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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Fugly looks, fugly tone. But hey, what a boring world if we all liked the same thing. One man's beef crumpet is another man's rycin brioche
  2. Hilarious post - joined BC, asked one question, never replied, never came back.
  3. A piece in the Express a couple of weeks go https://www.express.co.uk/entertainment/music/1725157/Talking-Heads-Chris-Frantz-Tina-Weymouth-interview
  4. The Unusual Suspects , my only band [ covers ]
  5. Nice bit of Life During Wartime. Some nice camera work on Weymouth here and there Byrne is a strange dude but wonderfully so
  6. Hey Pete Another Pete and from Oxforshire too. Spooky but i also started on drums , then discovered the error of my ways.
  7. My mistake ... it's a P Bass \
  8. I'm wondering if it's a Shergold Modulator ..
  9. Sybil's grown a boys head and arms ??? argggggghhhh
  10. It may not look like it at first glance, but that's a T. rex J bass
  11. I dont dig flat fretboards, man
  12. Hmm.. not with that institutional beige decor
  13. Berlimey - i didn't even realise they were still going. I suppose it's just Geordie and Coleman ? At least i got to see them live about 40 years ago. I was a young 'un at a CND rally
  14. I'd be happy if they made anything other than the vanilla Fendery jazzy pbeee fayre.
  15. Eye opener as to how many here have back probs. Im no different either, as i have a metal hip ( passenger RTA 1987 ) that occasionally nips a nerve. Bloody thing did it a week ago, and lm still struggling, though it does wear off eventually, after a week, normally nearer 2 weeks. Add to that , i have a displaced disc at L4/5 so near the bottom of my spine, ( motorbike , lunched it 1994 ) and again, occasionally , it makes itself known. It's the the disc that gives me problems gigging, if the hip/nerve thing is ok. I cant stand still in one spot for 2 sets, so as long as i have room to sidestep 2 paces left / right / forward / back, i can lessen the impact. I dont have any heavy gear to carry, depite me owning the PA subs and tops. 2 other band members deal with those. I have a Genz head and i dont use a cab, 2 basses are not ultra lightweight, but 4" straps help a lot. No speaker monitors either
  16. Some members getting more moolah, but keeping quiet about, is not the way to do it. That's just plain sneaky. AS someone said earlier, they may have a good reason, but if the reason was that good, they'd tell you why and keep things open and honest. They haven't done this. It's being done behind your back. W@nkers. That's IMO of course. I'd have a quiet chat with your mate the drummer, be sneaky and hustle him away, and dont tell the greedy bustards. See how they like that, when they discover you're both AWOL and have set up your own gig/jams
  17. Chris bought a pedal from me and payment was instant. Good comms. too A dude indeed
  18. Too late, i was about to say that the Yam TRB's are 35" scale, just in case. But alas...
  19. Did you say it was an interview ? All i heard was bleugh bleugh, thak, thak thak, bleugh bleugh. Drummer losing his timing.
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