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Everything posted by SpondonBassed

  1. A good set of lungs and one of these, emptied just in time of course, can get you by at a push. [attachment=250221:WhiskeyJar.png]
  2. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1501324092' post='3344014'] the band I play in (punk covers mostly) did a wedding, my own daughters, she only asked because she knew we wouldn't charge her and much to everyone's surprise it went really well, mind you, we didn't go on till later and it was a free bar all day, I think that's the secret, everybody has got to be well oiled before the band starts, we've done 2 others, one was ok and the other one not so good, it's not something I'd like to do on a regular basis, the trouble with weddings is you've got such a wide age group there, it's impossible to keep everyone happy [/quote] I've seen footage of Verbal Warning and I know it to be the truth. Ha. Seriously though, I liked the way your band engaged with the audience in the clips that I've seen. You couldn't do that at a wedding. That's a cracking little band you have there. Not too precious about suffering for their art by being note perfect every time yet delivering a passionate performance always. That's what the "punters" remember afterwards even if they do notice the odd departure from score during the event.
  3. Welcome back Skank. It's been ever so dour on BC without you regularly teasing us with your wit. The revenge thing is going to occur where ever there is a rival to the offended partner's affections. In this case it's an instrument or instruments. It's painful to hear about but we are talking about inanimate objects, not living things. It would be worse, morally speaking, to maim somebody out of revenge. I think...
  4. [quote name='Nicko' timestamp='1501322673' post='3344002'] Aside from the 4 hour set I dont understand why he would insist on at least 2 lead vocals i a 3 piece. [/quote] Dual redundancy in case of colds or sore throats? I think it's good strategy for a three piece to have two lead capable people even if they don't sing lead at the same time. Just a guess. I wondered about the no keys thing? Is it because of the quick changeover thing or has he something personal against ivory tinklers? Four hours, no breaks. Well it's not an unamerican thing to do I suppose. If I was younger I'd probably like to see what it's like to do a year's worth in those circumstances. Now however, I'd have to insist on a pee break at least twice in that time as I'd be drinking lots of water to keep up my concentration. Crikey you'd lose weight quickly on that regime. My brother used to play guitar for bands at the Hammersmith Palais years ago on the revolving stage. There was a disco and a live band back-to-back on this massive turntable. Every half hour the stage would rotate and there would be a change from the live set to the disco. This went on for the duration of the night alternating between the two acts. It was decided to close the venue in January of 2014. Are there any more venues in the country that have revolving stages in use still? I'd settle for a two hour set broken into half hours for the four hour duration but I'd never get up to four hour gig fitness at my time of life!
  5. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1501292839' post='3343889'] ...[color=#1D2129][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=3][font=inherit][font=inherit][font=inherit][size=4][font=inherit][font=inherit][b][font=inherit]covers bands needed[/font][/b][/font] [font=inherit][color=#71A830][font=inherit]£1,010,101[/font][/color] [color=#90949C][font=inherit]Eric's Liverpool[/font][/color][/font][/font]...[/size][/font][/font][/font][/size][/font][/color] [/quote] I am certain that figure is nothing to do with what's paid. I find it interesting that Liverpool is now fostering that work ethic. John, Paul, George, Stuart and Pete had to go to Hamburg for that sort of graft between 1960 and 1962.
  6. I did the mock build last night as suggested by Pit Bull. Not only does it give you a rough idea of how the guitar will eventually look, it helps identify the little bits and pieces that need doing for it all to hang together nicely. Looking at the photo, I am certain now that I want teak oil on the body and danish on the neck and headstock; A preliminary shortlist; Open out Jack socket drilling for a good fit, spot face to recess the socket within the body outline after confirming that there is room in control cavity. Clean out control cavity. Deepen spot face for the pot that isn't sunk deep enough to thread up with washer. Remove ragged fibres from floor of neck pocket to get max surface to surface contact. Identify bumps for sanding out rough with abranet and scraping to flatten. Make smaller Pit Bull transfer to suit headstock as it is too large to go anywhere on the headstock with the machine heads on. Make truss adjustment screw cover in copper, the supplied cover is fine but it's a bit plain and I need to put my own "stamp" on this instrument along with the supplier's.
