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Everything posted by kevbass

  1. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='298703' date='Oct 3 2008, 03:21 PM']I considering buying it.[/quote] Dont man, this guy is a pain to deal with, unresponsive and the bass has serious bucklerash and the pickguard is an actual ray pickguard and thus extra screw holes have been drilled into it and done very poorly at an angle
  2. this is the bloke who scammed me, now he's relisted it as having a sterling pup, says it all
  3. I'm sad it went to someone else but thank god because my bank balance couldnt handle it
  4. kevbass


    yeah re stringing it so it has an extra high string as opposed to a low opens up all kinds of possibilities, definately give that a go
  5. you are all misguided the rebop is one of the nicest basses Ive ever played
  6. Ok folks the results are in and Paypal awarded me all my money back including the amount I payed on postage so atleast I have my money back. Oddly enough, the evening before I got my money back from paypal, the seller finally contacts me, explaining to me that he's sorry for the delay in contacting me, but its his Dads account he was selling through. He said that he "didnt realise" the bass didnt have a sterling pup in it (b*llocks if you ask me) as he got the bass off a mate of his and he just put it straight on the bay, and that he'd give me my money back as his Dads paypal account had been suspended as a result. His fault as a seller for not knowing (or so he claims) what he was selling, but I get the feeling he did know as the auction description stated "[b]I've[/b] had a sterling pup put in it at cost of 70 quid" It took him 2 weeks to respond to me. I get the feeling had his Dads paypal account not been suspended I wouldnt of heard back from him. He's lucky Ive offered to post it back to him. I then recieve a message from him asking me to remove the negative feedback he has recieved on his Dads paypal account. Which I dont know if I can do, and even if I could, I wouldnt.
  7. [quote name='escholl' post='281192' date='Sep 10 2008, 02:49 PM']I've got Lindy Fralin's in my bass, and they're amazing...a bit more expensive but (i think) definitely worth it. if you're anywhere near cambridge, you're welcome to come have a go on my bass.[/quote] Thankyou for your kind offer but unfortunately I'm in south London. Will let you all know what I end up with
  8. Hello ladies and gentlemen, Despite what i've said before I have decided to throw in a new set of pups in my pbass, now, only question is....which ones? Feline guitars have told me they have some custom made Bare Knuckle pups that were made for them as they are a stockist, you cant see these on bare knuckles website because they were custom made for feline guitars, but at a price of 90 quid they are a bit pricey. So what should I go with? I'm tempted by Di'Marzio as I've always heard good things about them, then again Ive heard good things about Seymour Duncans, then theres the traditional fender route, people here say good things about Wizard pups but I've never heard one, they really that good? So, what do you think, if it were you, what would you go with, or what have you gone with in the past?
  9. That is one fine looking thumb you have sir, good luck with the sale
  10. Right, so, here we are, my most recent ebay goody that arrived about a week ago. Since its arrival Ive changed the screws in the strap buttons for fatter deeper screws ( if you look in the repairs and technical section you'll know why I did this) and then I put on some of those plastic disc strap locks that cost me about 2.95 each from my local music shop (yes I probbably over paid for them). Then I got some white pup covers off the bay and replaced the black ones which had a crack in them, and to my annoyance somebody at some point glued these pup covers on, yes glued, every sodding inch of them, it took me about 40 minutes of chisseling away at the plastic with a screwdriver to get them off but eventually did and then I had to reglue on pickup back on to the magnet as it was starting to come away. I then added a thumbrest. I took the scratchplate off to re solder the electrics and give it all a tighten and a clean, theres plenty of space underneath that scratchplate for an active preamp should I decide to get one installed, but I probbably wont. Because of the large cavity underneath the plate the bass has a big bright hollow sound to it. I'm not sure if the pups on it are stock or not but they sound good and loud with plenty of crunch if I want it dialled in so they're staying put. The bridge is heavy duty and reminds me of a schaller crossed with a badass, again Im not sure if its original personally I dont think it is. Paintwork is original and is in good clean condition bar the odd bump here and there. The neck is nicely played in and you can see the skunk stripe wearing away on the back. I threw on a new set of light gauge ernie ball slinkys and set the action nice and low, theres no fret buzz and plays like a dream. The neck inlays seem to be abalone or peraloid or something, they look quite smart and the neck plate is embossed. So all in all im pleased with it and its a keeper (for now anyways). The only thing I may upgrade next is the tuners, I was thinking about a black set of gotoh's. Here are the pics
  11. I had one of these, I believe its an SR705 I bought one from the bass cellar about 5 years ago and payed over the odds for it, but being naive to ibanez basses I presumed I was paying a fair price, nice bass good luck with your sale.
