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Everything posted by kevbass

  1. [quote name='Stan_da_man' post='274671' date='Sep 1 2008, 02:58 PM']Over 1300 views and still not sold![/quote] Perhaps look at offering postage? Might get it shifted quicker
  2. [quote name='Master blaster' post='274011' date='Aug 31 2008, 07:19 PM']i agree with the ashdown amps. They just seem dull and not worth the price tag that comes with them Also i agree with rotosound strings. Tryed them a couple of times and im glad i havent gone back to them. Also Ibanez, why are they so popular. I owned a SRX (cant remember the number) and it was uncomfortable to play and the sound was pretty uninspiring. As for ibanez as a whole, they're pretty rubbish looking. And finally any copies of already popular basses. For example why the hell is there so many companies copying fender?[/quote] Presumably because of the popular design so they know it will sell, only companys like sadowsky and sei think they can do it better, whether they can or cant I dont know as Ive not played either, and at the prices they knock them out at I probbably never will.
  3. Headstock snobbery, i.e those who wont touch a bass if it has a cheap name on the headstock. Pointy Basses, just a no no for me. Bass players with the most expensive gear who have little experience or talent
  4. Hello Folks, After my last ebay adventure that went slightly pear shaped (as you all know) I decided I fancied a go on another vintage P bass, after having sold off my Hondo P I soon started to miss it, its odd how I always go back to the P Bass sound, I might dabble in other basses from time to time such as jazz basses or something with active humbuckers, but I always end up with a P Bass in my hands again, and when I first started playing bass I didnt even like P Basses at all! anyways here it is A nice cheap old Hohner precision from the early 80's I would think, bridge looks pretty heavy duty and its quenched my gas for a white on maple bass.....for now! Now I might just have to throw in a new Pup, I'd like to try a Lindy Fralin or a Bare Knuckle pup I think. I got it for just over 60 quid
  5. When I see these it reminds me of a cross between a rockbass and a vintage v900. Nice bass, very 80's looking
  6. [quote name='bassman2790' post='273359' date='Aug 30 2008, 09:24 PM']I'm not a fan of distorted bass. I much prefer a nice clean tone but the band I play with covers 'Under The Sky' by The Answer. In said song there is a tiny section where everything drops out except the bass. You can see/ listen to it at 2:48 in this [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JL3gIO624X8"]YouTube video[/url] I've tried to get something approximating this distorted tone using my GT-6B without any success (surprising considering the distortion/fuzz options on the GT-6B). It still needs to carry the weight but with that clipped distortion. Any ideas what I could use to get this tone? Cheers[/quote] Go for an Ibanez pd7 bass overdrive pedal, you can dial in distortion or overdrive without dumping the bass out of your sound as is a problem with the Boss overdrive ODB3 pedal. Plugging it into a guitar metal zone pedal you'll also lose the bass so Ibanez is your best bet.
  7. [quote name='stevie' post='273182' date='Aug 30 2008, 02:19 PM']If the seller escalates the claim you won't get a chance to respond to his statement. I hope you went into plenty of detail when you opened up the dispute. As Warwickhunt said, you learn the hard way.[/quote] Lost patience and decided to escalate it myself, he wasnt going to respond so I figured why wait? I went in to plenty of detail when I did escalate it, and I have asked for my refund including the money I paid on postage, so I'll probbably be left out of pocket to the tune of 20 quid when I post it back to him, but yes Ive learned the hard way on this one, what a w*nker though, to purposefully and blatantly lie in your auction description.
  8. why oh why do they consistently ruin these basses with those tacky mop inlays everywhere? take away thos inlays and embelishments and you have a nice bass
  9. [quote name='Bassassin' post='272931' date='Aug 29 2008, 11:20 PM']We might have to change the title of the thread to TallyCrap Spotting: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=260280891144"]Another Melody P copy[/url] Is the light attracting them or what? J.[/quote] That ones even more expensive! And looks to be even cleaner than the other one. So perhaps the other guys one is fairly original, or perhaps they've both had the hardware changed over the years. I think I prefer the dark stained one.
  10. Nice! that'll look even better when you get some gigging wear and tear mojo on it! Nice score
  11. That actually looks pretty good! Josh send it off to the warwick custom shop and get a quote on a build
  12. [quote name='Higgie' post='272658' date='Aug 29 2008, 02:56 PM']I have an EBMM 4 string Stingray with 3EQ. Maple neck and fingerboard, translucent orange with an abalone pickguard. I've been really tempted to PM you, as I absolutely love SR5's, and the translucent teal is my colour of choice on an SR5...But I really, really do love the 4 so I don't know what to do PM me if you like, and maybe we can sort something out - Not guaranteeing anything though, as I love the 4 very much![/quote] Go round and have a play and see what you think!
