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Everything posted by BrunoBass

  1. Matthew Dempsey I think, previously of The Cure.
  2. 80% of what my band plays is not anything that I'd choose to listen to at home. That's not to say I dislike it, it's just not necessarily my thing. I enjoy playing it to an appreciative crowd, and that's what makes it all worthwhile.
  3. [quote name='Barking Spiders' timestamp='1468489732' post='3091240'] Julian Crampton - this bloke is seriously good. Check him out with The Pasadenas. [/quote] Do you know if he's the guy on 'Tribute (Right On)'? Always loved that bassline. Wicked tone too.
  4. We played at Bodfest, a local festival yesterday: a one hour set to around a thousand people at its peak, easily the biggest crowd we've played to. We played the main stage at 6.45 pm, which turned out to be an ideal time as once we'd finished those with families and kids started to melt away, and the younger audience members started to head off into town, so I think we got the best of it. We played really well, good and tight and got a brilliant audience reception - loads of people dancing and singing. On stage sound was really good too (DI'd my Stingray). We were all on a massive high for the rest of the night and a few beers were consumed... Lots of fun and the perfect way to bow out before we head into a short summer hiatus. As much as I love my band I'm looking forward to a couple of months off, I'm going to take the opportunity to do some solo acoustic gigs, which I haven't done for a while.
  5. Just found this. Ffwd to 3.55 It doesn't give much away about the process but it looks amazing (I think). https://youtu.be/E_a2Bs5pfjE
  6. Some of those Limelight basses look incredible. One thing that interests me is how they've allowed to sell them with Fender logos though. I bet John Hall gets the sweats just thinking about it.
  7. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1467973853' post='3087668'] So, is it still a problem if an artist has a laptop, tablet or screen of some sort in front of them? I'm interested in views. [/quote] For me, yes. Using a tablet or a music stand is a complete no-no; unless you have a medical condition that prevents you remembering songs (as someone posted earlier) just learn your part and leave the prompts at home.
  8. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1467886230' post='3086958'] Pay a DJ to sort out a good floor filling set for you. They usually seem to manage alright. [/quote] Indeed. I went to a summer ball last week. The DJ came on - started with Get Lucky, into Blurred Lines, into Prince's Kiss. Floor filled instantly. I wish we could do that!
  9. I joined a band several years ago that were influenced by Britpop era indie rock but all original material. I was quite excited by it as the demos of the songs were pretty good, they had their own rehearsal studio in a converted outhouse (rich parents, one of them), and the singer and the lead guitarist had a real passion and fire when they talked about what they wanted to achieve. So far, so good. The first time I was due to rehearse with them, I turned up to find find they'd been sat on the couch all afternoon and evening watching DVDs and were totally p****ed, and totally incapable of practising. The next time, the drummer had been called last minute to a dep gig so the other two had once again got smashed together watching movies. I arrived and was passed a can of warm lager while they shuffled up to make room for me on the sofa. I made my excuses and left. The next time we did actually manage to go through a couple of the songs I'd learned but soon enough the session degenerated into an extended fag break with added lager. Before long the gear was switched off and the band were on the sofa nodding away to a DVD of an Oasis concert. I packed my stuff and left, for good. They did call a month or so later, saying they'd found this amazing guitarist from eastern Europe who was gong to move to England and take them to the next level. I wished them luck and told them I was out. Utterly delusional.
  10. Saturday night we played at the Dun Cow in Daventry, opening for an excellent young rock band called Fall From Glory, the lead singer of whom just happens to be my daughter, so it was a very proud moment for me. I've seen them loads of times before but to play on the same bill as my little girl's band was something special. We opened with our usual hour set of rock covers before FFG played their hour of (mostly) originals. Our singer joined them for a song too. They are a very entertaining act to watch too; loads of energy, and the lead guitarist is quite the showman. That's probably one of our weak spots, playing to the crowd so it was great to see - always lots to learn from watching other bands! We played really well and went down well with the all ages audience. We got asked back for a full two hour headline slot later in the year too; all in all a splendid night.
  11. I play when the band are rehearsing or gigging, and I play at home if I have a new song to learn. And that's it. It'd be nice to have the time to play every day but life stuff and other musical endeavours preclude that.