  12. Problem solved with a fatter longer screw
  13. Hello folks, ok I got my hohner p bass copy (very pleased with it too) the only flaw is that the strap button or pin doesnt sit very tightly in the top horn, I mean it stays put but I cant get the screw to tighten past a certain point and Im worried one day during a gig its going to ping out of the horn altogether. I took it off and it looks like the strap button has been changed a few times and as a result the hole drilled into the horn has widened and deepened over the years. I would like to know do you think it would be possible to fill this hole and then re drill it? And if it is possible how strong would it hold the screw in once redrilled? thanks all
  14. Ive played USA peavey's and personally I think they're great, If I ever got a cirrus I'd change out the gold hardware for black but thats the only mods I'd make, I think they sound excellent. Budget range or higher end peavey gets the thumbs up from me.
  15. Heres some fun you could have with it. Being that your in a punk band take it to your next band practice, pull it out of the bag and say "Hey guys from now on im only going to play non fender modern looking five string basses, Im saving up for a BC Rich next!" and watch them all go like this
  16. This is a nice looking "put together" Jazz, unsure as to whether its a warmoth body on it, but the spec is pretty good, even with shipping its about 380 quid or so [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/Warmoth-Electric-4-String-Jazz-Bass-Guitar-Nice-2563_W0QQitemZ280261440130QQihZ018QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.com/Warmoth-Electric-4-Str...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  17. [quote name='Paul Cooke' post='275028' date='Sep 1 2008, 10:39 PM']erm... you're supposed to do them up real tight with a spanner... not finger tight... and then it pays to check them every few weeks... I always have the correct size spanner in my gig bag... not a real spanner though, a thin flat one that came free with a assemble-it-yourself piece of furniture... turned out to be the right size for the schallers so I kept hold of it.[/quote] I always use them beer bottle plastic thingys you get on big bottles of grolsch, cheaper and you get to drink the beer
  18. IMO, in a word...no, Fender quality control is too hit and miss, Ive played Mexi Jazzes that feel better put together than USA gear, when it comes to fender you're better off just trying a bunch of them be they made in america or japan or mexico until you find that one that feels good in your hands. Having said that the Highway series is a good bang for your buck.
  19. [quote name='BassManKev' post='274755' date='Sep 1 2008, 05:24 PM']if thats a genuine musicman pickup, theres no way that was factory installed if not, then interesting, but too expensive[/quote] I think the fender factory made a limited run of about 25 of these, and if I remember correctly he's selling at the price he bought it at. I think given the rarity of it, imo, the price is reasonable.
  20. [quote name='ruztiwarren' post='274531' date='Sep 1 2008, 01:07 PM']Music shops with vintage instruments hanging on the wall for show not sale. My classic is the only music shop in Croydon (I forget the name) which has a beautiful early 70's Fender jazz bass hanging 12 feet up the wall with a "not for sale" sign! It's been up there unplayed for god knows how long gathering dust. Travesty.[/quote] Is it Rock Bottom?
  21. This has been flagged up on here before, by me I believe [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/WHITE-FENDER-PRECISION-BASS-MIJ-MUSICMAN-PICKUP_W0QQitemZ170255488421QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item170255488421&_trkparms=72%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/WHITE-FENDER-PRECISI...id=p3286.c0.m14[/url] Some people were a little unsure of the sort of sound it might put out because of the pup being away from the bridge a'la stingray style, but I think its a nice collectors piece, pretty rare if you ask me
  22. I wont pretend to know much about Ricki copies because I dont, but spotted this one, apologies if its been flagged up already, has a precision jazz pickup combo on it [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VINTAGE-RICKIBASS-GUITAR-70s-echte-Sammlerstueck-SELTEN_W0QQitemZ250288396434QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item250288396434&_trkparms=72%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VINTAGE-RICKIBASS-GU...id=p3286.c0.m14[/url] Looks pretty smart
  23. That Jazz is a beauty! Nice price too!
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