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Everything posted by lemmywinks

  1. Hi I have a Russian Big Muff which i have adapted to use a boss style adapter (using the battery clip). I would like to power this from my pedalboard but it's centre positive, so i was wondering if one of these would do the trick: [url="http://www.diago.co.uk/component/page,shop.product_details/flypage,shop.flypage/product_id,29/category_id,3/manufacturer_id,0/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid,206/"]http://www.diago.co.uk/component/page,shop...art/Itemid,206/[/url] However, i read this from another site: "In short, a positive ground (PNP) design can't share its power with negative ground designs - that will short out the power supply. This is because the pedals share a common signal ground - through the patch cable - which in both pedals is connected to the chassis. The chassis is also connected to the power's ground. In a "regular" pedal the adapter/battery negative goes to this common ground, but in a PNP pedal the adapter positive is connected to the same ground. If you combine them, the result is of course a short-circuit in the power supply. The solution is to run the PNP pedal(s) from a separate supply, or to use batteries with them" I don't really understand anything too technical like this (i am by admission quite simple!), so would the Diago adapter solve my problem? Thanks in advance for any replies! Steve EDIT: I also saw a few threads on other forums saying that you can just reverse the wires on the DC jack to make it centre negative. Is this safe at all? Ta
  2. As a alternative to my previous post.... Me - bass Joni Mitchell - vocals Lindsay Buckingham - guitar Sly Dunbar - drums An oddball line-up, but Dunbar is my favourite drummer purely cos of his snare sound!
  3. The passive DI looks like a molten lego brick!
  4. [quote name='Deep Thought' post='382999' date='Jan 17 2009, 03:43 AM']I think they're better looking than your normal Stingray, which I have never liked. Still wouldn't buy one.[/quote] +1 Best looking Musicman i've seen.................
  5. I'd just replace Billy Gould in Faith No More!
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  7. [quote name='4000' post='381805' date='Jan 15 2009, 10:26 PM']Ok, it's pretty much fixed that I hate tweeters (well, certainly with the Rics, which are my main gigging basses). So, for a man who hates tweeters, are the Schroeders going to work? Can you turn the tweeters off? If so, should you? They're on my short list for replacement cabs (something I need very soon, although I'm still struggling cash-wise at the moment) but I'm really worried about ending up with something that's going to be to glassy for me. I've posted this before in other places, and this is something like my ideal tone. Jorg reckons I should be able to get it no problem, but with all respect to him I'd just like a few more unbiased opinions. FWIW I'd say Jon Camp (the player featured) probably plays harder than me, but it's a similar sound (although grittier) to what I used to get from my old (very old) Trace rig. Oh, I'm using an Ashdown ABM500 head. All the Schroeder clips I've seen are nothing like this style or sound so it's really difficult to judge. [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=dQ_5h0SKUSM"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=dQ_5h0SKUSM[/url][/quote] Yeah there's an attenuator at the back, i turn mine right off as i hate them too! The one in the 1212r i have isn't really offensive, just the highs are more natural with it turned off. I'd say it's anything but glassy. I have a low-mid heavy tone which the Schro does brilliantly, miles better than any other cab i've heard. Get one!
  8. It does pay to get a proper regulated guitar jobby though. I was getting uncontrollable noise from an EBS pedal and thought it was broken. I used it with a few generic adapters (correct voltage, polarity etc.) and it wasn't until i tested it with a dedicated Ibanez power supply that it worked. The generic adapters were fine with my other pedals too. The only difference AFAIK is that the Ibanez one was regulated
  9. Might have to bag this. I'm just down the road in Cleveleys but don't drive so i'd have to work out a way of gettin it home. Where you based?
  10. There was a sweet Tobias 5er in the for sale section a few days ago for around your price range, lovely basses them.....
  11. Is the screen totally damaged? If it's a cracked non-worker (screens are expensive to buy new) but the motherboard is ok you're best sticking it on ebay for spare/repair, esp. if all the other parts are working too. I don't need the laptop per se, just parts really, mainly the wifi card and dvdrw/optical drive. (although this depends what model it is as Toshiba have a lot of drive incompatibility issues). If it's a Toshiba SD-C series, Quantum or a Matsushita I'm definitely interested. I'll pm you my email address as i'll need pics if i'm gonna take the whole thing plus a bit more detail on what happens before the BSOD. Is the BSOD regular? Does it still happen after formatting and re-installing the OS? Is it getting hot or is the hard drive making funny noises? Also could do with some close-ups of the case to see if there's damage to the plastics. Sorry for being anal, just gotta be careful with laptops as even nowadays the parts aren't that standardised. Cheers for your time Steve Ps. If i don't take it and the mobo does work you should easily get £60+ for it on ebay, esp. with charger and hard drive (SATA on these i think?)
  12. A bit OTT for me i think. Much prefer a nice plain finish... must be getting old!
  13. /\ Wot they said /\ Bought a few things from Steve, thoroughly nice lad.
  14. Pleasant guy, knobs arrived quickly! Cheers dude!
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  16. [quote name='sshorepunk' post='381279' date='Jan 15 2009, 01:51 PM']I'll have a look tonight, you may as well take the whole laptop cos their won't be much left once I've took all them things out T[/quote] Ok can you let me know the model number and the spec? Preferably the ID (should be on the base) as Toshiba make loads of different specced machines under the same model numbers Cheers Steve EDIT: Or swap for a Jim Dunlop bass wah?
  17. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='380904' date='Jan 15 2009, 12:52 AM']For Behringer pedals, the one you don't need to stomp on (like limiters and compressors) are the good ones, because its their plastic breakyness that is their downfall.[/quote] Our old guitarist was showing off his new Behringer pedals at a gig once, boasting about the fact he'd just bought 4 pedals for half the price of my tuner. The Eq and Tuner pedals didn't last the gig. Fortunately we were playing at a venue on the promenade so they were thrown in the sea within 5 mins of the last song. Behringer pedals are excellent value for money, as long as you don't have to step on the pedally bit!
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  19. Damn! I'd have gotten away with it too if it wasn't foir you pesky kids!
  20. [quote name='cheddatom' post='380970' date='Jan 15 2009, 08:43 AM']It's a PC not a laptop.[/quote] Sigh.... I must be going blind, could have sworn there was a laptop for sale in the original post.... Oh wait, there is!
  21. Would you consider selling the laptop parts seperately? I'm interested in: Hard drive (size?) Optical drive (make and model number?) Charger Internal wireless card (if present, single antenna only) Thanks (also apologies for coming across as a bit of a gyppo) Steve
  22. I think dangerboy was selling a short scale for £80, give him a shout. Looks a beaut!
  23. Here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=34586"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=34586[/url] There's more good threads a couple of pages in on this section of the site, you may have to dig through to find out what relates to you but it's all sound information
  24. We've heard loads about the new Hartke heads but not the new cabs. IIRC they're a new design incorporating aluminium and paper in the cones? Best trying them out first as they might not be what you're looking for. I remember the review of the new gear saying they don't have the expected low end of a traditional 8x10, which isn't ideal for such a big heavy cabinet! The Ampeg 8x10s are very cheap 2nd hand nowadays purely down to the fact that heavy gear is unfashionable and we've all discovered there's no need to lug all that weight around anymore Don't always think you have to get massive cabs to make serious noise, i've got a similar Schroeder to Delberthot and it's by far the most efficient cab i've tried (i've had 4 Hartke cabs too, VX and XL series). It's also well documented on this site that the traditional arrangement of 1x15 and 4x10 isn't always the best option. There's some recent threads in this section with loads of great information in
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