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Everything posted by Reggaebass

  1. Classic Flabba Holt Bassline here, right in the groove
  2. What bass is it, I’ve seen the ones for the fender jazz
  3. There’s a bit of info here , and I had a useful video somewhere on how to make one that had some good tips in , I’ll see if I can find it
  4. Thanks gjones, 👍 that would make sense as it has the grounding strip but doesn’t have the threaded bridge saddles or the strap button on the back of the headstock
  5. Most of the Japanese jazzes I’ve seen have had the serial number on the bottom / back of the neck , this one has it on the headstock, is it a different model?https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Jazz-Bass-1988-89-MIJ-Vintage-White-good-condition-great-sound-and-feel-/324386546209?_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49292
  6. I’ve trained them lads well 😂
  7. Great pictures Douglas, Is that the verythin in the middle, and what’s the red bass to the right with the bridge cover 🙂
  8. A coincidence that I recorded this quite a while ago, it’s on now if anyone is interested 🙂
  9. I taped, A delicate sound of thunder from sky arts, that’s really good
  10. I like a bit of Floyd, I’ll check this out, thanks lozz ☝️
  11. No wonder the neck is straight, it looks like a 10mm steel rod running through it 😄
  12. Really like that Clarky, I started out playing blues, very good luck with your release 👍
  13. Fantastic, that was my first real amp in 1978, my one had the Jam stamped on the bottom, I would have that if it was closer, GLWYS 🙂
  14. I’ve got a few of the lads to look after mine for me 😁
  15. I’ve got a Sandberg TT fitted with labella LTF’s , and I play reggae and heavy dub on mine , the pre amp allows me to dial in a perfect tone, I even have to back off the bass because it’s too much , I do have to back off the treble on the amp but I do that with all my basses , it can do really bright if I use only the bridge pup , but generally I wouldn’t say it’s over bright 🙂
  16. A long time back we used this a few times from the tv program at the time
  17. Yeah definitely, I’ve got a good one somewhere, you may already have it but I’ll see if I can find it , edit, this one is good
  18. A nice little mix here if you like the chill out vibe of Gregory isaacs
  19. Mine haven’t arrived yet, I must stop stalking the postman 😄
  20. Anyone fancy buying Bob Marley’s guitar, it’s up for auction , a bit pricey for me, and I’m not very good on guitar 😄
  21. Very nice, what’s the nut width please Typhus
  22. Such a cool amp old man riva, hope you get it sorted ☝️
  23. I like your style barking spiders,☝️ king tubby albums are normally one of my choices if I’ve got a long drive
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