  13. [quote name='Waldo' post='272454' date='Aug 29 2008, 12:32 PM']Did you use paypal? If so, make a claim. I was mis-sold a guitar and I got all my money back, plus the guitar [/quote] Yeah I used paypal. Unsupprisingly when I got in contact with the seller through ebay it all went quiet, so Ive opened up a paypal dispute under the "misdescription" category. If he doesnt respond by monday morning Im going to escalate it to a claim.
  14. It is a nice player admitedly, but Im just bitter over the fact I was blatantly lied to in this auction, its not a sterling pickup, theres no third dummy coil, its just a standard olp bass. Not wanting to start sounding paranoid here, but Im wondering , because it took him several days after auction until he shipped it, if the guy was unhappy with the low amount it sold for and took the sterling pup out and banged the old one back in. Anyways watch this space for any news
  15. Hello Ladies and gentlemen, I recieved the olp bass with sterling pup fitted today, much to my dissapointment. it arrived in its gig bag through parcelforce, not even boxed, the pickup, was a standard OLP bass pickup, I could tell straight away because the pole pieces had the swirl pattern on them and the outer casing of the pickup was different and on taking the pickup screws out the bottom of the pup was sealed in glue, like my standard olp ray, now correct me if I am wrong but as far as I know sterling pups are not sealed pickups. On top of that the scratchplate that was on it was not an olp scratchplate but that of an actual ray and therefore did not fit correctly, on taking it off there were extra screw holes in the body and poorly done as the screws went it at a diagonal angle. A big patch of buckle rash is on the back. I have e-mailed the seller asking ofr a refund because of the misdescription of the item as it does not have a sterling pup in it. I know I only paid £90 but I cant help but feel Ive been jipped.
  16. Its nice to see this Body finally being put to use (something I never had the time to do), its looking good Si, a bit supprised you decided to stick with black! but you cant knock black on maple now can you?
  17. [quote name='sgt-pluck' post='270563' date='Aug 26 2008, 09:05 PM']Well I don't know what the experts think ( and an expert I certainly aint! ), but that bass looks odd. I can't believe it's '70's - looks way too clean to me - not enough yellowing on the neck, hardware too lacking in 'patina' etc. But the body looks like it might be two ( ? ) pieces of wood although no idea what wood it might be - I'd assume it's been stained. Couldn't find anything on 'Melody' as a brand. Nothing on the smaller-than-usual neckplate. Home-made maybe? Interesting.... I agree though, might be worth a punt if it were a bit cheaper. Pluck[/quote] I got in touch with the guy asking how original the bass was. I got a reply telling me it was all original as far as he knows apart from the bridge cover which is a fender one. I suppose its plausable its a "Bitsa" bass or the hardware has been given a really good clean, Its still a nice looker, it was hard for me to not hit that buy it now button.
  18. This is a nice looking piece of kit, I am sorely tempted myself but I cant help but feel its over priced [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120297964635&ssPageName=ADME:X:AAQ:GB:1123"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...E:X:AAQ:GB:1123[/url]
  19. Its purely a matter of choice, if you like the sound of new zingy strings then change them when they lose their zing, if you like the dull thuddy sound of a well worn set then dont change em! remember bass strings are great big thick cables and very durable, so to change regularly is not nessecary imo. If you have two basses why not have one that you dont change the strings on and one bass that you do change them on, that way you have a bass to call upon if you want a mellow'd softer sound!
  20. I know some of you may say it lacks groove and may even say it sounds like a guitar piece on bass but I think its tastefully done, and its the first time Ive really heard a ritter being played [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwtcDQh-d2s&NR=1"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwtcDQh-d2s&NR=1[/url]
  21. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='269760' date='Aug 25 2008, 08:57 PM']Got a triple-pack of these and they're very good. I'm no string expert though. Defo worth experimenting if you get them at a good price. Edit: [url="http://www.calllarryhartke.com/"]phone Larry Hartke up[/url] and ask him who makes them.[/quote] Alright thats good enough for me, I'll pick up a pack from the bay this evening
  22. Hello ladies and gents, I should be recieving that OLP with the sterling pup in the post tommorow, so I want to throw on some new strings and I'd like to try something new, I always go with ernie ball slinkys or D'addario but I fancy a change. I am on a bit of a budget so as much as I'd like to try some DR blacks or Elites I cant afford them right now. Hartke strings seem to be quite cheap and its a name I'm familiar with. I have had a look on ebay and there are manufacturers who claim their strings are great and cheap and usa made etc but Im not familar with the brands and I'm a bit put off to get these. So, Hartke seem like a good option, anyone had any experience with these?
  23. Some sound advice here, but, if you really want to put your mind at ease, take it to a local guitar luthier / technician (not to the place you bought it from) and say to them "look at this neck, what do you think" and if they say yeah its fine all is well then you can relax knowing you've had a pro look at it for you, if they say yes its slightly warped then ask them to adjust it for you, or if its still under guarantee take it back and say "This is warped dont try and tell me otherwise can you sort it please"
  24. Gah! tempting! any chance of a few more pics sir?
  25. That, dear sir, is a very nice looking bass indeed
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