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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. fleabag


    Gotta wait till Monday Chris. Thats delivery day. I can tell you 2 differences right now, since i used to have a Firebass - the weight and size
  2. Yup, hiding would be a big problem. The edit option in PM's was handy, and it was initially available after the change, but mysteriously disppeared
  3. KUSTOM Groovebass 1200 in 2U Stagg Rack case. Because the case is damaged on the front and repaired with epoxy ( not by me i should add ) i'll throw the case in for free. At least it still protects the amp. I have a .PDF manual and it will give all the info. I'll attach it to this post , right at the bottom I'm not scared to mention ... HEFT Yes i said it. Sue me ! Its been serviced and PAT tested about 13 months ago. This is not one of those fashionable amps you can walk into a gig with it balanced on your head, as seems to be the norm now. Its 31 Lbs. But if you like LOW end, look no further. Also has great control over the mids. Purchase of Peavey head has rendered this surplus to requirements Plenty of excellent review by owners on Talkbass if anyone fancies a read from other owners Postage probably prohibitive, but i'm willing to drive a radius of 50 miles of West Oxfordshire, so a 100 mile round trip for me, for £10 groove_1200.pdf
  4. Pierre bought a monster amp from me - rapid payment, great comms. Pleasure to do business with. A real trooper
  5. Get a pair of Raybans Pete
  6. fleabag


    At tax payers expense, no doubt. The Heath was at least free of charge
  7. fleabag


    I dont do grinder
  8. Strange really, from my own point of view, as a friend of mine recorded a fantastic jazz/rock album in the 80's ( i still have it ) and he used a 4003 and the sound was ace. You'd think i would have one I really hate the look, though. Not a fan of chunky necks either. I sacked an ex girlfriend for the same problem
  9. Was the body sealed when you bought it or did you do that before the stain ? Apparently, if you stain bare wood that hasn't been sealed, you get patchy staining. As i say, i only read that. I wouldn't know myself
  10. Glad to see the natural finish. Looks ace
  11. fleabag


    In which case, there needs to be a set of black lights
  12. fleabag


    Only a bonus. Oooooooooo, look - pretty lights ! etc. Nah, still the EQ i liked above all else
  13. fleabag


    Will do It wasnt so much the wattage, as i dont need a 1000 watt, but then again, at half power it will be totally unstressed, and cruising. Just like a politician on Hampstead Heath No, it was more for the excellent control over the EQ.
  14. fleabag


    Winging its way to me right now - anyone else delve in and cop one of these weirdos ? https://peavey.com/products/index.cfm/item/659/118729
  15. And that G string machine head appears to slightly overhanging the headstock. Handbuilt he says ? Who by .. inmates at Rampton ?
  16. Yeah i might get another. Total bargain
  17. Yup, The Pro ll was the more affordable bolt on neck version.
  18. Bingo ! Great bit of kit, and weighs the same as my slippers https://www.richtonemusic.co.uk/product/alto_tourmax_sxm112a/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA-qDTBRD-ARIsAJ_10yJQ74T2PTKQSLYR4FU3tjtgD0rOEVVw_QTPqXbd91hYInkd0nD4uh0aAjNBEALw_wcB
  19. I didnt do mine. I sent it to someone to make sure it was a pro job. I've learnt a lesson working on my own basses with anything thats serious.
  20. I'm suspicious that super duper glue isn't a hard enough finish for fretless. Mine was done with epoxy 2 pack
  21. I hope so. The i'll have Rickenphukker arrested for unleashing that turd on the general public
  22. I don't like or play fivers, but if i did, i would pick one where all 5 string are actually over the fretboard What an abortion.
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