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Everything posted by leftyhook

  1. Great bassist. I too can play with strings like that, but when it comes to the slap 'n' pull thing...??
  2. Ooh no thanks.....a loooong way to send back if it doesn't feel right. Why do we lefty's have to suffer so!
  3. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1338915148' post='1681031'] Lovely. I'd love to try one, in lefty flavour but it that colour, love it. [/quote]Me too. Available in lefty?
  4. [quote name='steviedee' timestamp='1338888644' post='1680443'] I have a 5 basses and another on the way plus 3 upright basses and an EUB, clearly that's far too much for one guy to play but it's a hobby and I suppose some basses will never really lose their value so it's money in the bank in a way. Ironically when I was playing on a regular basis in the 80s and 90s I only had one bass, the EB Stingray and I could easily get away with having just that now but since I rarely got to the pub, or go out partying, have stopped riding motorbike and am not really into cars or anything else I don't think it's really a bad thing. Horse for courses and all that. [/quote] I see your point...... Well said! Why shouldn't it be a collecting thing. Some people obsess over cars, models, et etc.
  5. Steinberger licensed Hohner B2A for sale.This little beauty is in amazing condition. no dings.Plays like a dream. Super fast neck. Catches the eye of the audience when you throw this little lady around your neck - and what a big sound! Recently tried a P bass live and it couldn't stand next to this headless! I had the plastic thumb rest fitted by our very own Bassdoc......wouldn't want to risk even the most basic of mods to myself! This can be easily removed - just a couple of screws. Only looking to sell to part finance a EUB, Not the end of the world if it doesn't go.....but would speed things along for me. Comes with a Steinberger Spirit soft case (not particularly padded I might add, but this bass finds snug and safe corners where other can't) Looking at £170 + pp....... How much? that's right.... only One Hundred and seventy pounds plus postage and packaging inbox me if interested cheers (more pictures upon request) [IMG]http://i1222.photobucket.com/albums/dd499/leftyhook/Hohner%20BA2/IMG_0913.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1222.photobucket.com/albums/dd499/leftyhook/Hohner%20BA2/IMG_0912.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1222.photobucket.com/albums/dd499/leftyhook/Hohner%20BA2/IMG_0902.jpg[/IMG]
  6. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1338855318' post='1680206'] If funds allowed I would have another bass no doubt but only to serve as a backup just in case, but it would still need to be different, so either another Sterling bass, or if one ever comes up a Warwick FNA. How do I get on with one bass? Fine, more than fine. I have a tool set and spare stirngs with me all the time, and if a string breaks during set, I can play without the string, no problems. I'm not jealous of other who do have more than one, becuase(for me anyway) I make the most out of that one bass, I don't need a P or a J for those sounds I can coax those out of my one bass with my fingers and some light EQ'ing, and after all the Audience doesn't really know anyway. I like the way I sound with the bass, and with anything else (that doesn't have that kind of pickup in the sweetspot atleast) I just can't get on with. In the future I'd like to be known for spanking the same plank since for ever aswell. But then having a backup just in case never hurts. Miss my sterling............ [/quote] So true, we anorak ourselves to death over this bass, that bass, this pick-up, that pre-amp.......but in the mix? if it's providing low end, the audience won't notice. It's personal comfort zones we are talking about.I always say the hankering for a P bass is because we have allowed ourselves to be brainwashed.." It's what Jamerson used, etcetc so it's the only way to go". Although I still can't find a P bass that blows me away. Anyway, I digress.... Yes I too have snapped strings and got by. a bugger when it's the E and the bottom end lacks a bit, but hey, it's not life or death.
  7. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1338797839' post='1679228'] It's to give the E string more space in which to vibrate. [/quote] Ahhhhhh......bing!
  8. [quote name='sarah thomas' timestamp='1338791213' post='1679170'] Why do some have a bevel? There must be a reason. [/quote] Good question Sarah. I wasn't aware it existed. I think it might to be to stabilise/improve grip on the E string?
  9. Seems there is an issue regarding changing the strings as the profile of the fingerboard varies from E to G in most cases. Luckily I can play bass with strings the standard righty way too. May have to just settle with that, unless I can find a reasonable price lefty..
  10. Nice to hear a fe(z-z-z-z-z)nder is collecting dust.. Stop pretending to be a bass player...just BE!
  11. My influence number 1 bar non - Andy Fraser
  12. ah right. Steinberger NXT... if not something of a similar price.....?
  13. So the upright currently being held hostage by myself- never having played one before, I never realised that the area on the fingerboard under the deepest string is flat. ??!! Meaning I can't change the strings around on a EUB I was looking at. true? cheers for any info
  14. My Guy Pratt book will be available upon my return from Spain the beginning of August. Anyone wanting it, pm me
  15. Not had a single pm about mine! So it shall stand on my shelf. gathering bass dust....
  16. wey hey! kids slappy happy there! Well done Joe!! I just sold my Warwick Corvette lefty last week. The neck was like a telegraph pole. Great, but he would have struggled I think. Don't you think he needs something more suitably sized? what about a Headless Steinberger clone by Hohner? great size, weight, and the fastest neck I have ever played...makes slapping an absolute doddle......I am talking about.mine of course I would part with it if young Joe was interested. would look at £180. Showroom condition...never gigged. Anyway. like to see him playing something with a back beat, slooooow...
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  18. there should be a sh** filter on ebay that stops you from wasting your time having to come across such comedic ********!!!!
  19. never think its going to happen to you....but it can! spare strings and soldering iron.....in the middle of a song when the dancefloor is full...?.o-h-h-h-h! get a cheap back-up. i snapped a string beginning of a set...first time I didnt take a back-up in ages. the A string. had to get through the set with mind working overtime.
  20. Yeah I saw this in the flesh when it was about to be sent by BassDoc. Beautiful colour, looks even better in front of your eyes. But I never got to hear it... Any chance?
  21. I too have a copy...I've not read it but I tend to lose interest in a book after 20 pages or so. Great bassist though! let me know who wants it and I will post it to you Monday. :OD
  22. Unless I was in a Who tribute, I wouldn't bother trying to nail his [i]very[/i] unique technique. I used to do that song, can't recall any particularly trick bits? Unless I was just disinterested,....yeah that was it....clatterbucket Entwhistle
  23. Actually my band is named Hungry Giants..... gerroff!
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