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Everything posted by BrunoBass

  1. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1466985623' post='3080287'] Just got home from this, first time there, even though I've been going to festivals for about 20 years. The music and camping was fun. I mainly go for electronic music at festivals because I used to be a raver in the early 90s and I like to pretend I'm 23 again, so I can't comment on the live acts, because I spent all my time in various dance tents, except I did see Madness who were excellent of course. The mud on the other hand - oh my god. It was like a medieval catastrophe. This festival is so badly organised it's insane. They like to pretend it's going to be sunny, but just like the UK government, they have no contingency plan in case things turn out different to their expectations. The car parks were a sludge-fest, cars literally sliding around and sinking in mud, towed by tractors if they were lucky. It was genuinely terrifying. The entire site - which is enormous beyond belief - was swimming in mud. Almost nothing was even barely passable, so most people had to walk in narrow lines through the tiny tracks they put down, and even those were only in the main arenas. When the mud dried out a bit, it turned to glue, and people literally got stuck in it, by the hundreds. Loads of lost wellies wedged into mud with panicked people who felt like they were sinking into quicksand. It was absolute mayhem. Funny for 5 minutes, awful for the rest of the weekend. Also I know it's a cliche to moan about festival toilets, but I'm a festival veteran and even for me, these were the most disgusting toilets I've ever seen. Yesterday, I saw a toilet with a turd on the seat, with an apprehensive cockroach sat next to it. It was quite unnerving. [/quote] And that's why I don't go to festivals...
  2. [quote name='joey1234' timestamp='1467030174' post='3080564'] Hey @PaulGibsonBass I am playing guitar couple on a beat up old Effie I've had for 20 yeas (sounds awesomely sh1t) and some on a steel string acoustic. I joined a band playing bass last year after a 5 year hiatus to have kids. I played 5 originals and 3 covers. Jobo [/quote] Nice one. Same as me, bass in a band and acoustic solo Singer-Songwriter stuff. Hope it went well 👍
  3. [quote name='joey1234' timestamp='1467029214' post='3080548'] <p>So I did my first gig as a solo artist on Friday (24/06) at the night and day café. It was my first time playing solo in fornt of an audience needless to say it was nerve racking. I sat and listened to the other bands soundcheck and thought I can do this and I did. I fluffed a few times but played through. I didn&#39;t get booed (which was nice). I am feeling really positive now its time to record an EP and promote </p> <p>Jobo</p> <div style="left: -1000px; top: 8px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden; position: absolute;">&nbsp;</div> [/quote] What did your solo act involve? Are you playing bass solo or doing something else?
  4. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1467010801' post='3080332'] I'm not a fan of Coldplay but I just saw, via Facebook, their tribute to Viola Beach - the young band who was lost earlier this year in a tragic accident. Fair play to Coldplay, I imagine those boy's families will have loved that: http://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1052839914810632&id=353393028088661 [/quote] Yes - that was a classy, gracious thing to do. On the subject of their music, I lost interest after their third or fourth album. The debut, Parachutes, is one of my favourite albums and takes me back to a good time in my life. Their recent output leaves me a bit cold though. They seem to me to be happy to sacrifice credibility for the pop dollar.
  5. Seek out this fantastic album if you can. Every track is a stunner. http://www.allmusic.com/album/dread-meets-punk-rockers-uptown-mw0000739296
  6. I wonder if any of these bands are still active? It's four years since the last post.
  7. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1466802205' post='3079053'] I enjoyed ZZ Top, but they didn't seem very enthusiastic and not good on timing. [/quote] I thought the same. Didn't sound very tight, Frank Beard's kick drum seemed a bit approximate at times.
  8. I love Muse and they're always amazing live. I'm a big fan of Chris Wolstenholme's playing, and I respect how he has taken rock bass into new areas particularly with his sound. Digging that Status sig bass too!
  9. +1 for Hatful of Hollow, as per above. Andy Rourke was a great bass player too. I was never really a fan of his sound but his lines are consistently inventive and melodic.
  10. One of my band mates went, he was sceptical as he hates musical theatre but was impressed.
  11. Basschat is, obviously, populated by bass players, but there seems to be several drummers on here that play bass, guitarists that play bass etc. I play bass in a band but I also do my own acoustic Singer-Songwriter thing. How many of you do other musical activities, and are your extra curricular adventures just a sideline where your bass playing takes priority or is bass itself just a minor part of your activity?
  12. Was the promoter connected to the venue? I ask because my old acoustic covers band got booked to play at a bar a few years again and when we arrived there was no playing area or PA. The landlord (who seemed to be in charge of proceedings) when asked said something along the lines of 'just set up where you want lads, as long as it's not in the way'. When we asked about the PA (which we had been told would be provided) he responded with 'but you're acoustic, you don't need one do you?' The point I'm making being, some pubs/landlords etc like the idea of putting on live music but don't know anything about how to actually do it. I wonder if this is a similar situation?
