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Everything posted by triplebass

  1. apparently still nothing efficient... i’ll close the door behind me...
  2. Hi, i want to try how my DB sounds with thicker strings, anybody has a used set of Velvet Garbo/anima or anything similar that you want to get out of your way in exchange for some cash? Not looking for Zyex, Belcanto or such... Thanks
  3. the first batch is on the basses, would love to use these also for keys, pedals, nipples... but... uk only?!? #ilovebrexit
  4. my wife likes the cupboard.. any discount for both together?
  5. The simplicity of not having any controls apart from your fingers is also very challenging and liberating
  6. This is with me now, got it in a trade with Emiel. A great bass with an excellent neck, very comfortable body shape, beautiful sounds, perfectly balanced, absolutely no neck dive. i was very surprised to see all the complaints on a german forum and am very happy i didn’t believe them. To anybody checking or wondering.. Don’t hesitate if you see one somewhere!
  7. Niiiice.. Excuse my ignorance... may i ask what is this block next to the bridge, what special function or purpose? Does the neck wood sandwich alignment add to overall stability? GLWYS
  8. too many beautiful basses.. this would go great with the Hondo Deluxe i got from you, but... broke + brexit = sin fiesta
  9. weak as i am... 70's ibby gone fretless, Audere inside, what's not to like?
  10. should this be in the abstinence section? i’m having a really hard time not buying a Yamaha Attitude Ltd 1. and recent news of Aguilar takeover has caused a need for a certain pedal.. my support group is not really helping, maybe because they’re all a bunch of pushers at the same time?
  11. do you have the weight on this? does it come in the original hard case?
  12. nice! what’s the switch for, weren’t these without one?
  13. i got a similar Shuker from the author of the previous post and i wouldn’t mind adding this one, but brexit is undermining proactive behavior...
  14. well, still a slight difference in my eyes between MM doing his tricks on people and people buying second hand stuff from private sellers and not loving TheMan for getting his share every time the Holy Grail changes hands... back to taming my GAS...
  15. but they’d have to prove i paid more than i’m stating, right? or are they going to check an average used or new price ATM? i mean if somebody wants to sell me a Fodera for 300, that’s their right, isn’t it? or lend it to me? do the authorities have the right to control bank or paypal transfers? what about noname basses built from different parts, how are they going to determine the value? actually now i remember getting 2 sets of doublebass strings as a gift from the company in Switzerland and customs checked prices online and charged vat and duty. i had them sent back and brought in by a friend who picked them up locally. the guy at customs got angry when i refused to pay tax and duty, asked what’s so special about me that i get strings as a gift and was wondering why he doesn’t get any gifts :)) told me even all gifts should be taxed, birthday, christmas, valentine’s.. priceless.. anyway, i know there’s not going to be many ways about it, will have to get GAS treatment locally..
  16. maybe this was already discussed or is out there somewhere, i didn’t read through all the links, i apologize... but what if i was to pay for a bass through bank transfer or paypal and have it sent as a gift? or just borrowing or exchanging for a while amongst colleagues? what about luthierie work abroad? does the paperwork/form include such an option? it’s not like we have contracts or invoices (in my case at least), or is that mandatory?
  17. well, it is really hard to decide, but shuker seems to be under pressure more than others...
  18. MM special 5, Shuker Singlecut 5 and Fender fretless 78 P, all bought here, they fit the “best buy”. worst was a disappointment in form of a bass book that turned out to be not so full of valuable information. 15% original material and 85% transposed stuff and tablatures.
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