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Everything posted by lemmywinks

  1. If you don't get a response i'll unpack mine (i'm sellin it) and take a pic tomorrow Alternatively ya could just buy it!
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  4. Fancy a trade on the BB for a Jim Dunlop 105q Bass Wah?
  5. Maybe he was just having an off day? Never had to contact him myself but all reports suggest he's a very amiable chap I remember when something i bought from the USA went missing in the post, the seller immediately sent a replacement at his own cost. That was a set of USA Fender Jazz pickups too!
  6. Up to £115 with 11 hours to go? You're doin alright there! Might stick mine on ebay
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  8. Don't suppose you fancy px ing that guyatone against my Jim Dunlop 105q wah?
  9. My LMII cut out tonight so i'm in the market for a backup head. Our lead guitarist uses an Orange combo and it's awesome, so i might be persuaded. Will the colour clash with my Schroeder cab?
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  11. Sell your cabs and buy a Schroeder! LMII + Schroeder = WIN
  12. Wonder what the one-stringer looks like with the pickup that way around?
  13. Don't suppose you fancy a trade/px with a Dunlop 105q wah? I love these pedals, worth buying just for the DI and the Colour switch!
  14. [quote name='jimijimmi' post='387540' date='Jan 21 2009, 02:15 PM']and YES it is a give away price...if you can find me one for less,then ill take 2.. hope ya well.. jj[/quote] Wasn't saying the value was incorrect, more the "bass of this calliber" bit. Far better basses go for a fraction of this i'm afraid. And yes i am well, thanks!
  15. [quote name='WHUFC BASS' post='385596' date='Jan 19 2009, 11:23 PM']The Artist series was a deviation from the usual Gibson formula of all mahogany construction but they weighed an absolute ton.[/quote] Too true! I had it on a very long strap (looks ace!) but there was about 3 trees worth of wood in there so it was extremely uncomfortable. Don't think Gibson ever got a bass neck profile right either. The RD and every TBird i've played felt clumsy, like it didn't really want you to play it.
  16. [quote name='Delberthot' post='385602' date='Jan 19 2009, 11:27 PM']The best one I ever used was the Owen Bass Gremlin - quite pricey new but pop up here from time to time around the £60 mark. I just don't do pedals orI would still have it.[/quote] +1 on that. I just sold mine for £60! Can email a couple of clips if you like. It's more like two versions of one overdrive. There's the on/off and a filter switch, so potentially 2 different (footswitchable) overdrives. Works out at £30 a pedal! Sold it cos i rarely get to use overdrive, plus i'm more of a muff man (matron!) Also keep an eye out for the Danelectro Black Liquorice/Black Paisley pedals. Cheaply built and a bit noisy, but sound huge especially with the octave down switch! Got my Black Liquorice for £12 delivered off the dreaded ebay. No level control though, just Drive and Bass! The EBS one is worth a shot too. A bit too restrained for my liking but might be what you're looking for
  17. They are very rare. Still look 'orrible though... Think he's a bit mixed up on it's provenance though. Guigsy played Fenders, i thought Gem Archer (rhythm guitar) played a non-reverse firebird. EDIT for awesome quote : "A bass of this calliber will not be available again for this give away price" I used to own an RD Artist '77, IMO Gibson's best bass. It was my second best bass, behind my Warwick Corvette. Not exactly known for their world-beating basses are they?
  18. Baby green? Nut & crunch? Hangover black? Can't see it catching on....
  19. It doesn't come with a DC jack on it, just battery, which is why i thought wiring it up for a centre -ve adapter would be ok. i understand that most pedals ground through the sleeve which is usually the +ive. I'm asking cos after i connected it up to work off my adapter i sent it to the repair shop to have the pots looked at (they were crackling), paid £15 and took it home. Didn't work. Took it back and collected it Saturday and was told it was £30 as i'd blown the transistors (the repair guy had taken it upon himself to rewire it "correctly"), so when i connected it up it blew Just want to know if i'm in the wrong really, i took advice from other forums and just switched the wires around. If i'm wrong i'll pay up, if not i'm taking the pedal and getting my initial £15 back as AFAIK he didn't fix the pots!
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  21. [quote name='Annoying Twit' post='384299' date='Jan 18 2009, 08:05 PM']Looks fairly original. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/CUSTOM-BUILT-HAND-MADE-BASS-GUITAR-L-K_W0QQitemZ180320430791QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/CUSTOM-BUILT-HAND-MA...ents_Guitars_CV[/url] [/quote] Aye it's just down the road from me. Keep thinking about going to have a go. Maybe could get some comedy pics posing with it in my Basschat tshirt? Just makes you wonder how some folk attach "custom" and "hand-built" to useless planks like these. Also the neck on the first one is off a Vintage, so not exactly hand built is it?
  22. lemmywinks


    My Zoot <<<<< Haven't even had it a year. I had a bit of money saved up for something special (i'm the only one in our band that doesn't squander gig money!) and was looking at USA Jazzes. Tried a few and none grabbed me so i left it at that. Then i saw this on ebay for £900 BIN. Loved it! Couldn't justify spending the money (i was looking at Warwick Fortresses and non-USA Tobias basses at the time). Kept a note of the seller and over a period of a few months noticed the price drop to £800. I mailed him to see if he would take any less (meaning £50 or so), and got a very flat response telling me the bass was worth well over a grand and he was in no rush to sell it. About a week later he'd obviously had a change of heart and had dropped the price to £710! Hit BIN, but couldn't complete until i had paid and my Paypal account wouldn't go over £600! In the end i had to wait another week to get it verified and every few hours i was checking ebay on my phone to make sure someone else hadn't nabbed it! Eventually paid for it, the bass was sent via Parcel Force 48. It took about a week to arrive though, cue a lot of worrying and pacing up and down! Within 5 mins of playing it unamplified it was at the top of the tree. Unbelievably loud, clear and focused, couldn't wait to plug it in and play with the Aquilar pre! I cringe every time i remember considering spending £740 on a Fender.........
  23. The sound clips were recorded straight from my Zoot into the Owen, then direct into my laptop's lousy sound card (there was a bit of latency) and recorded with Reaper. Tbh there's less of a balance between the filters when it's through an amp. The 1st one is a lot quiter live so getting 2 seperate sounds might require a bit of compromise. Still sounds awesome though! Steve
  24. [quote name='joegarcia' post='383354' date='Jan 17 2009, 04:41 PM']Really interested in the Owen. Can it do drive/distortion too? Would love to hear clips.[/quote] Yeah it's a very natural sounding distortion with a lot of boost. I'll try to get some clips done but i'm generally rubbish at that sort of thing!
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