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Everything posted by Crusoe

  1. They come from near me. I've seen them busking in Belfast. They are very good.
  2. Kim Deal has been mentioned a couple of times, but no one has mentioned her bandmate from Breeders, Josephine Wiggs.
  3. The only reason for this that I can think of, is to try and cut down on scalping.
  4. So, you enjoy your job as a careers advisor, then? 😄😉
  5. Clothes peg on your nose and just sing it into a normal microphone.
  6. I wanted to do the same. When I was 16 I went to an RAF information day. I was a year too young to join. By the time I was old enough, I'd gone off the idea. I'd wanted to that from about the age of six and suddenly I had no idea what I wanted to be and still don't.
  7. RAW magazine... that's blast from the past!
  8. It seems appropriate to post this 😎
  9. That looks great. It does look like you've whacked it on the door frame on the way out, but looks well.
  10. Good grief man, you'll have someone's eye out with that! 😲
  11. You just know that, as Ugg was crouched over, using a piece of sharp flint to whittle the first spear, someone was standing watching over his shoulder saying "Ugg, not want do like that..."
  12. I always wondered... toolmakers use tools to make more tools, so what did the first toolmaker use to make the first tool? And that's how religions start! 😂
  13. That's a really good price - they are normally £89. I have the Pedal Tuner +, but i got mine for nothing 😄
  14. The do say that it isn't a job if you enjoy doing it.
  15. I don't think anyone has posted this. Apologies if they have. Pixies - Isla de Encanta
  16. Once I get the room sorted, I'll have to put my bass on a stand. I can't remember the last time I played it. I have my guitars on stands and play them all the time, because they are there and I don't have to drag a case out from under the bed to get at them.
  17. She's electric, She's from a family full of eccentrics, And the circles they are all concentric, In Casablanca, Ilsa liked to say 'Rick' In my head this rhyme did stick...
  18. Get another bassist and do a Royal Blood kind of thing.
  19. It's not for me. It makes me think of when car manufacturers decide that curvy body shapes are passé, so start designing boxy cars.
  20. Crusoe


    Welcome to the site Eddy. Pshaw, nobody remembers the name of the guy who played the second ever Fender bass. Now, the guy who played the first ever Fender bass was... give me a minute, it'll come t me. It's on the tip of my tongue...
  21. I can't believe no one has suggested (unless I missed it) Dildo.
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