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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. I’d never play it in a million years but I kinda enjoy looking at it from afar...
  2. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1509663800' post='3400774'] I enjoyed my time with modelling but I’ve moved my Helix Floor on. If I’m being honest I still just prefer to plug into an amp I like and using physical pedals. I still don’t find the use of multi effects as fun as individual pedals. With bass in particular, if I really want a light rig Ill just DI with a good quality pre-amp pedal or mini board with pre-amp. [/quote] Been toying with the idea of Helix lately but I fear I’m of a similar disposition to yourself re: preferring the physical pedals...I guess I need to borrow a helix for a while and give it a little trial in my own time.
  3. ‘Twas a glorious afternoon tinkering with gear. Al and I spent a good while rattling walls today (Charlie @ The Gallery had the patience of a saint) and the result was that both of us came out a little more educated as far as the differences between these cabs. I initially said that putting the 1x12 BF against the 2x10 VK wasn’t really an apples to apples comparison, however Al then pointed out that based on price (which is often the deciding factor in any potential gear purchase) and on that basis they are, in fact, totally apples to apples. Things to note: - While we were in agreement that the VK 210 had the most pleasing sound at the same amp settings, it was slightly larger and heavier than the BB2 overall. Neither of us felt the difference in weight was nearly enough to overshadow the tonal difference though. - The tonal difference wasn’t huge. It was simply a case of the VK having a seemingly more present midrange which we both felt made it feel clearer and more articulate. If I were forced to use one of these cabs with a totally flat amp in a band mix, I’d be reaching for the VK because of this slight added mid presence. I am, however, an advocate of twisting knobs (so to speak ) and don’t doubt that you could get either cab to sound roughly like the other with some tweaking of settings on the head. - On the subject of amp heads, I wasn’t a particular fan of the head in the Markbass AC combo. That is all.
  4. For me, the octave sound in the Digitech Bass Synth Wah Bridges the gap between analog and digital octavers by providing both a meaty and sonically pleasing tone whilst having flawless tracking. If you can find one used, go for it. Even if you don’t use any of the other sounds in that thing it’ll be worth it. They are inexpensive powerhouses.
  5. [quote name='No. 8 Wire' timestamp='1509660763' post='3400745'] That's great. Good to know they are pragmatic about offering you the lifetime even after your subscription has expired. [/quote] I was pleasantly surprised by that myself. Big thumbs up there.
  6. [quote name='No. 8 Wire' timestamp='1509623590' post='3400358'] Lifetime membership is offered to you after you have done a year of the standard membership - you can then renew year by at a reduced rate or sign up for lifetime membership which works out at a bit less than two years subs. I'm assuming you aren't a member already? If you are a member then the site admin send you the lifetime offer as your 1st year sub runs out. [/quote] Ah, yes. I was a member but it expired a while back. Spoke to Laura from the SBL support team via email and she’s been very helpful. She said I can just send her an email whenever I’m ready to go for it and she’ll email me an invoice for the lifetime fee. I’ll ponder on it a while but I reckon I may go for it. It’s a bargain and I enjoy the content.
  7. BB1025X sold. RBX774 Still available!
  8. Sorry to dig up an old thread but is SBL still offering the lifetime membership? I can’t seem to find it on the website...:/
  9. [quote name='GisserD' timestamp='1509573225' post='3400066'] Try coda music. I'm pretty sure they do [/quote] Amazing. Thanks for that!
  10. [quote name='Cuzzie' timestamp='1509543439' post='3399770'] It’s a great jazz GLWTS [/quote] It really is! And I happen to love the looks too. GLWTS.
  11. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1509551233' post='3399845'] Tomorrow afternoon. Tottenham Court Rd if there's a store there that stocks it? [/quote] I’m not sure any shop in the UK stocks SolidGoldFX stuff certainly nowhere in London to my knowledge!
  12. Anyone had a chance to try the cabs out yet?
  13. [quote name='burno70' timestamp='1509541858' post='3399746'] I recently bought a Solid Gold FX Funk Lite. It's really really good! Very quacky. It was either that or the Fwonk Beta but the demo for the Funk Lite sold it for me. Lots of easy to dial in funky tones. Highly recommended. [/quote] Have to say the SolidGoldFX demos are great. Wouldn’t mind trying some of their stuff out.
  14. +1 for the Radial Stage Bug SB2 (the green one). Rock solid construction and is nicely versatile. You can run a stereo signal, like keys, into it too. Does what you’re looking for perfectly. It’s totally passive.
  15. I’ve spent a silly amount of money on gear this year, so... Best Bass: My very recently acquired MTD Super 5. I cannot put it down! A beautiful instrument in every respect. Best Effect: This is a tough one, so the JOINT winners are the Mr. Black Fwonkbeta and Strymon Ojai Power supply. The Fwonk is just ridiculous, my favourite analog filter. The Ojai is stupidly powerful for its tiny size and weight. It single-handedly powers my entire main board without complaint. Best Amplification: Another late 2017 award winner...The Phil Jones Double Four! How can something so tiny sound so full? Witchcraft I tell you. Built like a proverbial tank too. Runner-up best amplification goes to the Tecamp Puma 900 which sounds truly glorious. I’m yet to give it the beans through my TKS 1126 but I have no doubt it will be a religious experience. Edit: just realised I didn’t say anything about my worst purchases. Well, frankly, I don’t think I made any bad purchases this year! Sure I’ve moved some stuff on, but nothing was objectively “bad”.
  16. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1509441905' post='3398855'] The BMS doesn't technically have an envelope filter if I recall correctly... rather than the filter following the amplitude (or envelope) of the signal, it fires off a filter sweep at a configurable speed as soon as your signal hits a threshold. This means every sweep of the filter sounds the same - you don't have as much subtle control as an envelope filter, although for some synth sounds of course it's perfect! [/quote] Ah, you're right. I'd forgotten about that detail as it's been a while since I last played one.
  17. The headphone output of your amp will do the job fine. Even better if it has an Aux in. What amp are you running? The real question though is how mobile do you want to be?
  18. They’re in danger of not selling any if they price it too high. As it is, a semi hollow bass is a fairly niche pocket of the market. Tread carefully Ibanez, we’re watching you!
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