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Everything posted by Fuzzbass2000

  1. Blitzkreig Bop (....well actually the whole of the first LP). But +1 for Love Song.... a damned fine bass intro.
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  5. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  6. Mods - can you delete this pls? - posted in the wrong section.
  7. Once played in gig in Brighton on a stage made from a couple or three pool tables covered and pushed together.
  8. Fender (aka D'addario) 7250m. Roto Swing Bass 66 sometimes, Mainly the E & A....
  9. Maybe we need a new thread.... "Post Your 12 Bar Pics"..... Barnet would love it!
  10. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1330423801' post='1557052'] You don't need a wireless rig to reach the balcony - a good leap with a 20' lead is sufficient. BTW we're playing there again on March 9th for anyone who wants to catch some swinging from beams mayhem! [/quote] I can't jump that far.... end up having to use the stairs. Bonnie & Clydes on the 9th @ 12 Bar? See you then!
  11. +1 for the 12 Bar. A stage so small, that it actually makes sense to use a wireless rig.... so that you can stand up in the balcony! That aside, I've never had a bad bass sound in the place.
  12. [attachment=100957:PBASS.jpg] Here's me - 2001 MIA Butterscotch P & mid 90's CIJ Olympic White + Jazz Neck. For some reason I always think of fried eggs when I see these two together.
  13. [quote name='steve' timestamp='1330000700' post='1551081'] here's mine [/quote] Hey! It fits!
  14. Hi - just checking... you have a PM from a day or two back regarding the Sony headphones - assuming they're still up for grabs.
  15. An absolutely essential musical "reboot" Nothing wrong with what went before (loads of marvellous stuff), but sometimes you've got to hit the reset button to get some context. Learned to play to the first Ramones LP (turn the left hand side down and you can be Dee Dee too), still get a kick out of the bass intros to Neat Neat Neat. Love Song... love the bass playing on the 1st Rezillos Album and Matlock's playing on sp**k,
  16. Steve bought my CIJ Pbass Neck. Super-fast, painless transaction. Wish I had a few more necks to sell :-)! Zig
  17. Clean, 18 months old, lightly used Jazz Quarter Pounders. Now Sold to the man in Clevedon. (Sorry Fluffo) [attachment=100010:SPB3-1.jpg] [attachment=100011:SPB3-2.jpg]
  18. +1 on the knowing when to stop... it's all about what you leave out!
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