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Doctor J

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Everything posted by Doctor J

  1. Doctor J


    The beauty of the Precision is its simplicity. The lack of options makes it hard for even the most determined dullard to make it sound bad. A Jazz bass provides the user with the capability to get it wrong and, when this happens, the frustrated user can blame the bass as, in their head, the fault can't be with them as they sound fine with a Precision.
  2. I'm sure there are plenty of Summer residency & cruise ship types who stay in Europe longer than 30 days per year.
  3. Great bass playing but what a truly incredible voice she had.
  4. That's pricey alright. Keep an eye on adverts.ie and you should be able to get one for about €500. At that price, it's very close to full-on Stingray money. I sold a full US Ray for €750 there a few years ago.
  5. That was what came across in Beyond the Lighted Stage, the band was really just three good mates and their families. The warmth between them over-shone any muso considerations.
  6. P and Reverse (correct) P is also of merit.
  7. Rolling Stone have just published a very good article on Peart, well worth reading. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/neil-peart-rush-dead-cover-story-1110496/
  8. The Eliminator is sweet but that 2B is completely gorgeous.
  9. Relief is everything. The string is a straight line between the bridge and the other contact point, the nut or where your finger pushes it onto the board. If you've a lot of relief, it will exaggerate the action at the lower end and, if you set the action low, you're effectively guaranteeing the notes will buzz higher up the neck as the actual string height (when you've effectively ruled out the extra clearance provided by the relief) will be too low there. If you want to check this for yourself, hold a string down at the 15th fret and look at the string clearance to the end of the neck. Now do the same around the 3rd fret. See?
  10. Push the lopsided pickup down on the side which is sticking up, which should pop it back to where it should be. It has been pushed down on the A string side and become stuck. It is just a regular P pickup, there is no voodoo going on here.
  11. A shim changes the angle of the neck relative to the body, it's not something you'd use to fix localised buzzing. Do these necks have a truss rod, what is the neck relief like?
  12. Interesting article in the Irish news, Quilly, coming from the Department of State, particularly the line in bold. I wonder does the reverse apply for the UK?
  13. I'm not aware of anything in the Korg portfolio which is a competitor with Aguilar. When Gibson and Fender were running so many great builders into the ground, they usually were competitors in the same section of the market. Korg don't stand to gain anything by destroying Aguilar, nor do they have a history of acquire and destroy.
  14. The buyer is the important factor, not that they were bought.
  15. Hi Jack, I'd remove your email address from your post and send it by private message instead. It's liable to be picked up by spambots when in plain text on a public forum. Good luck with your search.
  16. Brian Ferry? He probably has a yacht but you won't fit a lorry on it.
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