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Everything posted by Darkstrike

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1168022' date='Mar 19 2011, 10:30 AM']Get a cheap bass or an expensive bass. It doesn't matter so long as it's the right bass for you.[/quote] This is it, really.
  2. Cheers man, if I'd thought of it, I should have started a build thread here as well.
  3. Very, very nice sir, congrats on the awesome beast!
  4. Ebony slider?! Sweet! Please tell me you're not gonna dye it black? That grain is too awesome!
  5. Oh it does, and it is, I just couldn't be happier with it!
  6. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' post='1165643' date='Mar 17 2011, 12:31 PM']It might have been, but I thought it was a standard guitar-sized humbucker - that looks a bit bigger, but just the right size by the look of it. I could be mistaken though - this was in 1979....[/quote] It was probably a Model G, they don't make them anymore, but they looked like Model One's, but were guitar humbucker sized. This Schaller Bassbucker is supposed to be the same as it. [url="http://bass-pickups.com/hp135071/Bass.htm?ITServ=CY7f486ccaX12ec482618bXY268d"]http://bass-pickups.com/hp135071/Bass.htm?...ec482618bXY268d[/url] [attachment=74993:Schaller.jpg]
  7. [quote name='geoffbassist' post='1165178' date='Mar 16 2011, 11:52 PM']I've not heard of Gadow but what an amazing looking bass! Enjoy![/quote] Cheers man! [quote name='geoffbassist' post='1165182' date='Mar 16 2011, 11:58 PM']Just checked out some Gadow basses via google. They really look amazing.[/quote] He makes some sweet stuff, but he's more known for his guitars, which IMO look awesome too.
  8. Just recieved this today, after waiting since last year, thought ya'll might fancy some pics. Couldn't be happier, sounds and plays just beautifully, and looks it too(of course, I may be biased... ) The pics don't do the green justice though, it's more vibrant than the pics show, like a Jolly Rancher, And here's a closeup of the headstock, so you can see the grain of the ebony.
  9. Warmoth do have a 4 string Jag model now, but it's not on their site, but it's not supposedly accurate to the Fender Jag.
  10. Wow! This sucks majorly!
  11. Oooh! I want them! To be shipped as far away from me as possible....
  12. Dig it! Can't wait to hear how you like the Nordie.
  13. Single H is the one, IMO it's just "right".
  14. Damn, fantastic work dude! I'm(like Ou7shined) not a fan of the Stingray V pickguard usually, but on the Yamaha, it looks utterly killer, great stuff!
  15. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1144095' date='Feb 28 2011, 01:52 AM']Unfortunately some of the guys who have already voted one or t'other but may have gone with "both" had the option been there to start with can't change their vote, so there's no point adding it now as it will nullify the results. As it stands this poll is fine for knowing just the preference over either flats or rounds..... Rounds by the look of it. A new poll would be the way to go.[/quote] Yup, a bit late now, you'd be better off starting from scratch if you want accurate results. I would have gone for both, but hit rounds because they're what I use on the majority of my basses lately.
  16. Hell, I think it'd be a good idea if most shops had even one, or two basses with flats just so people can try them out, lotta guys don't even know what they are. First time I ever bought any was quite funny. A shop I was at had two packs of Steve Harris Roto's hanging behind the counter. I ask to buy them. "You know these are flatwound strings?!" "I do, yeah." "Now, they're different from roundwounds, are you sure you want them?" "Yeah, sure." "Seriously, they're not like rounds." "I know, thats why I want to try them." "I'm telling you, they're different....." I've never had a harder time convincing a salesperson to sell me something.....
  17. Score! That Goth will look killer with the satin silver hardware. Might I suggest dying the fretboard black?
  18. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1143799' date='Feb 27 2011, 08:33 PM']It sounds like he may of had the mutes engaged? They have some great dubby sounds with them lightly damping the strings.[/quote] I can't remember now, but I don't think so, I'm thinking it was just heavily eq-d, I saw the graphic eq on his Trace had a heavy midscoop, and the highs were rolled back too, I'd imagine he had the highs on the bass off as well.
  19. I got a Model One recently, and really like it, far less muddy/boomy than I expected, worst comes to worst, you could wire it in parallel which would cut output and mud. As for the bridge pickup, are them mini-buckers by chaance the same size as Rickenbacker pickups, if so you could get a Bart Ricky pickup(p in a mini shell), Ricky Hi Gain, Toaster, TV Jones Thundertrons, and many more I'm sure.
  20. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1143079' date='Feb 27 2011, 10:06 AM']Nothing odd about that, I have been telling people this for ages its pre EB FTW [/quote] Oh nothing odd about a pre-EB sounding stellar, thats for sure(big fan of Stingray tone, btw), just that he was using rounds, a 'Ray and a Trace rig going for(and succeeding at) a tone that I would expect from a flats, Gibby EB-0 and Ampeg rig.
  21. I'm a fan of rounds, flats, tapes, and halfwounds. Still, the VAST majority of bassists prefer rounds, so rounds are what come stock on most instruments. When I bought my Squier VM Fretless Jazz, the shop had already changed the strings to TI Jazz Flats, which was pretty awesome. As for the genre deal, I was speaking to a bassist lately, between sets at a bar gig, he was playing Irish music, with a real fat, thick, deep, smooth tone, total buttery reggae tone. He was playing a Trace rig, with a Stingray(pre-EB 2-band red/maple, fwiw), and rounds, told me he just can't stand flats. It was really odd, but dang was it incredible sounding.
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