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Everything posted by leftyhook

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  2. 1 bass........I snapped a string on the only feckn night I took just one bass to a gig. had to play 40 minutes with a missing A string. At least get a Westfield as back-up!
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  5. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1334531319' post='1617401'] just ask him out for a coffee date or something. it would be simpler than this whole bass switching to get his attention schtick [/quote] I think, my dear friend, you have got the wrong end of the schtick.
  6. I'll second that bump. I have one which has a great neck on it. Not gigged it, but sounds great in the house. And yours Delberthot? Action, sound, weight etc. ?? Might need some positives on your post
  7. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1334335175' post='1614845'] I want one [/quote]http://youtu.be/09xLVuEmCHU
  8. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1334335507' post='1614854'] I love my Westfield. I was all set to get a "proper" 4 string this year but, in the mean time, I took the time to set my Westfield up properly and put some decent strings on it. It made a huge difference and I've decided that unless my ideal Bass were to come along at the right price, then I shan't bother with another. [/quote] Brilliant! I
  9. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1334273897' post='1613820'] This kind of interests me not only in the sound mans perspective , but also in the £/tone/ playability argument I really don't get the £000's spent on stuff that is way above the ability of the player that spends it, or the ear that hears it IYSWIM If you have money to burn , then hell yeah , spend it on a bass . but does it really help the tone/playabilty of the kit, does it make that much difference ? is it a confidence/crutch issue , or am I so naive to think that the kit I have gives me decent bangs for the buck ??? [b]I have played some right knock-about basses live,and I just tell myself that it's doing the job fine, and never had anyone say otherwise.[/b] [b]I sometimes think that we all get faaaaaar too anal on this forum. I have had Dimarzio pick-ups fitted, upgraded bridges, and nothing made me say "wow! what a difference!"[/b] [b]It really does have a lot to do with how you play. Too much[i] Placebo effect[/i] going on with high end basses.Don't get me wrong, there can be a big difference in the immediacy when it comes to playability, but any player worth their salt should get to grips with a Westfield pretty fast, for instance.[/b] [b]Quality amps are a different thing, but the bass is our first point of contact with the sound, so it's a lot to do with the player.[/b] [/quote] [quote name='andyonbass' timestamp='1334289330' post='1613869'] My daughter has a sixty quid Westfield P bass. Its a brilliant piece of kit and I'd be happy to gig it anytime if it wasn't [i]PINK![/i] [/quote] [b]Pink...so what! .tell that to Marlowe DK. [/b]
  10. Ovankol neck, Wenge fingerboard, apparently. Nice, very nice, but it's in the hands of another owner soon.
  11. I look forward t seeing your Blingray (great name!). I am very creative, but such accuracy required would have me dizzy. Can't find my camera, but My Wal has Shedua facing...lovely tiger-stripe.
  12. I have been using a Warwick Corvette Standard as my main bass the past few months. We mix on stage. I have noticed that the lad who does the sound never looks across to me when I sound check my bass. So this Saturday, I will plug in my Westfield Graffitti (Frankenstein'd by me) P bass. I bet that he won't notice. The warwick has a great sound. But I bet I can get the Westfield to sound convincing too. It plays brilliantly (great neck) and lets be honest, how many of us have expensive basses that, come live gigs, they might as well be £80 jobs in the crap acoustics of a hall/holiday camp. Thing is, he might notice it looks a bit different to the Warwick if he does happen to look over..Do you think?!! Do you think he will do a double take as soon as I play the first few notes, or will he not notice? Only one way to find out![attachment=104879:IMG_0897.jpg]
  13. Bonny Lad? That's a Geordie term! u-u-g-h... Kings Music...wasn't that in Blandford street? All I can say is, I have tried 5 Wal basses. All played amazingly. Tried around 20 Precision and Jazz basses. Some decent, some good, but mostly very average.and vastly overrated. Weird how, for such worshipped basses, it's best to 'try before you buy' and "this MIM is better than that USA" etc etc... My Wal was ordered with my choice of woods. It arrived at the front door. I took it out of the case,and I just knew it would be sublime. It was, and still is 28 years later. I
  14. [quote name='rubis' timestamp='1334090293' post='1610879'] Pretty good price for an ugly Shergold copy [/quote] BOOOOOOO!!!!!!! You is a baaaad mouth!! Wal is beautiful thing .[quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1333572085' post='1603847'] God, I hate Wals, ugly and over-rated. [/quote] Wayne........WAAAAYNE!!!!!! OUTSIDE, NOW!!!!!! It's all in the touch of the player...not suited to plectrum-pounding punk.
  15. twits are fine, it's tw*ts that annoy! Welcome and have fun
  16. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1333308252' post='1599887'] At risk of getting some serious stick here but here goes......................... The Promise by Girls Aloud, is I think, a near perfect pop song. [/quote] no stick.I agree. A lot of the 'puppet' bands have grrreat songwriters supplying the goods.
  17. [quote name='Kempy535' timestamp='1332316443' post='1586391'] Nope they based loosely on the 60's style re issues. So truss rod s adjusted from the bottom of the neck [/quote] I adjusted the neck of a MIJ last night for a friend. Truss is semi-visible at bass of neck, so you have to loosen the strings, loosen the neck til you can lift it enough from the body to access the truss, which on this one was a screwdriver job. Luckily one quarter-turn did the job. Otherwise, tighten, tighten strings, wait, check, loosen neck etc etc.
  18. Regarding Vintage, and other 'lesser' basses: A lot of copies play as good as the 'real deal'. Always try before you buy and don't feel ashamed to own a copy - I have learned that for sure As I said earlier, My Hohner Steinberger copy cost me £120 s/h/ and it has the fastest neck I have ever played. Ideas just fly off it for me. If Pino Palladino played a Vintage, it would sound high-end. Don't forget the great man himself has used a Squier which he has recorded with. And that is a man who could choose any bass he wants. Horses for courses I guess. .
  19. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1332882225' post='1594508'] And I'd take a P-Bass over everything you've just listed! Opinions differ. I generally found that I rarely got complaints with recording work when I used a P-Bass. [/quote] comfort zones and acceptability from peers. however can't argue with your recording experiences. Oh, and me neither with mine
  20. My oh my. I have just set up a Jap P bass for a friend. But I still don't get why you bassist think so much of them! Every P bass I have tried felt very average compared to my Wal, Warwick and even my Hohner Steinberger copy. That's playability, sound. Sexiness? Lots of you here disagree passionately, but they just don't inspire my playing. Interference over.
  21. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1332230717' post='1584999'] I didn't know Sooty had a guitarist. I thought Sooty played clarinet, Sweep played drums and Sue played piano. Maybe you saw them with a different line up. Was that their Flamenco period? [/quote] Didn't Butch the dog play drums? If Butch wanted to play the drums, you let him! This is far more interesting that a debate on which scratchplate was issued with a 1960's P bass, you have to agree.
  22. I have a Hartke amp that has developed a similar problem. The ground lift button has no effect. Cheaper to use a D.I box than to even have the thing looked at! So I did just that.
  23. Is there a standard below semi-pro? Seriously, might be an ide to say whether you need someone who can read and how often the band works.Once per week, per month etc.
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