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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. I started as a drummer < hack vom spew > and did many years gigging on drums in my early days. And before that i twanged a guitar, but not good enough to be the gitwrist in a band I occasionally drum at jam nights
  2. Off the shelf isn't going to work is it ? There's no guarantee of a tight fit, madam. I figured i would need to send a luthier type chap bloke the neck, so he could then match the dimensions of the fit in the neck pocket. The rest, ...neck wood, scale, fretboard wood, headstock shape, could be whatever.
  3. OOoh, that could be the way to go. No hurry - new year is fine. Cheers Mick
  4. Crikey nora I thought at least a couple of members might have had a neck built by someone somewhere Hoo wooda fort
  5. Yeah it is, and the comedy show League Of Gentlemen nicked his name for the village in the show.
  6. Its Imgur for me. I tried Imageshack and decided it was awful
  7. In my bass history, i've had just the one sig bass. It was a Rudy Sarzo peavey, active job. I didnt even know the name of Sarzo. I still dont know who he played for or if he is ( or was ? ) any good. One thing i can say, and the reason i bought one, is the build quality was simply stunning. In fact, over the short 2 year period they built the RS, it was their flagship model. Around £1500 in the UK if you could find one.
  8. Photobucket was free , but then out of the blue, they decided to cut everyones links, and made Bucket a pay site. Everyone's links become a URL
  9. Sean bought some cables from me and it was a hassle free deal. No messing, instant payment Good lad !!
  10. Enough to cause a problem in a crowded room
  11. I'm just being gassy My Zoom has plenty of EQ/Graphic options that can be stored and brought up by the click of a foot
  12. I used to be lardy fat phatness myself, till Charic sorted out the software. That Tech 21 sounds awesome - programmable eh ?
  13. An acoustic gittar is for the hard of thinking. I have one - a Gordon Giltrap electro. I can't play it
  14. Is this in the right forum ? Mods, please move if not - cheers
  15. I'm toying with the idea of having an even better quailty fretless neck made for my current fretless. Has anyone had one made by any UK luthier ? I am of course including any of the amazing bass builders on Basschat What sort of cost am i looking at ? I know this is wood dependant, and other things, like some wood is quicker to work with than others, fret lines / dots, and so on, blah blah, but ballpark figures are fine. If you've had a neck made in the UK, can you list how much and what sort of wood and whether you had dots and /or fretlines etc ? This will narrow things down. Exotic wood will cost more, natch
  16. What would be a good bass for garage jungle thrash reggae. ?
  17. Oh my word - this was a killer. Take her down, Phones
  18. Not in LA, no. But our Watts are much friendlier, are they not, squire ?
  19. I've never understood why people get their bloomers in a twist over someone being a capitalist in a capitalist society. Mind you, the Govt should be shot for Royal Mail shares, etc
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