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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Mike ( @urb on these forums ) was doing something very similar years ago in 2007, and later in this 2010 YT vid
  2. So it seems But ..how can an option that was there, not be brought back ? If the changeover altered a few things at the time then great, what can anyone do. But the PM editing option was there post changeover, so fail to see why its not feasible to get it back, but i guess the software guru can say why.
  3. Thats weird Charic, since it was already an option after the changeover. It just didn't last very long, but it was there.
  4. Are we still no nearer to finding out why the ability to edit a PM has inconveniently disappeared ?
  5. You'd think someone owning / trying to sell a £1500 bass would at least make an effort to take some photos with a better camera than he used What the hell did he use - a Brownie 127 ? Idiot
  6. Posting with joke prices thinking he's a comedian would simply make me move on and find something else
  7. Dammit - you just reminded about 2 bands i forgot i saw ! Blame the jazz woodbines of my youth Floyd at Wish You Were Here tour - Knebworth , '75 i think Led Zep London Ally Pally - maybe the same year. Brain cells have departed en masse, so not sure of the year. Early / mid 70's fo sho
  8. Thanks DT, yes i forgot about upward motion being helped by the other hand first then slowly lowering the baked beans ( other cans of food are available ) on their own.
  9. I had a movement of my own after laughing too hard
  10. Yup, been there. Tennis first, then Golfers ( golfers is the inside, in the exact opposite place to tennis ) then tennis returned again - 30-Love I'm thinking mine was nowhere near as bad as yours, but i had the anti-inflams and tramodol and solpadol, and he also told me to rest my arm somewhere, like along the arm of my sofa ( and sat down, as well ) so my arm was kinda parallel to floor but only the hand itself was in the air, hanging over the arm of the sofa. Then, get a can of baked beans ( other food is available ) and hold the can, palm down, and do wrist raises. He did explain what this did, but whether it helped i dont know because in all 3 cases of T and G elbow i had, they cleared up after around 6 months
  11. Ooh, tough one. Toss up between Zappa, The Tubes, or King Crimson ( the levin / belew line-up ) Hmm...damn. Which one..
  12. " Mashine heads are original. " " The base, when in use, was used in a studio environment only " He managed to spell ' environment ' , but not ' bass ' or ' machine '
  13. Oh fo sho. The will of the people is always right. Just like the customer
  14. Max Bygraves said the same thing, didn't he ?
  15. I was trying to lure YOU in - and i failed. Good brownie points with the missus then
  16. More ' Girls Aloud ' surely Paul ?
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