  7. Yeah. John Wayne Bobbitt was rumoured to have found the missing piece, so to speak, when he heard a frog by the roadside going [i]"mmm Bobbitt! mmm Bobbitt!"[/i] He stopped at the side of the road, made the frog regurgitate and got back what he thought he'd lost forever. [attachment=250134:JWBobbitt.png] Ribbitt now ya toerag!
  8. Right. Now that I've finally got to the bottom of a long running problem with HMRC over my late mum's returns I can devote my full attention to this. I've got some more reading to do to ensure that I learn from the great selection of builders we have here sufficient to guide my hand and I have all the time in the world to enjoy it. I started out thinking that a Tru Oil finish would be nice on the ash body and maple neck. It's possible to get a good gloss with that. I went to Harlows of Derby this morning and had a chat with the helpful chappie at the counter. He is a guitarist learning bass as it happens. They didn't stock Tru Oil but on their shelves was a selection of branded Teak Oils and one brand of Danish Oil. Thinking on the fly, I decided I'd like the satin finish better on a natural wood grain. Thinking further, I went for both Danish and Teak. Teak for the body and Danish for the neck. It has a rosewood fretboard and I think I've settled on the idea that it should look darker from the front but from behind the neck would be lighter. A dab test later on will confirm for me that it is a good look or make me rethink, one or the other.
  9. Cheers. I overheard something along those lines before at a place where I worked. I am even more interested in the challenge now that you've said that. I used to love brazing and acetylene torch welding of mild steel and aluminium alloy back in the day so it is right up my cul de sac.
  10. Why? I haven't tried it yet so I am curious.
  11. Essential finishing supplies. I thought I'd treat myself to a new soldering iron too. It has LEDs that focus just beyond the tip of the iron. I am trying lead free solder for the first time. The man in Maplin recommended an inexpensive one and another one at double the price. The difference being the one percent silver content in the pricier one. He said that it wouldn't compromise a good joint using the cheap one but I went for the silver. With low levels of signal and the potential for induced interference I reckon the addition of silver gives it the conductive edge over the cheap one if only by a small amount.
  12. That's very nice. I mean [i]where's my wallet[/i] kinda nice.
  13. And we're off! I thought I'd start with dressing the frets as the neck looks flat when sighted along its length. I don't think it's too bad for high spots. Tomorrow I shall stock up on grit sheets (Abranet and glass), 0000 wire wool and Tru oil so I can get the neck and body finish under way. I also need metal polish to finish off the frets.
  14. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1501085372' post='3342394'] Nothing worse than a woman scorned... Now everybody down to the florist and get your wife a bunch of flowers so that she doesn't think about doing this to your collections... [/quote] Argh no! She'll get suspicious and hold your collection to ransom 'till she squeezes the truth out of you. Unexpected flowers = guilty conscience!
  15. I'd agree but until I have a big enough repertoire I couldn't do it like that. I am certainly aiming to get there though. This thread is a great start.
  16. 3/4 of a million knicker's worth of revenge? Sweet.
  17. [quote name='PaulGibsonBass' timestamp='1501079046' post='3342317'] Our local 'coke' pub now has carpet firmly glued to any useable surface, including the cistern lids. Still, where there's a will there's a way... [/quote] Hahahahaha! It must be like a throw back to the seventies! Anyone remember floor to ceiling carpeting? Carpeted bath panels? Cork tiling? Er, would the last one to leave please switch off the lights?
  18. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1501022201' post='3341932'] ...My expenses were so low I decided to primarily live off of gig money.And I have assets... [/quote] I think I said this before. You and I are among the lucky ones. I'd have to assume that the majority reading this aren't so lucky.
  19. [quote name='oldbass' timestamp='1501010372' post='3341795'] ...Think Ive gone of piste a bit but u get the drift. [/quote] Not at all. As a matter of fact you were concise, on-topic and your shared experience is interesting to read.
