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Everything posted by SpondonBassed

  1. It's uplifting to read about the band's progress Hiram. Keep up the good work. The effort you all put in is reflected in the clips I've seen so I'll keep an eye out for C2B performances that I might attend. I mean, there's a good chance now as Derby is between Kent and the Scottish midlands... (winks at Dave). Pass my best wishes for continued success to all concerned.
  2. [quote name='DaveFry' timestamp='1500676212' post='3339622'] The baritone player and the trumpeter that does the introductions before the last number of this New Orleans band have been in it since it formed in 1977 . [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXr3nrd33U0[/media] [/quote] Thanks very much Dave. I may have heard them but I hadn't seen this band before. I am going to seek out more about them since seeing this! The sousaphone just blew me over.
  3. [quote name='doonaboon' timestamp='1500657735' post='3339460'] nice, thanks for sharing! here's one back - no bass guitar but great basslines! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMyqasy2Lco[/media] [/quote] You'd think that loud noises in confined spaces would set off my Tinnitus but no, all of these are quality. I agree with you about the bass (baritone?) sax Pete but how are you going to work the pole dancing bit into your routine? Wireless would be a start...
  4. MAN! This is a cracking thread to wake up with on a Saturday morning. I'm all revved up and ready to jump.
  5. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1500571438' post='3338814'] There's also the tab collections at uke hunt [url="http://ukulelehunt.com/tab-chords/chords-genre/"]http://ukulelehunt.c...s/chords-genre/[/url] [/quote] I've just passed that onto my mate, thanks for the pointer. I am glad they didn't register it as Uke Hunt dot com though.
  6. [quote name='randythoades' timestamp='1500304653' post='3336793'] ...Does anyone have any recommendations for a good tab book specifically for ukulele with rock and pop songs for learning rather than Amazing Grace and Scarborough Fair?... [/quote] As promised, out of my mate Jack's collection there are two books to fit the bill, both from the Ukulele Playlist series; [b]The Ukulele Playlist Red Book[/b] 32 Rock and Pop Classics arranged for ukulele! Featuring:[list] [*][i]Queen[/i] [*][i]Oasis[/i] [*][i]Rihanna[/i] [*][i]Green Day[/i] [*][i]Amy Whitehouse[/i] [*][i]Sonny & Cher[/i] [/list] And many more... [b]ISBN10: 0-571-53390-6[/b] and [b]The Ukulele Playlist White Book[/b] 33 Rock and Pop Classics arranged for ukulele! Featuring:[list] [*][i]Bob Dylan[/i] [*][i]Kylie Minogue[/i] [*][i]Ian Dury & the Blockheads[/i] [*][i]Robbie Williams[/i] [*][i]Michael Jackson[/i] [*][i]Red Hot Chili Peppers[/i] [/list] And many more... [b]ISBN10: 0-571-53391-4[/b] There is also [b]The Ukulele Playlist Purple Book[/b] Over 30 Jazz Classics arranged for ukulele! Featuring:[list] [*][i]Fly me to the Moon[/i] [*][i]Let There be Love[/i] [*][i]Lullaby of Birdland[/i] [*][i]Moondance[/i] [*][i]Stormy Weather[/i] [/list] And many more... [b]ISBN10: 0-571-53566-6[/b] I hope these help. Looks like you'll have a lot of fun.
  7. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1500620967' post='3339082'] Reverse alphabet champion 1982-1986. Never beaten. [/quote] Great! Now put a funky bass line to it and audition for Sesame Street. Heeheehee. I love to play with stuff like that. It's fitness training for the mind. I sometimes play difficult sections backwards to try and understand the more complex lines
  8. I am undecided as to whether I really like the Chapman Stick or not. I was initially impressed. I'd watched clips of Levin, of course, performing with Gabriel. That is a striking image that suits Gabriel's stage shows very well. Yesterday I sought out some more clips of various performers using one after I watched Howard's arrangement and delivery of Time After Time (OP). I found a few. All of them were played well. There were covers of Beatles numbers like Tomorrow Never Knows, Eleanor Rigby, A Day in the Life and Blackbird. There was an interesting arrangement of Bach's Toccato and Fugue in D minor. Pachelbel's Canon in D was played on two sticks as a duet. There was a even a cover of Walking on the Moon that seemed to go Jazz at times! The instrument covers the three roles of bass, rhythm guitar and lead guitar if played so. It can be likened to a keyboard in that both hands are selecting notes independently but it is more than a keyboard. It is all of those things and none of them all at the same time. I think the common thing between all of the clips above was the percussive nature of the sound the instrument makes. In other ways it reminds me of zither music. Maybe it is just how the music was arranged in the clips that I saw but every one of those clips was [i]busy[/i]. I'd have to say that it is not an instrument that I would put front of stage. It would be one of those things that has great effect when used but sparingly. My humble bumblings.
