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Everything posted by leftyhook

  1. What an outrage! Some poor bugger has paid [b]£370.25p [/b]in a bidding war on ebay for a bass that costs only [b]£369 new [/b]as a right hander. Did they research???? or just desperate for a model that is probably like hens teeth to get hold of in a south paw model? The pain of being a lefty Hope it was worth it
  2. for the first time ever I joined band without writing a thing down. listen listen listen..... then pick up the bass. Sorry, that was a bit off topic :OP
  3. [quote name='jonsmith' timestamp='1361404566' post='1985637'] Yes, but Chris Squire himself plays a replica made by the same people. [/quote] ah right. yes it will be very well made..... but.....ugh!
  4. does it really make that much difference when the band are kicking it full tilt? I spent time gettng the right arrangement of pedals/sound in the house, only for it to go out of the window when fighting with keyboards and crashy drummy things.
  5. someone wanting one a few days ago on here
  6. yeah but it's a replica.... I can't believe Wal created something so Fugly!
  7. what the..? [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Wal-Custom-Chris-Squire-Triple-Neck-Bass-Replica-by-Hiroshi-Kid-Kids-Guitars-/330876682726?pt=Guitar&hash=item4d09c981e6"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Wal-Custom-Chris-Squire-Triple-Neck-Bass-Replica-by-Hiroshi-Kid-Kids-Guitars-/330876682726?pt=Guitar&hash=item4d09c981e6[/url]
  8. wish I was right handed dings? hahaha! character lines and nothing more!
  9. I remember wanting one when they were all over the early 80's. I ended up buying my Wal. Ooh that Mick Karn and his hypnotic notes!
  10. leftyhook


    I have one. excellent and well worth the asking price
  11. [quote name='Badlydrawnbanjo' timestamp='1354043010' post='1881368'] A 19 watchers on eBay bump. Why watch something with a buy it now price? [/quote] Pretendy Kerb-crawlers.... looking, but too shy to dabble
  12. will the seller do one in left handed? :OD you lucky, lucky right-handed bas**rds !!!!
  13. can't get the pups any nearer the strings. Already nearly touching. I have found a graphic pedal using the volume does the trick
  14. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  15. yes I think an A/Bswitch could be the simple answer. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1359631985' post='1957795'] If you like how it sounds, then don't change the bass. Just get an A/B box or something that has adjustable levels and set it up for your two basses. Or just turn the amp up when you change bass! Seriously, if you like the sound don't faff about with new pickups or preamps or any of that stuff. You don't need to. Something like this might work: [url="http://www.musiciansfriend.com/amplifiers-effects/radial-engineering-bigshot-i-o-selector-switch"]http://www.musicians...selector-switch[/url] or [url="http://www.musiciansfriend.com/amplifiers-effects/morley-twin-mix-aby-switcher-splitter-combiner"]http://www.musicians...litter-combiner[/url] [/quote] Wise words!
  16. I have a BMP 2. It was a gift. Never gigged it cos... Can't see the point !
  17. I really like my cheap Warwick rockbass freltess. nice feel and lovely tone.......... but.. a bit.... quite Are the EMC pick ups inferior compared to those fitted on more expensive Warwicks (duh!) ? Should I look at changing them? Or is a preamp a good option? Perhaps a pedal booster? I need to swap between my active Wal to the passive Warwick. Suggestions?
  18. Incredible how 'cheapo' basses can completely outperform basses with much bigger price tags You just have to get lucky and not feel ashamed!
  19. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1358886508' post='1946669'] Bump Will consider any trade now, would really rather not sell as the money will be eaten up by other things! [/quote] feed the money straight towards another pedal of you choice!
  20. Sounds like really low action. rattle rattle! Great player though Comes across as a really nice person too. top marks.
  21. "head turner" ???? stomach turner more like!
  22. Just make something up. I never played JE version. Well, like PIno said, the first line, yes, then off you go!
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