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Everything posted by rOB

  1. Hi Andy, yeah they're both cool songs. I like them a lot. Let us know when the finished mixes are done? Rob
  2. rOB

    Fingerstyle funk jam

    cool, great tone, great playing Thanks for posting
  3. [quote name='Lorne' post='680366' date='Dec 10 2009, 03:44 PM']Does it matter what he's wearing? He's definately very talented,and unless you intend to date him,or he's wearing YOUR dress,it shouldn't really matter what he's wearing [/quote] I think that is my dress, lost it in Japan a few years back. Glad its gone to a good home.
  4. Aw, I was playing one of these a little while ago in a shop. Great bass but couldn't afford it then, still can't afford it. Good luck with the sale. Rob
  5. [quote name='deathpanda' post='723154' date='Jan 24 2010, 02:45 PM']Another amazing groove, which I'm sure a lot of you have already seen: [/quote] love it
  6. listening to it all right now, very cool feel. Great stuff
  7. rOB

    Hi There

    banter? you've come to the right place. Rob
  8. welcome, yep, you're right, very friendly, well informed (well some of them/us) group of people. loads of advice and experience at your fingertips. Rob
  9. welcome, always good to have drummers' opinions on stuff. Rob
  10. [quote name='jim_bass' post='678563' date='Dec 8 2009, 10:21 PM']Then conversations about hard you play the strings - do you pluck her hard or tickle her strings - would be very amusing (or immature and childish depending on how you look at things)[/quote] here's my vote for amusing
  11. [quote name='hillbilly deluxe' post='661586' date='Nov 22 2009, 10:06 AM']EB3,hand carved by Joe Walsh's dad +50's P.[/quote] ooo that's pretty, I like that a lot
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  13. [quote name='cm261' post='658151' date='Nov 18 2009, 02:37 PM']DFA1979 pull it off perfectly, I could happily listen to a set lasting hours. The 'secret' seems to be lots of effects laid onto the high end of a split signal, but done tastefully, to give a very full sound. A lot of people are very surprised to learn that its just a drum and bass 2 piece, and that there isn't a guitarist, and this is the key IMO.[/quote] +1 love DFA 1979, great band, gutted when they split.
  14. ah so true, have been trying to either get into a band or start something in Leicester after having a few great experiences in Leeds. Have been replying to ads, playing with new people and auditioning for bands for 3 months now. No luck, musicians are either so unreliable that we've not even managed to get together or such horrible people that I wouldn't want to spend any time with them. getting really annoyed as a couple of years ago I found it really easy to find friendly, competent musicians who could commit. Grrr
  15. great tone, great band, can listen to them any time and it makes me want to play.
  16. cool, love it when cheap stuff sound good
  17. Hurray another bass player in the world! no experience of those basses but I'd recommend trying a Vintage V4 (about 150 quid new), nice P style bass.
  18. bump sure I can't tempt anyone to come down? Band are a great bunch of people, 2 guitarists and a drummer, very friendly
  19. Looking for a replacement bass player for my band as I'm moving down to Leicester. Songs written, band has already gigged around Leeds and we recorded an E.P. in February. Gigs lined up and possibly more recording in the pipeline. I'm happy to teach the parts to a replacement if you want but they're not complicated Rehearsals tend to be weeknights 7-11 at Rock & Roll Circus, Armley, Leeds Influences- Sonic Youth, Nirvana, Pixies, 80's Matchbox, Queens of the Stone Age Check out www.myspace.com/lassebrawn for a taste of sounds Get in touch if you fancy coming down for a jam either on the myspace, [email protected] or call Scott (singer/guitarist) 07878298054
  20. [quote name='Clarky' post='490590' date='May 17 2009, 03:26 PM']Don't you mean glaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrses?[/quote] Ha! Gig last night was the monthly "I Love West Yorkshire" night at the Brudenell Social Club in Leeds. First gig with a brand new guitarist so was a bit edgy, true to form with this band, absolutely nothing went right in the logistics of getting there and getting set up but gig itself was ok. I live pretty close to the venue so foolishly decided that I could walk there with 2 basses, a backpack of bits and a combo on a handtruck (has worked really well in the past. As I was halfway up the road the wheels on the truck decided to fold inwards making the whole load unmovable, it was at this moment that I spotted a policeman walking behind me giving me some suspicious looks. attempted a quick fix but just wasn't happening, so had to hail a taxi and pay him 5 quid to take me 5 minutes up the road, very frustrating. Anyway turned up at the pub where the band were meeting and no sign of the new guitarist. Headed over to the venue in time for the soundcheck, still no sign of him. Couldn't get him on the phone so had to soundcheck without him and prepare to play as a 3 piece. The guy turns up with 10 minutes before we go on, didn't have the time or inclination to discuss it so just prepared the best we could. The super friendly soundguy did a brilliant job of a basically live mix of the band, the show went down pretty well with the small audience and we got through without any glaring problems, think we gained a couple of new converts, got rid of loads of CDs and quite a few came up to us after saying they enjoyed it. Will have to have a chat with the new guy about timekeeping but was pleased with the gig once it got underway. Very impressed with the soundman and the other bands playing.
  21. I know its been said but a big +1 for Vintage V4. A great P bass I got one the other day expecting to have to change the pickups and possibly the bridge but after playing it for a while, not sure if anything's going to need changing immediately, set up was simple and easy. have had lots of nice compliments on sound and looks from our guitarist, felt great to play and the sound fit right into the band exactly as you'd want a P bass to do.
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