Washburn Scavenger to your left.
  2. I own 4 deeply unfashionable basses - well, if resale value compared to quality is an indicator of worth. A Hohner B2A, SGC Nanyo Bass Collection, Westone Thunder 1A and Washburn Scavenger. Suits me as they were all bargains to buy.
  3. Thanks for that - the model number helps pin the info down. I was just curious, really, as they don't seem to get talked about on here. Sounds like they are worth the bother if you don't have a cheap back up but I have too many as it is!
  4. They pop up from time to time on eBay and never seem to fetch much. One at the moment - [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ibanez-Gio-Bass-/260775239385?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3cb76a5ed9"]here[/url] - has a £50 BIN, for example. I think they look quite nice (the SG looking ones with the double cutaway) but are they complete sh*te? Do-uppable or not worth the trouble?
  5. ^^ - What he said. I went there a couple of weeks ago on the very same quest (well, having already settled on a Barefaced Compact cab) and spent a couple of hours trying everything in the price range. They were really helpful. For me it was a toss up between the Classic 450 and the Genz Benz Shuttle 6, which is ultimately a little more transparent and brittle at the top (which is why I went for the TC head in the end - slightly warmer). It sounds to me like the Genz Benz would suit your needs more but unless you try it for yourself it is hard to say. From everything I have read Barefaced cabs are the last word in weight:power ratio - a Compact 15" 600W weighs just 12kg and that won the day for me and my back (2 weeks to go!!).
  6. I've had the [url="http://www.dv247.com/studio-equipment/ultimate-support-gs-100-genesis-guitar-stand--7112"]Ultimate Guitar Stand GS-100[/url] for years and it has accomodated a Thunderdird and a Jazz without a problem. I think there is a new grab head version, too. Folded down at the moment it is 53cm/23" long.
  7. Hence the band name - Maya - should have picked up the clue there. I have developed an interest in Mexican history and culture (and food!) as a by-product of visiting the country several times on 'plant hunting expeditions' (a long story) (actually, several long stories). It is hard not to get caught up in the magic of the place - have you visited any of the archeological sites there? Awe inspiring. In my travels I've called into Teotihuacan just north of Mexico City, Palenque in Chiapas, Monte Alban in Oaxaca and El Tajin in Veracruz. The anthropological museum in Mexico City is a study in how modern museums should be set out - absolutely magnificnt! I think it is such a shame that the only press Mexico gets these days is all the drug cartel related killings when the place has so much more to offer (10% of the planet's flora and fauna on 1% of it's area!) I've not read that book so I've just ordered it from the library, plus his others - thanks for that. Have you read 'Mexica' by Norman Spinrad? Similar - set at the same time but observes the period through the eyes of a slave who starts off with Cortez but ends up befriending Moctezuma. Anyway, all pretty way off topic....
  8. Jon, I was having trouble with your Facebook player - once I started playing a track it was reluctant to stop and I think I had 3 playing at once. Or was that supposed to be what it was like? Can never be sure with Prog rock You definitely have an individual sound - I don't like what I heard as much as that first track (and that studio version is excellent) but it is a class above any other 'Prog Rock' originals I have listened to - usually (IME) it is tuneless self indulgent nonsense. What's the Mexican thing - a particular interest?
  9. +1 for Thunder 1A. I had mine up for sale recently but have withdrawn it as it is worth more to me than the money I would realise. They are heavy, though, and have a 40mm neck - just on the limit of what I find comfy. If you prefer lightweight then +1 for the SGC Nanyo Bass Collection. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=330556132481&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT"]There is an SB-310 on eBay[/url] at the moment. The necks on these are amazing. I have both and they equally brilliant but in different ways, both outstandingly good value for money and IMO better than other things I have owned in the same price bracket such as Squier basses, Epiphone T-Birds etc.
  10. About 20yrs ago +/- I had a lengthy debilitating illness - I ended up staying awake for most of the night but not able to do much. I spent much of that time watching a satellite TV station, CMT - Country Music Television - which sort of mirrored MTV. As well as all the big hitters there were the (at the time) fledgling artists like Shania Twain, Alison Kraus, the pretty blonde girl with the big ears whose name escapes me* at the moment, some newish band called the Mavericks etc. I imagine it was the poppy end of the country spectrum, but very enjoyable nevertheless and made me appreciate the genre. The vids were quite a nice insight into the US of A, too. I recently took up line dancing (yeehaw) and reckon there is huge potential for a country band earning a decent living playing at their bashes - all the dances are choreographed to particular tracks, so you make your set list around them and everyone is up dancing all night. *edit Faith Hill.
  11. If you really have never felt so empty because you are missing a bass or two then you really have had a rarefied existence. Pray to your Gods it continues.
  12. Now withdrawn - my back is improving and, having played it today for the first time in a while, decided that fabulous woody growl is worth more to me than the money I'll get Thanks for your interest folks! There will be plenty of others coming along, they regularly do. Just not as nice as this one...
  13. Don't suppose you fancy trading for a Westone Thunder 1A?
  14. And if anyone wants to try it themselves, here is a shameless plug for mine that is up for sale..... great basses.
  15. I#ll be keeping an eye on this as I wondered the same....
  16. [quote name='Les' post='1204253' date='Apr 18 2011, 10:53 PM']Just learned Moondance, couldn't find a great tab so youtubed "moondance bass" and theres a few guys doing reasonable covers,[/quote] Ah, yes, I believe Bilbo has his own channel on there...
  17. Hi from further down the Essex coast. The big question - which side of the railway line are you in Frinton?
  18. I've done it again, had to book an evening out tonight that clashes with your nearest gig. Gary - when and where are you nearby to SE Essex again?
  19. Bit of a long shot but I'd also look at a trade, with cash your way, for a Hohner B2AD - the active drop D model. If anyone has one gathering dust. Or a wireless kit +/- cash depending on value. Well if you don't ask?... Oh, and bump....
  20. [quote name='urb' post='1200351' date='Apr 15 2011, 10:09 AM']A couple of vids 'in the studio' filmed at The Joint rehearsal studio of me and my funk band Groove Digger Hope you dig 'em M[/quote] I have watched most of your solo vids and, although I enjoy the technique and expertise, it isn't really my thing. But listening to your playing in this context has just blown me away completely. The apparent effortless funkiness of it is just completely infectious. Serious stuff, thank you for posting it.
  21. [quote name='Bassassin' post='1200182' date='Apr 15 2011, 01:49 AM']Another practice room camcorder job: One of our oldest & heaviest songs, nothing fancy bass-wise, but a tune and a half, in my unreliable opinion. Jon.[/quote] A tune and three quarters, even. I like it a lot. How do you get that growl on the bass - is it the bass itself, the amp, an effect, your fingers, or all of the above?
  22. An attempt to deal with neck dive? Not really a problem with these anyway, as the body is so f&%ing heavy anyway.
  23. Yes, I'd spotted those - the bass versions get some love on here, don't they. No reason why the guitar versions shouldn't be decent. But maybe Alex can sort him out - I have no firm idea what the differences are between bass and guitar cabs, tbh.
  24. I've passed on Alex's details to him - as long as it doesn't delay him working on mine!
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