  20. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1501016597' post='3341877'] Based on you saying this: I think you'd have to agree I'm right. [/quote] Again, if you think so I'm happy to let you interpret it that way. I did not call you odd however. Let's be clear about [i]that[/i], shall we?
  21. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1501001455' post='3341703'] Yes, but it also contradicts your statement that it would be odd for a Basschat member not to enjoy them. I am a Basschat member, and I do not particularly enjoy bass solos, so I have assume that by your definition I am odd. I reckon I can live with it, though! [/quote] If that's what you think I said.
  22. Cheers. I was puzzled to see the headstock both ways on the website. I can't say I have a preference.
  23. Here it is; Seems to be all there. I think it's got a good grain for an inexpensive kit. If I had to point out a defect it would be the roughness on the centreline of the fretboard between 11 and 14 as if there was not enough meat in that area. It isn't worth doing much about and will probably be less noticeable after a little light dressing. I'm very happy with the delivery and condition of the kit. I will not do any modification to the scale nor remove frets on this first build. Maybe on the next one if this works out at all. It should be a lot of fun.
  24. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1500950960' post='3341261'] Tortorials, I don't think there's been much in-depth discussion on what the real value is in them, pros and cons and good vs bad tutorials. Let me mention 2 things up front. First I'm a baby boomer growing up with not much more than the needle on a record player to learn songs. So, I'm biased. Second I'm using the term tutorials loseley. Many of this clips are not necessarily instructional. Anyway let's throw a few examples out there. Ad your comments, why you feel the clip is good, bad or whatever. Blue [/quote] I may not be alone in this. I can't get on with authority figures. Teachers are the root cause. In my primary school my IQ was assessed and I was put into the "A" stream for special treatment. The problem was that I was a child and I was effectively segregated from my peers. Already I was isolated by virtue of being an only child living in a rural area. The only interaction I got with children of my own age was at school. When they started "hothousing" me, I was instantly labelled as the school swot and that meant I was treated with scorn by and large. My family was on the move a lot in the sixties and seventies. It meant that I had a few changes of school. Each time this thing about me being somehow special kept biting me in the backside and ruined what should have been normal development of my social skills and the like. I did enjoy my childhood but with retrospect I got a dodgy introduction to life by not being allowed to make my own mistakes in the playground with my own age group. In short, teachers handled my education very poorly. Not their fault I suppose given the era and given that I was something of a moving target for the education system. It was damaging none the less. As an adult you just can't learn social skills that ought to have been part of development before the age of ten. I don't suffer too much as a result. In fact it is advantageous to have an uncommon point of view in many of life's situations. It's just that old thing of hindsight making you wonder "what if it had gone differently". There is nothing to be gained by thinking that way though. In short I have only ever been able to think of social gatherings from the point of view of one who is on the outside looking in. [b]On topic now;[/b] YT clips, including tutorial "tasters" can be a way around it for me. It depends on the YT subscriber's delivery. You can find a good clip, learn from it and then find that to pursue aspects of that tutorial requires yet another subscription to something that is far more than is needed. This tends to be when someone wants to attract subscribers to his or her course that is not in the public domain. That's fine. Given what I've said I won't be doing that. The vast number of people who are sharing freely means that a lot of good information is out there with no strings attached. There is an advantage to clip hopping in that I get more view points and opinions. Sometimes opinions contradict each other without either of the clip owners actually being wrong. To listen to opposing ideas like that has always helped me to a greater understanding of the subject material as a consequence. I spend time grazing, in a manner of speaking, until I've got lots of ideas then I spend time chewing the cud. I see posts in BC that demonstrate this learning behaviour in others too. I'd have to subscribe to a course of tutorials if I was setting myself a deadline so don't think I am an advocate for home schooling or anything like that. This is a anxiety busting occupation for me and deadlines are not allowed.
  25. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1500926452' post='3341155'] I'm not a fan of bass solos at all, especially that last more than 4 bars. [/quote] That's reinforcing my assertion that bass is not a solo instrument.
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