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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. I think blokes like to exaggerate size. He thinks he has a biggun, but actually has a smallun.
  2. It has an ironing board for a fretboard ?
  3. Things not to do in a music shop........ Perhaps not light up a fat jazz ciggy next to the Ritters ?
  4. More work done .. Speakons attached
  5. Anyone know where i can get some protection strips ? Sort of like aluminium angle , say 25 x25 mm x 2 or 3mm and however long, but in plastic. Ally is too expensive I did the usual, check Blue Aran and various, but they only seem to supply corner protection, and i'm after angle strips for the edges between the corners. B&Q , Wickes, Screwfix - been to all of them, and its either ally, or white plastic. White is no good, terrible colour for external protection, but black isn't available Wood seems too expensive too. Not sure what the answer is, but shirley someone may have found something that'll do the job Any ideas peeps ?
  6. Didn't it start with gitwrists always whacking out Stairway to Heaven , and the rest is history
  7. Have to say it Higgie - that is a beast of a track. If any amatuer band deserved to make money from a cover, thats would be it, despite whether reality says otherwise Superb musicianship from everyone
  8. DR should have called them Smaug strings. Then we could desolate them.
  9. ta Stew Its a tad darker than the pics because the camera flash lightened it up a smidge
  10. OK, i'll mention him. The late great James Dewar of Robin Trower fame. What a voice
  11. I imagined it and i still can't imagine it
  12. Being a Polish sort of name, who's to say about Sadowsky, unless the builder calls it Sadoffski Wal, on the other hand was named after ian Waller, which i guess you already knew, so that ' vaaal ' was def. wrong
  13. Good idea - something to arrange. Got any space at your gaffage ?
  14. Good idea. Though i'd say Dave, that this is not that compact @ 125 litres. Its also 15mm Poplar and i think BFB's use 12mm and lots of bracing ?
  15. Keith is a gent and a scholar. Paid up and didn't get the axe for a week or so, as the silly sausage lives in France. Still, good to have mates that can collect, snap a string, and then re-string it for ya
  16. I thought so too - hundreds of boring black bass cabs around. With a silver grill, should set it off nicely, sir. Suits me sir
  17. Have you been looking through your binoculars again ?
  18. Blimey guv, that little Danplifier is awesome. I magine a gitwrist setting up on stage with an amp you could barely see, and then striking the mother of all chords. Wild
  19. Thank the lord i wore my corsett, as i let out a humungous rib snapping guffaw. As you were
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