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Everything posted by lemmywinks

  1. Sorry to hijack the thread to shamelessly plug my cab....... I've got a 4x10XL in excellent condition for £190. It's the usa built one, not the chinese ones available now (Hartke switched all of their manufacture overseas a while ago). It comes with a cover (these are about £30+) and a high quality Cordial Hiflex lead (about £15 IIRC) It's 400w @ 8ohms, if you wanna try it i'm in blackpool so not too far away LINK: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=25107&hl=hartke+xl"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;hl=hartke+xl[/url]
  2. I bought one of the above Giraffe stands and don't find it all that sturdy. Theres only proper support at one end of the tilt mechanism (ie all the weight is on one side if you get what i mean). It also nods forward instead of holding dead level, so in order to have a head and cab on it you have to take the top section off and reverse it to get it stable. The best one one the market i've seen so far, but still unimpressive for £40 delivered. My guitarist's cheapy little stand has support at both ends
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  4. I've always just used standard lemon oil on rosewood boards, is that what yours is or is it pau ferro?. I remember when i cleaned my acoustic bass for the first time in about 3 years, the formerly bronze strings were green! Most of the fretboard was covered in the green stuff but the lemon oil did a great job, i forgot how nice the wood underneath was!
  5. Don't Eden do a range of Monitor styled combos? Think i remember playing through one a while back in a local shop when trying out a bass. Was very impressed with the sound and was 200w+ IIRC?
  6. [quote name='Delberthot' post='352860' date='Dec 12 2008, 04:14 PM']I couldn't get mine to sound anything like the Rick you hear on recordings. It seemed to sound more like a Stingray. Conversely my Stingrays seemed to sound like Jazz basses, my Warmoth '57 sounds like a Rick and my gold Warmoth sounds like a Stingray since I made it active. You'd probably be surprised at Chris Squire though. You'll probably find that a lot of stuff you believed was played on a Rick was actually his Mouradian or one of his other squillion basses that he uses live.[/quote] Going a bit off topic, the most Ric-like bass sound i've ever got was from my old RD Artist. Oh and you forgot Cliff Burton!
  7. We got asked to play War Pigs halfway through a posh wedding once, if they'd have given us notice it would've been in the bag. Been on at the lads for ages to do that one as well (if only for Faith No More inspired overdriven bass silliness)
  8. lemmywinks


    A big help, thanks bud. Saved me some euros, very generous!
  9. Agree to a certain extent but my gigs require a clean boost and a tuner pedal, so the pedalboard comes out every gig, although not in a massive sound-altering way. Also i'm a sucker for fuzz so it has to be done i'm afraid!
  10. Great communiaction and pedal arrived very well packed, cheers dude!
  11. [quote name='Adrenochrome' post='352660' date='Dec 12 2008, 12:57 PM']+1, You've nailed it there fella![/quote] +1 I thought that was the whole point, to enjoy it? I've played in bands where i didn't enjoy myself and it's simple, leave! We have a riot come gig night and always enjoy ourselves, wouldn't have it any other way!
  12. 6 in total: Zoot Deluxe custom Warwick Corvette Standard Active Squier Standard Jazz in Walnut Satin (Cheeky for sale plug!) Warmoth Fretless Jazz F*nd*r Jazz "Jaco" copy Ozark Acoustic
  13. I'm 5 mins away from fleetwood........ And yes it is an absolute dive!
  14. Yeah i always remove the batteries as i stick my pedals on a pedalboard with an 8 way supply. Although it says to use an EBS adapter it isn't neccessary, all manufacturers say this to make money. I've got a mate with one so i've asked him if i can compare. I know he runs his off a pedalboard supply with no problems. Did you have any problems with it> Anyone out there had similar problems with this pedal?
  15. The adapter is unregulated i think but powers my other i have to hand pedals fine (i'm only using it to check this pedal, i have a power supply in my pedalboard which is at our storage room). Tbh i think it's the pedal at fault, i'll have a word with the seller about returning it. May just be a grounding issue with the mains supply but i can't afford to spend money on it at this time of year Thanks for your replies Steve
  16. Pfft! What chance have i got of selling my Squier if this is so amazingly cheap?!?!?! Thought about buying it to better my chances...........
