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Everything posted by lemmywinks

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  2. The DODs are good for the money (around £25 second hand). They can be excellent in the highs but very indistinct in the lows. Basically i liked mine and could get a few cool sounds out of it, but it sounded nothing like Chilis records which was what i bought it for! Another thing to watch out for if volume drop when the effect is on. This rendered it nearly unusable on my Warwick but was ok on a Musicman and a Squire I found the two envelope settings on the Boss SYB-3 Synth pedal better than the Dod, much smoother and clearer.
  3. My missus bought a similar trolley for carting all her shopping about when she injured her shoulder, it had 3 wheels on each side for going up stairs and kerbs , it was ace! Hers also had a tartan cover for the authentic mad-old-woman look Would these do? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=380076776212&cguid=cb904ca311f0a0e204622882fe72687c"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...4622882fe72687c[/url] [url="http://www.qfonic.com/stair-climbing-triwheel-shopping-trolley-folds-flat-p-3117.html"]http://www.qfonic.com/stair-climbing-triwh...lat-p-3117.html[/url] [url="http://www.justoffbase.co.uk/Sack-Truck-Stair-Climbing-150kg-Capacity-Sealey-CST985"]http://www.justoffbase.co.uk/Sack-Truck-St...y-Sealey-CST985[/url] The last one's a bit extreme i know!
  4. Always been able to get through the drummers noise, something that wasn't always possible with my old stack! We have a very loud drummer too, with one of those old Premier kits that were designed before most bands miced up the kit
  5. I use a LMII head and a Schroeder 1212r cab. Can carry the head in a bag and my bass and cab in either hand! It's loud enough for every gig i've done with it including some big halls and i prefer it to a combo EDIT: This cab looks like a very good option if you're in the market [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=42827"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=42827[/url]
  6. I have had quite a few jazzes and i liked them all! I don't get on with Ps though... Try a few Squiers, from the Standards up to the VM et al. I've got a Standard and it's the nuts! I can get four or five really good, different sounds out of it. Really good slap sound too. Try rolling a little off the bridge pickup with the tone just nudging 30%, that's my usual fingerstyle setting for 80% of our stuff. Dunno what everyone else is on about RE not getting classic Jazz sounds, all mine have done the job apart from my Warmoth which is a totally different beasty
  7. Yeah it went to me, might be back on sale though as i don't have an immediate use for it. Ya want first dibs?
  8. [quote name='Protium' post='421643' date='Feb 28 2009, 01:20 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260357457874"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=260357457874[/url][/quote] I've used these on my spare bass before, Cash Converters sell them for £4. They're pretty good (better than rotos!), i'd gig them if i was short on cash. I had a set on my Squier for a bit and while they were never overly bright to begin with they didn't deteriorate as quickly as some other strings i've used.
  9. I use a Hartke A70 for my bedroom amp and it rules. Kicks out loads of bass for it's size, plus i've done a few small gigs with it. If i need to go any louder than CD-playalong volume (trying out pedals etc.) then i can just crank it up. I have it between 1 and 3 usually. The 12" speaker will handle a 5er too. I think they did 25w - 100w versions of these, all cheap second hand too
  10. Started using my M80 as it's got an eq switch/boost, overdrive and a DI out all in one pedal (is that cheating?). I use this with a bit of chorus now and again provided by a Stereo Electric Mistress (i don't use the Flanger on it). So does that count as 4? Before that i had a Pickle Pie with Mid switch, a custom clean boost and various overdrives (EBS and Gremlin, got the Bogdan Helter Skelter now). I leave these at home now for pure simplicity I'm trying to justify using the Danelectro Black Liquorice but there's not much call for uber fuzzed out mayhem in a party covers band..... I'll find some though!!!
  11. I'll take one, pm me with payment details of payment please! Will hopefully be able to reply after tonight's drunken shenanigans
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  13. "Come on, come over" and "I can dig it baby" are good ones
  14. I Want You Back (the song, that's not a personal statement!) Also Walkabout by the Chilis
  15. I'll take the Aphex please, pm'd with details
  16. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  17. I used my Schroeder 1212r with a stand to try out the "ear level" thing, didn't like it (preferred the floor rumble in the end!) so never used it again. Another £40 down the drain! I'd like to stack another 2x12 on top of it though......
  18. Pics please? I'm not gonna buy it, just like looking at beasty amps!
  19. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='412271' date='Feb 17 2009, 05:48 PM']Heh heh heh, 'head'.[/quote] It's good to know i'm not the only one who immediately jumps to the most childish conclusion after reading the thread title....
  20. My Corvette developed a fault where it would become quiet and distorted. It was the push/pull pot failing, eventually got the part replaced (from the awesome and extremely pleasant staff at Promenade Music in Morecambe). Yours sounds like a pot issue, unless the repair guy had damaged a circuit board whilst tinkering around inside it.
  21. I picked up a little clean boost pedal off here for £35 so it does pay to keep an eye out. Before that i used a Hartke VXL pedal which did the trick too I'd imagine the Behringers will do the trick, just don't stomp on them too hard or you might be getting a lot less volume than you'd hoped for!
  22. [quote name='Randy_Marsh' post='409866' date='Feb 15 2009, 03:53 AM']for £300? are you kidding? if you can find one, link me! id be well up for buying one[/quote] I've seen a few go on ebay last year for under £350, one went for £320. Remember they could be bought new around 2002 (IIRC) for £530. I paid £580 for mine and as it's got a few knocks i'd expect it to fetch no more than £350 second hand Remember the new Rockbasses look gorgeous and the $$ Corvettes go for around £500 Keep an eye out on the bay. I saw the passive fretless version go for just over £300 as well and that was mint
  23. For around that price you could get an active Warwick Corvette Standard. I've got one and it's a beast for slap. Also a very versatile bass
  24. My parents used to have the same carpet as that in their dining room!
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