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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. And why did he smear vaseline on his camera lens ?
  2. Some people just want something for nothing, and forget that businesses have many overheads - extortionate rents, utilities, staff, PLI, blah blah. 15% is naff all if you live in the real world.
  3. I wouldn't sell a used E string on commission with BD. No sure Wunjos do commission sales. Part Ex or sell direct, but not sure they do commissions. As for the shop, they bent over backwards when i was after a bass from them. Fantastic people.
  4. Thats because you're not an objective listener. Bring a mate round to do a blind test. Dont tell him / let him see which way you've set the cab and play through it, first on the castors, then off the castors.
  5. https://bootlegbeatles.com/gigs/
  6. Yes of course i'd send it back if that was the case, or rather, i'd inform them and they arrange the collection.
  7. That wont happen, as i had an email from the courier DPD as well, stating my collection was cancelled
  8. Bought an item online yesterday afternoon, and discovered i'd read the description wrong, after getting the email confirming purchase. So i email them back after about 30 mins of purchase, cancelling the order, for the reason stated. I get an email in return ( didnt expect one on a Sunday ) asking if they could help with anything else, and if not, would i prefer a refund. Sent a return email confirming i would prefer a refund. I get another reply stating ok. This morning, i get another email confirming my purchase. I was a bit confused, but soon after, i get an email from DPD saying we are collecting your parcel soon. I phone this time, and speak to a person. He says he doesnt know how i got the previous emails on a Sunday, as there's no one there. I read him the emails i got. They're not signed by name, just Customer Services. I give him the order number , my name and details, and he finds the previous day's cancellation and email communications from the company. He says whoever sent the emails didn't sign off on the deal, despite me getting emails to say they would cancel, so the cancellation didn't go through. This person on the phone says he will cancel the order. I then get an email confirming the cancellation, and stating they have refunded my CC. The email states i will receive £191 , but the order was £199. I've realised they havent refunded the postage of £8. Now i'm kind of ok with that, because it wasnt their fault, and they had booked a courier, but i have no idea whether the courier turned up first and was cancelled, or whether the company managed to cancel the collection before the courier arrived. If the courier had been cancelled in time, and didnt need to pick up the parcel, why have i been charged for the delivery? Or perhaps DPD charged the company the £8 for cancelling ? Just curious. My mistake from the outset, so not going to make a fuss with them.
  9. Gear4music - great price, in comparison https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/272737219234
  10. Just in case anyone is interested, i have a Fane 15" for sale. Specs in the thread
  11. I only have bits of the original preamp , sadly
  12. I wonder what shape a hobnail boot makes. I think we can rule out round, slot, triangle.
  13. I had one of Peavey's old 1x15 Black Widow cabs, and this monster had a port hole and no duct. If i remember correctly, it was 22mm ply. Weighed the same as Cornwall
  14. Need is always trumped by want, but you know this, Grasshopper
  15. It'll sing like a Lark, slap You fancy another visit to chez fleabag ?
  16. Dont forget the neck pickup has individual volume control for each pole for string volume balance, which can be seen in the posted photo of that lovely neck pickup I had a Mag 3 - lovely beast of a bass.
  17. Dean B Squared / B2 - no longer active with a piezo bridge. Standard bridge and now passive V V T T, with different knobs. Pickup selector. Chrome knob does nothing as it's where the Piezo vol was. Obviously can be re-activated with a normal preamp if desired, as the battery box is intact Couple of small marks. Original brass nut Plays very well, truss is fine, frets are all level, no string buzz. No hard case, collection only, or if anyone fancies arranging postage themselves, i can pack it well. I have found a specialist guitar / instrument courier, and no need for a hard case for insurance. They're the only ones i know that do this but they're not cheap £55 for a bass. So i have no probs posting this and i will share the cost 50/50 so the bass will only be £227.50 posted
  18. I liked the look/reviews of the Mipro 58 system, but according to one review, adding an extra MiPro 58R belt pack receiver, doesnt mean you get 2 mixes. Wha ? So somebody cant add , say, 3 belt packs to let the whole 4 piece band go IEM on one MiPro 58T transmitter ? If true, bit pointless in buying https://ineargear.com/mipro-mi-58-5-8ghz/
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