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Everything posted by BassmanPaul

  1. On January 24 I'll be 76 so trust me I know that feeling!
  2. One thing to remember using an amplifier with two power amps is do not connect both amplifiers to the same cabinet. that's a recipe for disaster.
  3. He sure did! I remember the brand new Blonde, Blackface Fender Bassman I bought in the Sixties. I was so excited to use it at a gig. I set it up leaned it back on it's legs and it looked gorgeous! Started the first tune and all I got were notes farting in the worst way! I took it back. They had sold my trade in but I left the Fender there anyway! Nowadays I gig with a pair of Acme B2 2x10 three way cabinets. They are placed stacked as a vertical 4x10, the 'Skinny stack.' LOL
  4. Incidentally, speaker cabinets have Impedance not Resistance. Impedance is an AC measurement whereas Resistance is measured at DC.
  5. What you do need to be aware of is buying gear from Canada or the States. We don't see too many units with switchable input voltages. 240V sent into something that expects to see 120V is always fatal.
  6. It's appaulling how many Pauls are on this site!! More seriously, were all the repairs done at the same place? Were the faults the same each time? If so I would be having a conversation with the service manager. I would contact Ampeg and ask their advice. You won't be any worse off than you are now and they might well offer you suggestions for going forward.
  7. So they are now defunct? They made good equipment for a reasonable price. I play their basses. Their power amps are in everything I own. <Sigh> Family squabbles IIRC. I trust you and yours are safe and healthy and that you have a merry Christmas. Paul
  8. Get yourself a BX1500. That will handle 2Ω. on each of it's two power amps. If your cabinets are both of the same model you could run them in series for an 8Ω load. Different speaker systems in series could well interact poorly.
  9. Only if you are very, very lucky and In this case I doubt that the valves have anything to do with the original problem!! Besides, it being an American made unit them valves is Tubes.
  10. I don't think Andy is destitute! LOL Maybe autocorrect spell checking got it wrong?
  11. Obsolete junk - definitely!! lol
  12. Very often a cabinet NEEDS sufficient power to get it moving into the sweet zone. My Acme B2 boxes sound ho hum with a lower power amplifier. With enough power they are wonderful and a low B just leaps out of them. Just to be fair I drive them with Class D amplifiers. Enjoy your new toys! LOL
  13. I hope you ordered the four pole version.
  14. Break a string at the gig!! Kinda like break a leg! LOL
  15. There is no real way to mess with impedance. Yes you could use a transformer but it will be both heavy and expensive. The unit mentioned above will change 4Ω to 8Ω so you would need two - one for each cabinet. All four of my Acme B2 2x10 cabinets are 4Ω. Then again all of my amplifiers are happy into a 2Ω load. My power amps will drive 2Ω per channel so they can push all four of my boxes at once. In your case I would pick up a stereo / two channel power amp and drive it from your existing amplifier. These are pretty cheap for what they bring to the table.
  16. I see I have responded to a zombie thread!!! It must be time for a nap
  17. Circuitry drawing too much power. Tech Time!
  18. Did you try the old favourite trick of linking the Send and Return of the FX loop with a short signal cable?
  19. You really shouldn't have to go through this crap with what is supposed to be a good quality amplifier!
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