  9. [quote name='randythoades' timestamp='1500304653' post='3336793'] Well, here's the thing. I am learning concert ukulele to take camping and impress everyone with my natural musical ability!! Doing ok so far but at the stage of playing full songs now. When I try to play songs I know on ukulele they just sound wrong somehow. I think it because I am playing the songs as I know them in guitar keys. Does anyone have any recommendations for a good tab book specifically for ukulele with rock and pop songs for learning rather than Amazing Grace and Scarborough Fair? I got a couple off Amazon (playlist series) but some of these also sound a little odd and a lot of the tracks are a little obscure. Others on Amazon get very mixed reviews so I would prefer t go with a recommendation. I want to learn some good and easy campfire songs for people in their 40s. Thanks in advance [/quote] I have a house-mate who dabbles with uke. I'll see what he recommends out of the books he has bought. Do you tune to a high g (gCEA) or low G (GCEA)? He has strung his home-built baritone ukulele with a low g to get a guitar like sound.
  10. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1500570848' post='3338809'] Most of the time I can transpose directly, but occasionally I have to count back through the alphabet... I have a really stupid mnemonic device for doing that quickly... rather than try to recite, "G F E D C B A" (which I can't do quickly), I say: "Gee if he de-ceive B.A." which is much quicker to recall. It's part of a dumb rhyme I learnt as a kid to beat other kids saying the alphabet backwards: "Said why eggs? Double your fee... your tee is our Q.P. Oh animal K.J., I hate Gee if he deceives B.A." [/quote] Hahahahaha. That's good! I like your style.
  11. [quote name='Tomsk' timestamp='1500567372' post='3338778'] Thank you alll for both your warm welcome and advice. Looks like I'm buying the Ibanez tomorrow [/quote] You might like to do the traditional BassChat thing and declare the arrival of your new instrument with a NBD post in the General forum. If you choose, you can also make a one line statement in the status field of your profile so that it appears at the top right of the front page. The status field is the bit that says "What's on your mind" when you drop the menu down from your user name at the top right of nearly every BC page. The day a BC member gets a new bass is called NBD (New Bass Day). Similarly with other gear like a double bass you'd call it a NDBD or an electric upright bass would make it a NEUBD... Best served with photos or links to photos of the model you've chosen. Looking forward to hearing about it.
  12. [quote name='Tomsk' timestamp='1500567836' post='3338783'] ...cheaty fingerings that get me through but cannot be unlearned. [/quote] Yes... you want to watch those fingerings. They'll get you in deep trouble when you least expect... [attachment=249526:SidJames.png]
  13. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1500470425' post='3338043'] ...Norman's on Vintage TV tonight with Wilko Johnson at 10:30... [/quote] Did anyone else watch this? A modest set. Norman's playing is solid yet subtle in the mix. 'Till this I hadn't seen him do anything other than the stuff that made him popular. Can anyone say when the recording was made please? @ NWR - Nice to see you and Wilko perform together. He's one of life's survivors. I'd like to think that some of his toughness has rubbed off onto you. Stay tough.
  14. [quote name='ricksterphil' timestamp='1500464758' post='3337968'] Nope, not just you, I don't like them either, I think it interferes with the art. Having said that I've never watched GoT.....my wife asked our son what it was about and he said...Fighting, intrigue, sex, incest, more sex...but mostly fighting. Needless to say she's not watched it either - Jane Austen is more her type of thing [/quote] Reminds me of The Lucille Ball Show. Someone would walk on to the sound of massive applause for no reason other than their reputation elsewhere. It just looks like an ego boost to those who haven't been exposed to them before and unless there is merit to what they are doing right now it makes them look like they are just [i]'phoning it in[/i]. Walk-ons seem to be a part of the TV vocabulary. I suppose they do someone some good somewhere.