  12. Lightweight combo in one hand, bass case in the other, and compact but lightweight holdall over my shoulder containing small pedal board (in its own soft case), all leads, cables and sundries, and guitar stand. I can, and indeed have done, literally walk to gigs. I don't miss the days of lugging heavy old cabinets around...
  13. [quote name='HengistPod' timestamp='1464618877' post='3060826'] A singer who ... Uses a music stand for lyrics at gigs. [/quote] No no no no no.
  14. Thanks for all the pointers guys. As our friend says above, car film wrap looks to be the way to go - I'll give it a go.
  15. Is anyone familiar with Noah instruments? I can't find much information other than a website. I've seen Chris Wolstenholme from Muse using one and I think they look absolutely knockout. They've probably got a knockout price tag too! http://shop.noahguitars.com/it/noah-bass-classic.html
  16. [quote name='mxm' timestamp='1467238369' post='3082253'] No clear coat, basically prepared body, applied wrap via hairdryer heat and stretched to suit, removed protective top layer and bob's your uncle. In all seriousness it was really done off the cuff as a rough test piece and other than one seriously hot/sweaty gig which took its toll and slightly tarnished some of the front fascia - it still looks pretty cool 2 years on. [/quote] Did you cover the back too, or just lap it over the edges?
  17. [quote name='BassBunny' timestamp='1467191511' post='3081734'] Have you thought about companies the do vinyl wrapping for cars? I have seen complete chrome wrapped cars and they looked pretty sensational. A friend of mine does vinyl for a living and has done a couple of guitars. Problem is he is Manchester based and there would have to be some sort of seam where front and back join. Here are a couple of guitars he did. [attachment=222508:psychbass1.jpg][attachment=222509:Captain America.jpg] [/quote] Impressive work.
  18. [quote name='mxm' timestamp='1467225234' post='3082128'] Mexican Jazz - full body and headstock, using £12 worth of car wrap offcuts and a hairdryer. Bit basic to say the least, but pretty effective. [attachment=222520:IMG_0689.jpg] [attachment=222521:IMG_0684.jpg] [/quote] That's exactly what I'm looking for, looks awesome. Does it have a clear coat over the top?
  19. For those that know about such things - can a near chrome finish be achieved with a particular type of silver paint? I appreciate you won't achieve that exact mirror finish that you would with chrome paint but can you get something that's close?
  20. [quote name='BassBunny' timestamp='1467191511' post='3081734'] Have you thought about companies the do vinyl wrapping for cars? I have seen complete chrome wrapped cars and they looked pretty sensational. A friend of mine does vinyl for a living and has done a couple of guitars. Problem is he is Manchester based and there would have to be some sort of seam where front and back join. Here are a couple of guitars he did. [attachment=222508:psychbass1.jpg][attachment=222509:Captain America.jpg] [/quote] A wrap is certainly an option, as long as it has the clear coat over the top. I don't mind if it just laps over the edges of the body onto the back, as long as the edges of the wrap don't lift.
  21. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1467193361' post='3081747'] IMHO, if SIMS no longer offer that as an option, there is probably a very good reason for it which means you may struggle to find anyone that will and/or find it quite expensive as a custom finish. Did they say why they don't do it any more? [/quote] No, on the website it says 'unavailable'.
  22. They were my first port of call, but they don't offer it anymore, only a flat mirror top which won't work on a Precision or a Jazz, but thanks for the steer.
  23. Hi all, I'm sure I saw another thread some time ago regarding this, but I've searched and I can't find it, so here goes. I'm trying to find someone to apply a chrome or mirrored finish to a Jazz or Precision body (I haven't decided which yet). Can anyone recommend someone to do this? I've found a few companies on the internet who advertise the service but on closer inspection no longer do. Similarly I've contacted a few local car bodyshops that offer a chrome finish, however as soon as I mention that I want it on a guitar body they decide they don't want to do it (I don't know why...) I understand it's probably a bit of a ball ache to apply properly. Any recommendations gratefully received!
  24. My 5 favourite bass guitarists: Paul McCartney Paul Simonon Chris Wolstenholme John Paul Jones Mani
  25. I've never really listened to Yes, and therefore know little about Chris Squire. A lot of people obviously rate him, I should probably check him out.
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