  13. [quote name='Tony p' timestamp='1465998421' post='3072706'] Are you the Folk The System from Banbury? Yep [/quote] Thought so, seen you a few times over the years, at The Swan with Rob Lanyon last summer most recently I think
  14. Sex on Fire. We avoided it for ages, since everyman and his dog plays it. But it got requested for a private party we played and slightly grudgingly we put it in the set. It's never going to be a mainstay of the set but hearing 100 people bellowing the chorus back at you sure is a nice feeling, and it's easy to play. It'll probably (again grudgingly) get wheeled out from time to time I guess.
  15. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1465872683' post='3071736'] Too bad Buddy Rich isn't around anymore. He could fix that problem in about 10 minutes. Blue [/quote] If Buddy Rich spoke to me like the way he spoke to his band he'd be having my headstock surgically removed from where the sun doesn't shine... 😆
  16. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1465817235' post='3071152'] Bwahahahahahahaha!!! I mean, it's good that they're trying and all, but really - [u][i][b]this [/b][/i][/u]is what the fuss was about? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! [/quote] The fuss is about the fact that a band forms with a very similar name in the same small town. How good or bad they are perceived as being is irrelevant.
  17. [quote name='DaytonaRik' timestamp='1465804342' post='3071008'] I wouldn't be too worried! [url="https://youtu.be/VxGSFdMk0qM"]https://youtu.be/VxGSFdMk0qM[/url] [/quote] A few developments... We contacted the band in question and very politely suggested they consider changing their name on the basis that we're the more established band, we had the name before they formed etc... We then received a very terse response which basically amounted to a verbal middle finger. We were willing to take a deep breath, move on and leave it be. Then one of us got a phone call over the weekend from one of their fathers apologising for his daughters bands immaturity and rude response! Hilarious.
  18. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1465800200' post='3070977'] Stay with that band for social reasons and join another one too for musical reasons. First date in the diary gets your attention. [/quote] This.
  19. 3am doner meat and chips for me last night... Vile, I know. I don't know what made me do it!
  20. Said gig was last night. Details in the 'How was your gig last night?' thread...
  21. Last night's gig was at a bar in town which was booked back in January way before the Euro football schedules were announced (maybe...) We were expecting it to be a pretty rowdy do, but as the weather was fairly good they decided to put us on outside in the small beer garden. I had mixed feelings about this; it was nice to have the space and cool air, but I had been looking forward to playing in a crowded, rowdy sweatbox. Anyway, it will go down as one of our most, er - interesting gigs. The support act didn't show, which actually turned out ok as it gave our drummer a chance to watch the football on his phone while the other three of us non-football fans had a drink (non alcoholic, we don't drink before a gig). Just before we played our frontman (who hasn't been very well) suddenly had a wave of nausea and was pretty close to passing out. Anyway, adrenalin being the wondrous thing it is he managed to get through but was clearly struggling. We then attracted the attention of a compete drunken idiot who latched on to us at the break and told us what songs we should be playing... First song of the second set he managed to fall backwards over a table, taking a whole load of drinks with him. He was swiftly ejected. I won't bore you with the other minor, slightly amusing incidents that punctuated the set, but suffice to say I was not happy. Also, we played badly, we were not tight enough (we've been playing these songs for ever, we should be bulletproof). There was no excuse for such amateur, sloppiness and I felt utterly cheesed off afterwards. But for some reason we went down really well, smiley faces, dancing, singing along, pints held aloft, and lots of positive feedback. The venue want us back too, so we must've done something right. Anyway, we've got a few weeks off now before our next gig, due to holidays etc so the break will hopefully give us the chance to get ourselves firing back on all cylinders again.
  22. [quote name='Tony p' timestamp='1465627637' post='3069689'] We reformed our band " Folk the System" after a 20 year break only to find some Canadians had stolen our name along with a rather dubious American festival with far right connections... We were gonna set our lawyers on both of them untill we realised we didn't know any who worked for free [/quote] Are you the Folk The System from Banbury?
  23. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1465661645' post='3070070'] I've met Mr Bag in Witney, he's a good chap. We've played in Cropredy a few times, and Southam, but for some reason never managed to get a booking in Banbury itself. [/quote] Send me a DM if you'd like some contacts
  24. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1462977568' post='3047486'] I miss Frusciante. Perfect backing vocals and super melodic and tasteful solos are his forte. [/quote] +1 to that.
  25. [quote name='scrumpymike' timestamp='1465641531' post='3069839'] Here's my cheapy-but-goody (shorty), an Ibanez Talman TMB30. Just released in the UK and available in any colour as long as it's black (Thomann had the lovely ivory one last time I looked). [url="http://[URL=http://s1149.photobucket.com/user/scrumpymike/media/003_zpsd4rfyoav.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1149.photobucket.com/albums/o598/scrumpymike/003_zpsd4rfyoav.jpg[/IMG][/URL]"]http://[URL=http://s1149.photobucket.com/user/scrumpymike/media/003_zpsd4rfyoav.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1149.photobucket.com/albums/o598/scrumpymike/003_zpsd4rfyoav.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/url] Mahogany body, maple neck with rosewood fretboard - made in Indonesia (I guess the relevant trees grow there). [/quote] I like the look of that. I've never played a short scale. I've always avoided them; as a broad chested 6.1ft lump I've always supposed that they'd look ridiculous on me!
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