  15. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1500459553' post='3337890'] I think it's one of these programs that aren't on any freeview channels, where there's a load of hype so us with only freeview rush out to get sky or netflix, sorry won't work, my freeview recorder is already nearly full of stuff I'll probably never have time to watch. Mind you I might get round to watching more stuff if I spent less time on here [/quote] Right on brother! Heeheehee, I share your cynical view of Sky's flagship. Thing is, you can get all of the saucy bits on YT or elsewhere for free if you need it. I learned my lesson from terrestrial TV soaps like Coronary Street and Eastdeadenders. When I gave them up I rediscovered evenings! I don't need another saga. One TV licence is enough to be paying for. Ahem. What were we talking about again?
  16. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1500454929' post='3337823'] Curious to know what he was doing in Game of Thrones. Actually that's a tad ambiguous as it leaves open the possibility of a smartarse answer like 'singing, mostly...'. Allow me to rephrase it a little: [size=5]What the f*** was Ed Sheeran doing in Game of Thrones, and who the f*** decided [i]that [/i]was a good idea?[/size] There, that captures it a bit better I think. [/quote] He's only there as a butt double for the sex scenes... Sorry to be unkind, I could not resist.
  17. Welcome Tom. Where are you from? Your greeting suggests Australia. There will be someone along soon to say what they think of their own SR305 no doubt. I am interested to hear what the low B is like too as I am building an Ibanez "tribute" kit from Pit Bull Guitars based on a passive pup set. The kit has not yet arrived but when I get a look at the neck I am considering modifying it to make a 35 inch scale fretless five out of the 34 inch kit. Not sure how well this would go until I see what I've got to work with. There are those who will say you need an extra long scale for a decent low B sound. I am not sure. If that's the only factor to consider, why do uBasses sound so good? I'd like to see if a 35 inch low B is an improvement on my current 34. This will be my first attempt at building a guitar. If you are interested, there is a whole sub forum called build diaries here; http://basschat.co.uk/forum/15-build-diaries/ You will find some awesome projects by BC members if you have a browse. Anyway, see you on the forum. Enjoy
  18. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1500497970' post='3338320'] So Andy and I have just been corresponding about what to call the Bass. I've been thinking about it, without success, for the past few days. Things like "Minimalist Bass" and "The Future Bass" have gone through my mind but I can't seem to find anything that fits. [b]So here's a chance to be part of this build[/b], [i]well the naming ceremony anyway[/i]. [b]I may even donate a prize (say a new leather strap) to the name we choose.[/b] [b]Entries in by the weekend please.[/b] [/quote] The Smoothie
  19. Got email to say that the kit has been shipped. Now to wind myself up looking at the tracking site every day...
  20. Encouraging. Norman's on Vintage TV tonight with Wilko Johnson at 10:30. Live With... Wilko Johnson - "New! A high-octane set from great British guitarist Wilko Johnson, including favourites from his days with Dr. Feelgood and the title track of his 'Going Back Home' collaboration with Roger Daltrey." Freeview 505
  21. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1500463642' post='3337954'] you can tell him yourself, he is BC member "ConstantineIsslamow" and responds to PM [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?&app=forums&module=extras&section=legends#"] [/url] [/quote] Doh! (Thanks again)
  22. Quite so. I wish you every success.
  23. [quote name='Nicko' timestamp='1500460195' post='3337902'] Perhaps you should write a blues song about being misrepresented in surveys? Nobody loves me but my mother, and she could be jiving too. [/quote] She told me to play the blues and filled out the survey too .....
  24. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1500456306' post='3337842'] In fairness, it does say 'which type of band' rather than 'what music do you play'. Some of the options are more specific than others and I agree that the poll is flawed, but I think it was probably still a worthwhile exercise. If nothing else, it confirms what we have always said on these pages about the preponderance of classic/pub rock style covers bands compared to other genres. Personally, I would categorise one of my bands as 'party' but the other one is harder to nail down. [/quote] I prefer it simple. If you are too specific about what music you are prepared to perform it's a lot to live up to. I am quite sure I would change my mind if good money and a long term spot was offered however. Seeing how many categories of music genre there actually are is flipping well scary; http://www.musicgenreslist.com/
  25. [quote name='jazzyvee' timestamp='1500453287' post='3337799'] Take a listen to Herbie Hancock's version on his Possibilities album, the bass is nice and sprightly but grooving nicely. [url="https://youtu.be/eo7AcIdMnHY"]https://youtu.be/eo7AcIdMnHY[/url] [/quote] I'm loving the list of names on the album sleeve shown in that clip; I might even buy it!
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