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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. I’ve already said it on Facebook but I’ll say it again. Beautiful!
  2. BB1025X on hold pending payment. RBX774 still available!
  3. [quote name='Quatschmacher' timestamp='1508931898' post='3395414'] I’m surprised neither Cameron nor I have bought the Octabass yet. [/quote] I share your surprise
  4. [quote name='lee650' timestamp='1508928728' post='3395379'] One of those foldable Mark Bass amp stands might do! They have velcro on the front so put velcro on the zoom and it may angle it up it may be too big though! [/quote] Ah! Good thinking. I have one of those Markbass amp wedge things. It isn’t really wide enough to fit more than a couple of pedals on it side by side though. A laptop stand might be more practical, depending on how much you’re trying to fit on. Edit: just re-read the OP and seems it might well be perfect if the MS60b is all you’re using. You’ll have to make sure the underside of the pedal has the soft/loop side of Velcro appplied to it though as the MB amp wedge is covered with the rough hook side.
  5. [quote name='DorsetBlue' timestamp='1508921613' post='3395291'] Can the XLR and 1/4" outputs be individually selected as specific outputs or are they always linked? [/quote] I’m pretty sure you can route whatever you want to whichever output you want. Others will be able to give you a more specific answer though...
  6. [quote name='elephantgrey' timestamp='1508874195' post='3395093'] Bitcrushers are amazing. I love my iron ether frantabit. Loads of 8bit-y, digital nonsense. [/quote] +1. Really enjoy my Malekko Scrutator for this very purpose!
  7. That's a steal for the spectra. Edit: and the MXR comp!
  8. The more I play the Super 5 the more I enjoy it. Still getting to grips with the coil switching on the humbuckers but to be honest there really isn’t a bad tone out of this bass, at any setting. I’m really enjoying the preamp especially. Subtle but very effective. It’s never overkill even at extreme cut/boost settings, unlike the Aguilar OBP3 in my Ibanez if not careful! As for the Double Four, I was able to play with it at length in store so knew it sounded great before buying. Handles the low B string with a nicer, fuller tone than some 10 inch combos I’ve played through. Although it does so at lower volume. At max volume it’s loud enough to jam with comfortably at home with an acoustic guitar or two but it’s [i]definitely[/i] not a gigging amp. That’s just not what it’s designed for. But what it does, it does really well. I’ve found that when playing music through the Aux input you can really crank the volume to a level much higher than the max level that the bass input channel allows. This will double as a really nice party speaker. Not that I have parties of course
  9. Great breakdown there Mr. Lukin - very useful!
  10. Ah! I see, great news. See this thread for my back to back omnibus of Bass Direct visits: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/313887-nbd-x2-mtd-kingston-content/#entry3394503
  11. Just coming back from BD again after a great example of customer service from Mark. He replied to my email first thing this morning offering to exchange the Double Four with a new one in store. I arrived, he gave me a new undamaged one and then offered me a lift to the station which I gratefully accepted! We had a little chat in the car on the way, he's a great guy. Will definitely be aiming my money in his direction in future!
  12. Two fantastic basses here - the usual rock solid Yamaha quality. I may well live to regret this but as a non-pro musician it makes no sense having so many basses around. In the words of Al Krow, "I never thought I'd see the day!" BB1025X - £475 - SOLD In a lovely Vintage White. Featuring Yamahas own P/J pickups which in my opinion are some of the best pups around. Plenty of tonal variety with the pickup selector switch and tone knob which is eminently usable across the entire sweep of the knob. One or two surface marks and the neck has a bit of "mojo" which is purely aesthetic and doesn't in any way affect the feel of the bass. I'll throw in an excellent Protection Racket case to sweeten the deal. Yamaha RBX774 - £150 My very first bass! I call her Black Beauty, but you can call her what you like. I still love the tone and feel of this thing even now. Only selling because I now play 5s exclusively and I'm not sentimental enough to keep a bass just for the nostalgic value. A bit of wear here and there, couple of dings but nothing out of the usual for a bass of this age. Will likely need new strings as I haven't changed them in years. Comes with a very sturdy Tiger rigid case. Collection or meet up in London preferred. If you're further away I may be prepared to meet halfway (by train) depending on where you are. Want to avoid shipping these - frankly I'm too scared to risk it!
  13. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1508849988' post='3394838'] BTW as a heads up there is the latest 'studio' version of the EBS Octabass up for sale on here for £75, just after I bought a new one too! http://basschat.co.uk/topic/313978-pedal-peddler [/quote] I'm tempted to go for it, I must say...
  14. [quote name='Quatschmacher' timestamp='1508847537' post='3394808'] Woohoo! Bass direct have finally got the Octabvre MKII back in stock. Should have it with me tomorrow! [/quote] Yep, I've just returned from Bass Direct for the fourth time in a week (long story in another thread...) and can confirm that I saw the octabvre mini with my own two eyes
  15. Amazing - basschat can truly be a marvellous place!
  16. Dare I ask what offer has been proposed?
  17. Disaster! After getting home and excitedly unboxing the Double Four it’s pretty badly damaged...one of the corners is bashed in and at the other end of the cab there’s a big crack. It seemed factory sealed - packed in a plastic wrap and sitting snugly between two massive (and undamaged) blocks of polystyrene foam in the box so it looks to me that someone at the factory got drunk on their lunch break, dropped the amp on the floor and decided to package it up anyway! Looks like tomorrow will be my fourth trip to Bass Direct in the space of a week
  18. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1508777918' post='3394367'] Excellent. Yes. And with your best interests (and preservation of any remnants of bank balance after your recent BD trip) at heart, can I just say "no you [i]really[/i] don't need all the stuff on Blablas' board!" Just occasionally less is more and more is less! [/quote] No, I meant the stomp switch cover things! [quote name='Quatschmacher' timestamp='1508787862' post='3394463'] Haha! How many is that now? (I’m on 6.) It’s pretty cool, isn’t it? [/quote] 5 currently for me. Not that it’s a competition or anything...
  19. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1508774604' post='3394323'] Good move. [/quote] I think so! [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1508776433' post='3394342'] Congratulations buddy! So you planning on moving on your beloved Yammy BB1025x then?! I didn't think I'd see the day... [/quote] Yeah the BB1025x is now on the chopping block. I never thought I’d see the day either to be honest...played it last night and am still in love with the tone but the Super 5 is just a monster. Expect to see both my Yammys for sale very soon!
  20. [quote name='blablas' timestamp='1508584260' post='3393080'] [b]Switch caps[/b] No new pedals or changes in the chain order. These caps make switching a lot easier without unwillingly changing the settings knobs of the effect. [/quote] I need to get me some of those.
  21. I've just bought an Emma Discombobulator V2... I have a problem.
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