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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. [quote name='SimonEdward' timestamp='1509793495' post='3401669'] Thank you! yes, my old 90's Warwick rock bag's are like that - not too comfy, and the straps have started to come away from the case. The Mono cases (which I really like too) have the extra padding, but they are a bit pricey - however, a £1,500 - £2,000 Bass in a £150 gig bag.. might be about right? [/quote] Totally agree. In my opinion (within reason) one shouldn’t be afraid of spending a decent chunk of change to protect their instruments. Within reason though. The Warwick bag defies all reason, especially when considering some of the fantastic competition out there. This is like the new Darkglass cabs all over again
  2. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1509788891' post='3401600'] I can't remember which shop (definitely not Wunjos) but a few years ago one of the guitar shops in Denmark Street had dozens of Schecter basses in their basement. In fact their bass range was probably 90% Schecter! Worth a look anyhow! [/quote] Ah, I think that might be “Westside” or something similar, a couple of shops along from Wunjo. They’re the only shop on Denmark Street who stock pedaltrain and MXR as well I believe.
  3. [quote name='SimonEdward' timestamp='1509790877' post='3401641'] Ditto ~ Warwick leather bag [b][color=#ff0000]Red [/color][/b]is just my colour, so the MTD 'double' gig bag on the Bass Direct website looks the business! (because who only takes one bass to a gig?) [/quote] I bought one of these recently (along with their single gig bag) and it’s really nice. Lightweight and they’ve clearly put some thought into the strap locations because, despite not being padded, the gig bag is more comfortable on the shoulders than my other cases with thick padded straps. My only complaint is I think they could do with a bit more padding at the base of the case, where the end strap pin would meet the ground. I’ve added some padding of my own there to solve the issue.
  4. Actually, that demo has me slightly GASing for a Strymon Möbius...
  5. Have to say, Zach Rizer’s demos are always spot on. Well shot, clear delivery of information, tasteful playing (appropriate to the kind of pedal being demoed) just generally excellent.
  6. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1509788571' post='3401596'] You can get a decent gig bag for under £100, and if you want a handmade leather one, you can get one from Maruszczyk for half the amount Warwick seem to be asking: http://bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Other_gig_bags.html [/quote] And the Maruszczyks are (IMO) much better looking and potentially better made! That Warwick bag is comedy pricing at its finest.
  7. [quote name='lee650' timestamp='1509787910' post='3401591'] Ooh I bet that'll cost ya!! I want one! A Subterranea too [/quote] Big +1. I fear I may have had a serious hand in corrupting you, Al
  8. [quote name='Mark_ii' timestamp='1509748838' post='3401465'] It's a beauty alright, these instruments are so well put together, top notch boutique standard at a very modest price. GLWS [/quote] +1. Somebody really needs to snatch this up. The Maruszczyk fit & finish is ludicrously good.
  9. They aren’t available yet. I’m patiently waiting though!
  10. I’ve taken the plunge on the lifetime membership. Now let’s hope I have more discipline now than I did last time I signed up!
  11. [quote name='lee650' timestamp='1509724525' post='3401225'] I'm here and missing it all [/quote] You’re welcomed with open arms Lee!
  12. Corona Mini sold. Bass OFD and Trails Looper still available.
  13. I’ve owned both a Wonderlove Deluxe and a Proton v2 and found the proton much, much easier to dial in a useable sound. It has fewer knobsbswitches and is half the size though, so you’d expect that! Less flexible as far as routing options go but for me, plug & play wins over complexity almost every time. The notable exception to my rule being Source Audio stuff which can get ludicrously deep but I like having those little powerhouses at my disposal sometimes.
  14. [quote name='Cuzzie' timestamp='1509712352' post='3401095'] Never mind bitcrush I see a lot of Man crushes going on. Getting a bit jealous over here about you luvvies in the Capital City! [/quote] Hahaha well you’ll have to head to the big smoke some time and get involved
  15. Yep. Have to say Bass Direct have been very helpful during my recent experiences with them. It’s a thumbs up from me!
  16. @Quatschmacher - I am indeed in London for just over a week before heading off again. @Al Krow - Feel free to borrow my Scrutator while I’m away! Also, you’re too kind re: singing voice
  17. Wait for the new Pigtronix Mothership 2 to come out
  18. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1509701338' post='3400919'] I love Helix, it's absolutely brilliant. The sounds, the effects routing, just great. but, I'm really finding ZERO time to spend with it to get it set up and this it hasn't even reached a gig yet. I've spent more time fiddling with the Native plug-in. I'm beginning to wonder if I actually need it at all! [/quote] If I’m being honest with myself, a good 80% of the Helix attraction for me is the excellent routing options. The many ins/outs, fx loops etc are tickling my geek gland.
  19. The Manta is definitely no substitute for the range of control a dedicated bitcrusher will give you. However if you’re only using that sort of sound for a couple of tracks (I.e. Living on A Prayer which I think you were playing yesterday?) then you can definitely dial in something appropriate on the Manta. In fact, one of my current Manta presets may be more suited to this particular song than the Scrutator due to it having a reverse “vocal like” filter sweep which sounds pseudo-talkbox-esque. Now if only the Manta was a One Series pedal I could simply upload my preset and send it to you! Alas...
  20. Given it’s been a few years since the PF heads were released, I’d say it’s a fairly safe bet that the dodgy ones have all reared their ugly heads by now and were either replaced by Ampeg or swiftly sentenced to the dustbin. Certainly any shop-bought new ones will be fine.
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