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Status Updates posted by Phill

  1. Depping with The Manic-Phonic Experience tonight . Picture from the last 2-Tone Tribute Tour. What a way to end the run!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Marc S

      Marc S

      PS. Great looking Jazz - what is it? US? Which year / model?

    3. Phill


      It went well! It's a 1972 previously owned by Dave Peacock from Chas & Dave 👍

    4. Marc S

      Marc S

      Wow! That's amazing! Nice... really nice :) :) 

  2. Got a last minute Vulf ticket!!!!

    1. TheGreek


      Want to meet up in a dark alley somewhere??? 😎😎😅

    2. Phill


      😂 I'll send my Mrs off somewhere first 😂

    3. Chewie


      Man, they will rock Brixton...... Lucky g1t......!!!!

      There were two on evilbay last night but I can't make it.......!!!!


  3. Currently being interviewed by Kyle from The University of Sheffield about my career and tips for new graduates 👍 I love Skype 😂

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Phill


      I'll try my best 👍 

    3. TheGreek


      "..for new graduates?..."

      For students in general..."Pick up your litter, don't annoy and be respectful to the residents of the area where you are studying and FFS stop going on about how little money students have...you can afford to buy drink& drugs!!"

      Rant over...

    4. Phill


      😂 it mainly turned into me moaning about the industry but overall I think they got what they needed 

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