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Everything posted by lemmywinks

  1. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='284661' date='Sep 15 2008, 11:46 PM']The board is already prewired to the pots etc. it isn't hard-wired to a pot as such it is just connected by wires from your pots to the board so it would be possible to rejig the board as you see fit... if you have the know how However looking at your bass you have 3 controls rather than the 4 that are needed for the mid control. Of course if you are a dab hand with the soldering iron you should be able to easily resolder this to a stacked pot for the bass and treble... this would give you stacked vol/pan, stacked bass/treble and a mid pot. Alternatively a bit of research and you can do what you like [/quote] I was just gonna stick another hole next to the battery cavity! Any work involving more than the odd bit of solder will be done by my local tech anyways. So was the board just wrapped in foam loose in the cavity?
  2. [quote name='deksawyer' post='284615' date='Sep 15 2008, 10:58 PM']...I don't know.....I swaped out a Gotoh for a Badass II earlier tonight on my Jazz and there's not a lot in it TBH. As far a money is concered, I am prepared to add a wee bit. D.[/quote] I quite like Gotoh bridges, nice low profile and definitely a cosmetic improvement over a Badass! Does it's job admirably on my Warmoth
  3. Cheers guys! This is the cavity Is the circuit board usually mounted to a post or anything on Warwicks?
  4. Hi Got 2 sticks of 256mb laptop memory that i've had knocking about for a while, took em out of my Dell Inspiron 1300 a while ago (when they were still worth a tenner ) and forgot about em! They're PC2-4200 sticks The full label no. is "256mb 1Rx16 PC2-4200s-444-11-CD" If anyone can make use of em give us a shout, not been used in a while but were put in the special little anti static memory bags and kept in a box so should be fine. Ta!
  5. Do you know if this will be a drop in on a corvette standard active? Don't know much about pre amps i'm afraid, there's no main circuit board in there but there's fancy lookin things attached to the pots. If it's gonna be ok i'll have it off ya!
  6. Wish i had the cash for this, my GAS had all but dried up until i saw this thread! Look at that neck!
  7. The BC Rich looks pretty good IMO, the shape is more suited to the paint job. He's obviously pretty good at what he does and cheap too, a bit more subtlety and he could be onto a winner
  8. Spotted this the other day, looks pretty cool but not my cup of tea...... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Electric-bass-guitar-Custom-painted-body-headstock_W0QQitemZ190249661459QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item190249661459&_trkparms=72%3A984|39%3A1|66%3A2|65%3A12|240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Electric-bass-guitar...id=p3286.c0.m14[/url] Anybody fancy it?
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  10. I'm selling my Hartke HA5500 rig elsewhere on this site and have had a bit of interest in the head. The rig is up at £550 at the mo. The problem is that Hartke have just released a new head that's 500w and £239 new (inc. post), so i'm not sure on the second hand value of mine. I'm certain it will have gone down in value (cheers Hartke!) but is the new head better? Is it replacing the HA series? Any thoughts are appreciated Cheers guys (and gals)!
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  12. Been in a bit of confusion as to what price to put the head at as Hartke have just brought out a 500w head for £250! The HA5500 is still the price stated in the original post though and it's got more features. Open to offers though! This rig is also for sale in my local guitar store along with my other cab and squier standard jazz, so if i accept an offer it may take a short while to clarify it as it may already be sold, sorry for any inconvenience but this rig needs to go! Really someone should buy the whole lot though........... it's a lot of amp for the money
  13. I've got a 1212r and it sounds massive, loads of bass and low mids with plenty of power handling. Use it with a LMII now and it's a very capable rig. Definitely a good choice if you like clear and prominent mids as well as low end rumble. The 1212r is also a one hand lift as long as you're not carrying it too far! Not heard their bigger cabs but have no real need for anything else so haven't looked into it!
  14. Looks like an old Fenix bass judging by the headstock. May be wrong but.......... [url="http://www.pksmusic.com.au/showProduct/Sold+Items/Bass+Guitars/FXJB/Fenix+Bass+Guitar"]http://www.pksmusic.com.au/showProduct/Sol...nix+Bass+Guitar[/url] If it is a Fenix it'll be ok, looks nice enough! Second hand Squire money though..........
  15. I use a Little Mark II with a Schroeder 1212r. More than enough power for live use, I played a large sized venue last night using borrowed bass bins (which were not up to scratch at all) and the rig did all the work and never complained. I think i paid £397 for the head and £360 for the cab second hand. The Schroeder has an angled 12" speaker that, if you stand the cab on it's end, fires straight up at you while the other one points forwards. Bear in mind that you can't predict what will happen in a live situation, if one of the bass bins blows or part of the PA goes down you might have to depend more on your backline than you first planned. It's happened to me more than once and i was glad i had 500w behind me instead of 250w. Alternatively you could mosey on down to sunny Blackpool and buy my Hartke stack.............. I'd be wary of the Kickback combos as they're made in China now and have some quality control issues. My housemate has the 15" USA one though and it's excellent, clear and punchy but also sounds huge
  16. Carve a monkey grip in it for those "guitar over the head" moments!
  17. [quote name='BassManKev' post='276323' date='Sep 3 2008, 03:26 PM']that metal one, cant remember the name, Toasted used to own one.... might have earth in the there somewhere[/quote] MSD i think? Never seen one for sale so not holding my breath! Look awesome though, if they sound half as good as they look i'll have to purchase one!
  18. I bought one of these for £50 in new condition. Review says it all really, not quite the massive low end sweep i was looking for but still a keeper! Anybody know of a bass (or other instrument) wah that can handle real low end?
  19. [quote name='BassMunkee' post='275346' date='Sep 2 2008, 12:23 PM']Not that I imagine it's overly helpful but I would never buy a bass off of ebay without going and checking it for myself first, and if I couldn't then I wouldn't. Still, hope you get at least some of your expenditure back and chalk that up to experience...[/quote] Sometimes this just isn't possible though, and when GAS takes over it's very tempting to press the BIN button! I've been lucky with ebay and had what i consider to be 2 absolute bargains. On both occasions i spoke to the seller over a period of a few days and was entirely satisfied that i would not be disappointed when the bass arrived. I reckon you've still got a mighty fine bass for a small outlay though, it could have been an absolute dog!
  20. +1 to the loose baffle board solution. Is there a visible lead coming from the back of the amp into the cab? If so try it with a different cab. I had the same problem with my Hartke 215VX. Turned up to a gig and at certain volumes i sounded like Motorhead! (I play in a party band so not the desired sound...). As Zerofret said, the baffle board had worked loose (the cab was only a year old) so 20 screws later it was sorted! I was careful, using glue and a craft knife, so it's not visible and is a pretty permanent solution. My Hartke A70 combo has developed the same problem, G and G# set it off, which put me off buying the chinese made Hartke stuff.
  21. The hercules used to hold my RD Artist fine (the only stand that would!). However one of the plastic retaining arms is now not functional and doesn't spring back when you pick the bass up. This happened about a month after purchase and it has always been stored in the mic stand case, so has not been mis-treated Still works though!
  22. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='273638' date='Aug 31 2008, 12:18 PM']And Mark Bass amps. They may be small, light and powerful but they look [i]awful[/i]. /runs from lynch mob. [/quote] Aw, i like em. They match my cab!
  23. Also Mexican Fenders. Tried loads of Mex Jazzes and ended up buying a Squier for half the price!
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