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Everything posted by Bassfinger

  1. Last nights was fun. The venue was packed and loud so we cranked it out solid and loud to match the mood. It was a private do for coppers and their families so despite the booze being consumed everyone was pretty well behaved. Only real downside for me was that Sultans of Swing was on the set list, and I just don't enjoy playing it. One of my favourite songs, but a dull bassline to play.
  2. I like mine on the high side too - not complete and utter cheese cutter, but perhaps higher than most prefer it. Vive big hands with long fingers and I just feels right to me. I'm glad there may even be some science behind it.
  3. Get the Knack, by The Knack. I had to learn My Sharona for our set. Not at all difficult (although it tires my pinky out somewhat) but it got me into the song and I realised then how blummen good it was, so Mrs Bassfinger downloaded the album for me.
  4. For me its... Jeffrey Hammomd-Hammond. Not even a bassist, took uo the instrument when invited by his good friend Ian Anderson to join Jethro Tull. Despite learning songs note for note by rote he could deliver some punchy fast lines, and knew how to be subtle too. Also the guy had true rock style. It was common back then for musos to smoke on stage, a la Page, Hendrix etc, but Hammond-Hammomd smoked a pipe on stage - style that only the eccentric British members of 70s Tull could pull off. He eventually quit Tull, gave away his bass, burned the stripey suit, and never played again. John Paul Jones. I'll go out on a limb and say circa Them Crooked Vultures. Man, hes still got it. Lemmy. A rock God so awesome I even named my dog after him. Ok, his playing wasn't technically exciting, but the guy was shamefully unconventional in his style and it just kinda worked. Throw in a hefty dose of attitude, and there's a man who lived through his art. We're not worthy. I don't go put of my way to copy other bassists style, but I wouldn't be unhappy to be compared to any of these bass gods.
  5. All mine sound the same as I tend to use a pick.
  6. Age doesn't make a classic - awesomeness does. Stairway and Layla were classics from the moment they were first performed. Stuff that was rubbish when new is equally rubbish now. The Allegro will never be a classic, except in any league of classic crap.
  7. Jazz basses do all sound the same, that being AWESOME!
  8. Perhaps the shiny headed hardman of Basschat could don their tight leather jackets and go and have a friendly chat with the rest of the band?
  9. What is it with people these days. If one of my staff threw a tantrum and threatened to quit over something I'd hold the door open for them. If that's they type of spineless weasels you were playing with then you're better off without them. You mist now form a new, better band, amd steal all their gigs.
  10. I want to be buried with my basses so I can rock the banquet hall in Valhalla.
  11. I'm seeing them at Aylesbury and Leicester, 2 days apart. My hero was Jeffrey Hammond-Hammond (as per my avatar), but I would also love to see Peggy with them again. To be fair though David Goodier is no mean bassmeister himself.
  12. Slightly off topic, but are you seeing Anderson performing as Tull next year?
  13. Imagine what the motor trade would be like if cars lasted half a century or more. In fact, it would surprise me not if cars were deliberately engineered with short lifespans. For every new bass sold there are probably 50 in circulation, and barring accident or gross bodgery they'll last indefinitely. The new instrument market is fighting against an ever present and ever expanding pool of used instruments. How long can they keep it up?
  14. Not necessarily. Mrs Bassfingers key becomes inactive if it doesn't sense motion for 4 minutes, making them completely inoperative until they are physically moved again. Fords of the last year or two are the same.
  15. He's ok, harmless enough. I'm impressed at how well he plays with a prosthetic left hand.
  16. Despite the title it is, fortunately, mainly proper music with not that much actual tab.
  17. One nice thing about Olympia strings - break one while fitting and they'll replace it for free. The sound great on my JB, only OK on my other bass, although that's still a mile better than the strings it came with.
  18. My worst gear purchase has been a gear4music bass. Technically Mrs Bassfinger bought it so I shouldn't be j grateful. and it did get me playing bass. My best gear purchases have been the bits needed to make said donkey sound halfway decent. Flat wounds, Entwistle pickups, and a new nut have made an improvement put of proportion with the 40 quid spent.
  19. Aye, just fitted Olympia 100's to my JB today and the sound with a pick is enough to make the Lord Lemmy descend to Earth and anoint me with his holy Jack Daniels as a sign of approval.
  20. I've heard that the highly trained BC stealth commando unit are all diabetic and being paid in mince pies.
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