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Richard R

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Everything posted by Richard R

  1. @Andyjr1515 - did your friend record any sound clips? And is he still going to sleep every night with that gorgeous instrument beside him?
  2. Step away from the keyboard, and back to the fretboard... Or, if you live in a scenic bit of Yorkshire, get the boots on and go for a long stomp before the weather turns and you're forced to stay indoors and practice. πŸ₯Ύ
  3. I had no recollection of this when it started until "See one, feel one, touch one" and I instantly remembered the next line "win an award", and the subsequent riff. Which demonstrates that the important thing in pop is a great hook. I do like your cover version. This would be a fun one live! Although nobody under 55 would get the references you can get everyone singing the chorus, and change the verses around depending on what's topical.
  4. If he really thinks that John Entwistle bass is worth a hundred grand, then surely it wouldn't be just on display so easily bashed?
  5. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001l97m This is by far the best podcast I have heard on chatbots in ages. If only for the term "stochastic parrots", which will be the name of my covers band. And just to follow up on that:
  6. The SW bash is legendary for the food. Sometimes people talk about basses a bit too. The Midlands Bash concentrates on basses, but we did tell people where the nearest Greggs was. 😁
  7. Sure looks like progress to me. I can't make the bash this weekend, which is really really disappointing. For a start I'll have to make my own lunch!
  8. Weirdly my welcome post seems to have disappeared.πŸ€” Welcome again.
  9. Isn't the internet wonderful!! https://www.oldfallsvillage.com/depot-beer-garden-event
  10. That would cover a multitude of sins! (Not that you will make any mistakes, but I will when I get round to modding my #2 bass over the winter)
  11. Welcome aboard! If you're free, then do try to meet up with the fine ladies and gentlemen the SE Bash on 12th November, expertly organised by @Hamster I have no idea why that photo is the one chosen!
  12. Something chrome/silvery round the pickups, to match the control plate?
  13. Just looked at your tour dates, the closest to me is Cannock and not only is it sold out but I am on standby for taxi duty as my wife and her colleagues are out that night. πŸ˜ͺ
  14. I would have thought the stress of learning to play fretless would raise one's blood pressure. It sure would mine!
  15. U2 are all well aware of the contradiction of being uber-wealthy and encouraging everyone to give and share. By contrast, how many Bono-haters on BC are aware of their massively privileged position in the world (living in a stable country, food to eat, income to spend on gear, not being bombed, flooded, or fleeing persecution..) and actively do anything to help those elsewhere who need it? U2 were always a political and protest(ing) band, from day one when they were skint they made it clear what they tried to stand for and used the band as a platform. From day 1.5 they were also clear in their goal to be the biggest band on the planet. They got where they are by a little bit of luck, a lot if self-belief,a sh!t-load of hard work and some very good songs. So why would they suddenly stop using the band as a platform, or stop being political, when they became famous? That would be far more hypocritical than continuing to do what they had always done. <end of post before it becomes political >
  16. Let me check I understand this: If the input signal level to the desk is in the green, and the aux output to the IEM headphone amp is green, then the sound is clear, but the volume in the phones isn't high enough and there's no headroom. If the output from the aux is up in the yellow (-6db?), then there's headroom, but the sound you hear is distorted. Monitoring the aux output straight from the desk, the sound is clear. That's odd. It does suggest the HPA doesn't like the bass, definitely worth a serious cut below 40Hz. Are you using an XLR to XLR for the IEM feed? XLR to TRS may be wired balanced, or unbalanced, and the wrong one will sound odd. We use mainly Behringer P2s at church, from an Allen & Heath desk, and the youth band have the same from I think a Presonus rack. Never had any problems with the output level from either, they are industry standard. ( I can't remember the conversation from dBu which is what the desk spec is and dBV on the monitor, which is annoying!) I find I run the P2 at about ΒΌ of the way up the volume level and its loud enough into my cheap headphones.
  17. This is mine, with a 35" bass in. It sits high, so doesn't bash my legs but I have to seriously duck through doorways. It has well padded pockets on the front for pedals and the like, and a padded laptop sleeve too. I do walk to practice these days, about .8 mile, and it's comfy enough. I also now play a 5 string that is a bit heavier than the 4 in the photos. There's a thread somewhere on cases with waist straps, but I can't find it.
  18. Very cool! Completely useless to me, but nonetheless - very cool!
  19. Welcome aboard! Hats off to anyone who can play EUB, I have tried a couple and found it hard going so I retreated. 😁 Lots of church bassists here, do say Hi on the playing in church thread.
  20. Long shot: A friend of mine is a sculptor, he makes bronzes cast from clay models. He had a used set off me to make into a set of wire scrapers. A loop of the wire in a wooden frame, something like this: https://www.fruugo.co.uk/3-piece-clay-sculpture-tools-big-loop-scraper-knife-with-sawtoothstainless-steel-wooden-thick-handle-flat-wire-clay-pottery-sculpting-tool-set-pack-of/p-183208336-391205758?language=en Maybe if you have an art college or school nearby that can either take and use the strings as is, or make them into tools?
  21. I've heard him tell the story of the playback of "Like a prayer", with him sitting next to Madonna, a couple of times, and it never fails to make me laugh. 10:42 in the video above, but the whole thing is quite entertaining.
  22. Two of my favourite sounds in one sentence!
  23. In the meantime I asked ChatGPT "Write a short paragraph explaining why the Christian God plays bass guitar" To which I got the response: "The concept that the Christian God plays bass guitar is a metaphorical or whimsical notion rather than a theological one. People often ascribe human characteristics or behaviors to deities as a way of relating to them or to emphasize certain attributes. In the context of this playful idea, one might say that the bass guitar provides the foundational rhythm and harmony in a band, much like how the Christian God is perceived as the foundation of the universe and life itself. Just as the bass guitar supports and uplifts other instruments, God is seen as the support and guide for humanity. It's a creative way to think of God's role in a musical context."
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