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Everything posted by Crusoe

  1. I understand all the advantages, but they just don't... look right.
  2. If you ever watch the TOTP repeats on a Friday night, you'll spend most of the time going "I don't remember that. Don't remember that. Or that. Nope, no idea".
  3. The thing is, if they aren't getting the footfall, eventually they will go online only. I do get the arguments about buying online being convenient, but I like to be able to ask the shop assistants about the products, if necessary and try before buying. If something does go wrong, I'd rather be able to take a guitar or amp back to the shop rather than go through the hassle of having to pack it all up and arrange for it to be returned (and yes I do understand that not everyone lives close to a music shop).
  4. 1'3" in... I never knew David Tennent was in Jefferson Airplane. I mean, I know he played a time traveller, but that was just acting.
  5. I'm not sure if this is strictly classified as a musical opinion, but I don't like headless basses or guitars. They just don't look right.
  6. Astronomy, hi-fi, photography... you really don't like having money, do you? 😄
  7. Sounds a bit like bookshop.org
  8. He bores me and My Way is tedious (apart from Sid's version)
  9. I did say I hadn't listened to it in years (probably 30). 😄
  10. Not sure what's going on with the pick ups. Is it a hollow body? There looks to be a sound hole
  11. Exactly! - You like 80s music? What sort of thing? Fun Boy Three? Flock of Seagulls? Duran Duran? Heaven 17? - No, The Smiths, Jesus and Mary Chain, Iron Maiden, Pixies, Stone Roses...
  12. I didn't even like the Black album. Maybe I should give it another go as I haven't heard it in years, apart from the obvious couple of songs. If I remember correctly there was a song on it called 'Shapeshift', or that may have been the chorus. I used to sing 'Sheep $hit' to it.
  13. I got my guitar and amp from Thomann, but I did buy my bass amp from this shop a few months ago (though I did order it online 😄). If I decide to upgrade the guitar or buy a new bass it will be from the shop, because I want to be able to try it first. I do buy other bits and pieces from them too, like plectrums, straps, books etc.
  14. I posted this over on GC but thought it might be of interest here too... I was in my local music shop, Matchetts, this evening. They are having a pedal week and had Adam Ironside from D'Addario in to demonstrate their new XPND pedal board. I am an absolute beginner when it comes to electric guitar, so I went along to try and learn something (and because I was at a loose end). The pedal board looks like a really useful bit of kit. The one he showed holds about 4 pedals but has a section that slides out which can accommodate another 3 or 4. He encouraged us to ask questions, so I asked about powering the pedals (I did say I'm a beginner) and I ended up coming away with a D'Addario Pedal Tuner Plus for asking what Adam considered to be the best question of the night. Happy days! He also gave us some t-shirts. The moral of the story is, support your local bricks and mortar music shops, because you don't get this sort of thing from online retailers.
  15. I can't understand why they would use a truss rod that works in the opposite direction to almost every other truss rod out there. 😕
  16. I don't really remember hearing about John Lennon being killed, but I remember hearing about Elvis dying, on the radio. 16/8/77, just a few days after my 3rd birthday.
  17. Nina Simone. In particular that "I got my arms, got my legs, got my spleen, got my kidneys, got my Islets of Langerhans, got my glomerulus..." song
  18. I did know the first, but did think it was Neil Young for a long time. The second one I did not know (nor the thing abut Tony Iommi being in JT).
  19. I used to despise Phil Collins, but my attitude towards him has softened in recent years and I don't even change the station when he comes on the radio nowadays. Coldplay on the other hand...
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