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Everything posted by BassmanPaul

  1. I've been happy with my Acme B2 cabinets. I have four but only use two to gig with. They are a 2x10 box and I stack a pair for a vertical 4x10. The way they handle the Low B of my sixes is a pure delight!!
  2. I thought it was due to resonance from where my brain should be! LOL
  3. In my mind trying to make something into something it's not often ends up in a fail.
  4. Just as a point the RH750 has a maximum output of 236W just the same as it's little brother the RH450. It only 'sounds' like 750W.
  5. Don't put your screwdriver through the cone. When you do your whole day is ruined!!
  6. If you like the sound of your Rumble practice amp why not consider one if it's bigger brothers? I've played through a Rumble 350 combo with two 10s and it handled the B of my six string with ease. It's the first Fender bass amp I've actually liked!
  7. Contact Jeff at Genzler to get the proper device.
  8. You could take a look at the Mesa D800 and D800+ Fine very well made amplifiers.
  9. If the pre-amp pedal has sufficient output to drive the power amp you chose yes you can. If it doesn’t you can not! BTW, the only dumb question is the one that was never asked.
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