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Everything posted by Reggaebass

  1. Has anyone tried the labella Olinto flats, I’ve watched a few videos and they seem quite nice , I’m normally 40-100 ish but wouldn’t mind trying them
  2. I remember a friend of mine had that album when I was at school, which I think I’ve still got somewhere, the one that I used to like was The Model
  3. I know all these tracks and it’s good to hear them like this, the Bassline on Linval Thompson stop loving is just great
  4. Sorry to hear this, thanks for sharing Rumblebass
  5. I’d agree it’s a great place and very well moderated, I’ve met lots of good people here mainly when I’m buying stuff, I live abroad part of the year but I’m still on here every day and sometimes all day , I don’t always post unless I can add or help out in any way, as @Oopsdabassistsays “If ya can't say something nice......" that sort of thing”, I’ve always got answers to whatever I’ve asked, even the stupid questions 😁, and the DOI always brings a smile to my face, top people there , in all I’d be quite lost without basschat
  6. Great one ud, sly and Robbie at their best
  7. Looks in very good condition for the year , as above some of the mid to late 70s ones can be pretty heavy so you might ask about the weight, I’d try to get the price down too if you’re thinking of getting it, good luck
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  9. Another one of my favourites from Naoto
  10. Are they new vin, they might just have some factory oil on them, I’d give them a good wipe down, I wouldn’t put anything on my fingers myself
  11. I don’t take any notice of the weight myself and I don’t mind heavy basses, strangely I don’t really like ones that are too light, but if you’ve had a back problem then standing with it might be uncomfortable after a while, cool bass though
  12. Yeah that’s what I was thinking, I know they did code lots but didn’t think they dated them there, the earlier bodies were dated in the pickup cavity
  13. Out of interest what do you make of this, https://reverb.com/uk/item/78434635-fender-precision-bass-1959-body-sunburst I’m thinking it’s maybe not a 59 body, from what I understand they didn’t have a paint stick mark or a date in the neck pocket?, looks more late 60s-early 70s
  14. I’ve been going through my Matumbi which I do every now and again ,and I’d forgotten how good this Bassline is, might have to brush up on it the weekend
  15. I don’t know much about mustangs but it doesn’t seem a bad price for the year, nice colour and I remember Spirogyra too
  16. I think I know the one you mean, looks pretty good, it’s been for sale for a long while, I’m guessing they would take an offer
  17. I wouldn’t say I crave it but I’ve always liked the look of the Ida Nielsen signature, I don’t like gold hardware but it looks cool , I’m guessing I’d play it for a while then it would sit in the rack
  18. How about some Tony Tuff from around 1980 and a track I can’t get enough of lately from the album Hi Yo by Keith Foundation, a great Bassline to play by Robbie Shakespeare
  19. When you say ,This bridge is fixed into drilled holes. It ain't moving, do you mean it’s recessed or something or the screws are just really tight, do you have a pic stew
  20. Hi bobby, I normally just call them on 01621 857853 uk , they don’t come on here much these days ,but you could try and send a private message to the tag Spondon has given above and it will go to their email, good luck
  21. Have you tried different strings stew, I had this once and it was ok with another set
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