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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. I say guitar builds , yes - building a bass from scratch has to be admired. Just look at the stunning axes some the of builders here come up with And i'm building a box
  2. Very good Andy I'd post you a beer but it may be against P.O. rules
  3. Seems a bit iffy - 2 or 3 times in 2 years ? Whats the hidden problem that successive buyers are not mentioning ..
  4. Yet another monstrosity at another silly price. Ebay's never short of dreamers
  5. rear panel twin speakon holes cut, and baffle / ports cut T nuts siliconed to board as they normally fall off just as one is screwing the driver to the baffle
  6. Nah, i dont play for visitors either. But just so they dont miss out on my stunning fingering, i send them to the link below, so they can hear my genius in a band setting Telling them its a fretless is pointless as non musos normally dont have a clue. I dont bother warning them its a rather silly track. They can find that out when the listen
  7. Side handle holes cut, and Peavey ( nicked from BVX cab ) wadding attached to the rear panel.
  8. Yeah that figures He must have done a private deal off Ebay and cancelled the listing. Ebay keeps a list of SOLD ITEMS so if it sold through Ebay, you can find it, but not if the seller cancelled the auction
  9. I did a search of sold listings on that bass and nothing came up ? It should have done as it was only this week you said it sold. Just curious about the bass
  10. It would seem to me that if the design needed a skunk stripe to fill the gap for the truss rod rout, then fitting the same wood as the neck would solve the problem of two differently expanding woods. If the builder wants the stripe to stand out, the just stain it darker.
  11. Cheers Phil and JB ..still at it Next - ports cut and side panel cross brace fitted
  12. ' Bob picked up the strange looking guitar, unaware that his hilarious mates had plugged it directly into the mains '
  13. Front baffle now cut for driver and ports. Bit of smoothing to do part way round the circumference of the driver cutout Ports were much simpler using a 100mm hole saw
  14. Cheers spon - marking out for Fane driver and port holes
  15. Right - more fixing done ! . Braces in place
  16. Cheers Stevie - i can only blame you for starting this You may have remembered the Beymas you and the others talked about , Phil etc, and bought 4 and fitted them to a pair of ex Peavey 210 cabs, but i didnt build those from scratch, so this really is my first. Watch this space and see me accidently build it upside down
  17. Ta Rob 3rd panel attached and now attacking the braces - marking up etc
  18. This is what the plans look like. I had a Peavey BVX which had the Fane driver in, but the cab is the size of a st. bernard's kennel, and built with 21mm ply. ...94lbs and the dimensions of a family size tent. I tried to sell it - not a peep. Pulled the driver out and tried to give the cab away - not a peep. So the decision was made to make a smaller, lighter cab.
  19. I wasn't going to post a cab build, for a couple of reasons. Never done one before, so envisaged a right mess, with me accidently glueing myself to the carpet or something. And also, its been done many times by others, and bass guitar builds are much more interesting and require more talent. But ... i 've had some terrific help, and really its a kind of big thank you. Stevie and others set me on the path, but i was still panicking about how to go about it. I did a forum search for past builds and picked on one poor chap, messaged him, and waited for a reply. This BC'er was one Richard H. It panned out a week or so into the build that we knew each from a bass bash at Reading. Anyways - after i failed to find ply in 15mm anywhere near me, ( 15mm is apparently an unusual size ) and when i did find a source, which was a hell of long way away, they wouldn't deliver one board. Also, i had to build this in my flat, as i've no garage, no decent power saws to cut accurately. And it was obvious i couldn't fit an 8ft x 4ft board in my home and be able to walk round it. Enter Richard H. ( not in the biblical sense ). RH sourced the poplar ply in the 15mm i wanted, measured it out using the plans found by Stevie for the Fane Sovereign LF 600 watter, cut the panels, and delivered it to me. Remembering that he had to adjust all the sizes as well, because the plans were for 18mm board. A huge result already and we hadn't started yet. Its still not finished ... but here we go 1) First butt joint - yeehar ( yes i'm having to build it in my hallway ) 2) Not enough hands or places to work comfortably, and having to use my camera tripod to help support the panel More later
  20. Agreed - watched a fair few of his solo vids on here / YT and some of his funk band. Great stuff indeed
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