  17. [quote name='elros' post='349387' date='Dec 9 2008, 09:22 AM']Is the power adapter 9V AC or 9V DC? How much current (usually rated in A or mA) can it deliver? How much current does the pedal require? Is the polarity correct?[/quote] It's a 9v AC-DC adapter and can deliver 500mA max. The pedal requires 15mA. Is this ok? The polarity is set to tip- as this is what the pedal requires
  18. [quote name='Bassman101' post='349602' date='Dec 9 2008, 12:21 PM']im looking at those planet waves straps that lock like this... [url="http://www.musicstreet.co.uk/planet-waves-locking-guitar-strap-black-p-2458.html"]http://www.musicstreet.co.uk/planet-waves-...ack-p-2458.html[/url] You can find em cheaper, its just this is the first one i found through google Daljit.[/quote] Our guitarist had these fail on him. Love Planet Waves' leads but these are too flimsy, as were their old locking straps (seen these break too)
  19. It's a hell of a lot of money, you should get what you paid for IMO. Whether he was dishonest about the little faults or genuinely did not know about them is irrelevant if you're totally happy with it and the bass is structurally sound (it sounds like you wanna keep it!) The matter of leaving bad feedback depends on whether you want compensation. As said above, raise the issue with him. If sellers are rude to me about this sort of thing then i find it very hard to give positive feedback. Neutral feedback is an option if he really doesn't care if you're not entirely happy with it. I paid £710 for a bass on ebay a while back which has small cracks in the lacquer around the headstock. It wasn't described in the listing but i was still overwhelmed at the bargain i got (it's over 2 grand new and had a proper flightcase too) and would never have sent the bass back! I gave positive feedback but noted the "cosmetic imperfections" in the feedback comments as the seller never replied to my questions. If he offers a refund would you send it back? EDIT: That's a hell of a first ebay purchase, i think i bought a bag of screws...........
  20. Cheers dude, i'll try it with my pedal board power supply when i get in the practice room. The hum is very loud though, not just in the background. It is unuasble in the state that it is in, that's why i think it's the pedal. I'm takin it to the guitar shop tomorrow to get looked at
  21. My favourite Jaco stuff is when he doesn't over-play or shred. I can dig it baby or a remark you made, that's the sh1t
  22. Have a snip with sharp scissors? Sometimes the new leather is so stiff that it needs "persuading" with some pliers to make it more, erm pliable. Had to do this with a strap my missus bought me last christmas. Once i was able to get the nut on i used a spanner and ratchet to tighten it. Still on a year later. Sometimes a foolish ham-fisted approach is the best way!
  23. Good stuff edd, glad you're enjoying it! Makes me remember when i first downsized to my super-loud little rig, i had to keep looking behind me to make sure someone hadn't added another couple of cabs it was so loud... Sigh.....
  24. I have a pedal which has a very loud hum when i use it with a 9v power supply. It's fine when i disconnect the adapter lead, but hums loudly and gets worse when the effect is on. It's an EBS multidrive. I had a look on the pinned topic and on other threads but found nothing i thought would fix it. Tried it with different basses, power packs, used the adapters with other pedals to rule them out, changed leads (it still hums loudly when the input is not connected) Any ideas? The guy who sold it didn't use it off mains and said it might be something to do with the phantom power EBS use (where you can power your pedals from an EBS amp via the jack lead). The pedal sounds ace otherwise so seems disappointing to have to return it Cheers for any info Steve
  25. [quote name='Jase' post='348976' date='Dec 8 2008, 08:02 PM']Shadows and Light for me is a bit difficult to watch, too many edits of wolves and nonsense! The playing is great though![/quote] Aye, and when they show rubbish tape over the awesome playing bits, when all you really want to see is the musicians, not Joni Mitchell prancing around in a daft coat or cut scenes from casinos and stuff
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